现场施工,Site construction
1)Site construction现场施工
1.Study on the technology of the cement mixing pile composite foundation and the site construction management;水泥搅拌桩复合地基技术及现场施工管理探讨
2.Taking the construction of HengNan Bridge of Hengyang City in Hunan Province as an example, the paper states the main construction point and control method in the course of the site construction of steel pipe concrete arch bridge.以湖南衡阳市衡南桥施工为实例 ,说明钢管混凝土拱桥现场施工过程中主要阶段的施工要点及控制方法。

1.Preparations for construction are ready.现场施工准备就绪。
2.Do the Construction Safety Management Well,Control the on-the-spot Construction Safety搞好施工安全管理,监控现场施工安全
3.Strenthen the Site Construction Management to Control the Cost of Project Effectively加强现场施工管理有效控制工程造价
4.The Construction Quality and Technology Control of Welded Steel Structure on the Spot焊接钢结构现场施工质量与工艺控制
5.A Primary Exploration of Supervision over the Operation Quality in Oilfields Drilling Fields;油田钻井现场施工质量监督做法初探
6.Site Operations and Methods of Construction现场作业和施工方法
7.Road under repair. No thoroughfare.施工现场,禁止车辆来往。
8.Design and Implementation of the Construction Scene in Plane Design Software for Three-Dimensional Construction Scene;三维施工现场平面设计软件中施工现场的设计和实现
9.Code for safety of power sup-ply and consumption in engineering construction site建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范
10.Code for visual inspection and acceptance of site weld of engineering construction工程建设施工现场焊接目视检验规范
11.On the fire prevention safety control about the construction site of architecture project;试论建筑工程施工现场消防安全管理
12.Construction Location Management of Highway Project Bridge高速公路拓宽工程桥梁施工现场管理
13.Temporary Power Construction Design of Road and Bridge Construction Site公路桥梁施工现场临时用电施工组织设计
14.Construction technology of large-tonnage pre-tensioned pre-stressing crane beam in construction site施工现场大吨位先张法预应力吊车梁施工技术
16.Technical specification for temporary electrical safety of construction Sites施工现场临时用电安全技术规范
17.Who is responsible for constructing the mud slab over the site?谁负责铺设施工现场的泥土石板路面?
18.PU material composition, marketing, on-site spraying foam construction.聚氨酯材料组合、售,现场喷涂发泡施工。

field construction现场施工
1.Field construction management is a kind of comprehensive work with high technical requirements,this management is also a process of convertion from planning and designing to reality.现场施工管理是一项技术性较强的综合性管理工作,是一个将规划设计意图转换为实际的过程。
2.Actually, hydraulic fracture technology has now matured at abroad and home, but the approach of quality control over the field construction of technology needs further perfecting.在国内外,水力压裂工艺目前已经非常成熟,但工艺现场施工这个环节的质量控制手段还有待进一步的完善。
3)site operation现场施工
4)construction site施工现场
1.Discussion of fire-fighting safety management on buildings construction site;谈建筑施工现场消防安全管理
2.Major questions existed in safety management of construction site at present and countermeasures;当前施工现场安全存在的主要问题及对策
5)construction field施工现场
1.Discussion on the safety status in construction field and corresponding measures;浅析施工现场安全现状及应对措施
2.Visual monitoring systems for 500 kV substation construction fields;500kV变电站施工现场视频监控系统方案研究
3.Cultivation and organization of the material management talents procession in the construction field;施工现场材料管理人才队伍的培养和组织
6)fabricating yard制作场,施工现场

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