复种指数,multiple cropping index
1)multiple cropping index复种指数
1.Study on Remote Sensing Methods for Monitoring Multiple Cropping Index;复种指数遥感监测方法研究
2.A Study of Calculating Multiple Cropping Index of Crop in China Using SPOT/VGT Multi-Temporal NDVI Data;中国农作物复种指数的遥感估算方法研究——基于SPOT/VGT多时相NDVI遥感数据
3.After liberation the middle subtropics was considered the most increasing extent for multiple cropping index in China.解放后,我国复种指数以中亚热带增幅最大,亚热带和热带是我国复种指数差异最大的地区,若能缩小这一差异,就是发挥复种潜力,进一步提高我国复种指数

1.The Monitoring for Sequential Cropping Index of Arable Land in Zhejiang Province Using MODIS-NDVI;基于MODIS-NDVI的浙江省耕地复种指数监测
2.The Remote Monitoring for Multiple Cropping Index of Arable Land in East China Monsoon Area;中国东部季风区耕地复种指数遥感监测研究
3.Research on the Bottleneck of Farmland s Multicropping Index-increasing and its Countermeasure;我国耕地复种指数继续提高的瓶颈与对策
4.The grain-sown area will be stabilized at about 110 million ha through the increase of the multiple crop indexes.通过提高复种指数,使粮食作物播种面积稳定在1.1亿公顷左右。
5.It is shown that forest coverage rate, crop replanting index and unit labor input have significant effects on soil erosion.研究发现,森林覆盖率、作物复种指数以及单位劳动投入等因素对土壤侵蚀作用显著。
6.Under the precondition of high grain production, cropping index and light energy utilization should be put up continuously so as to make agriculture more profitable.在粮食高产前提下,要不断提高复种指数和光能利用律,使农业更为盈利。
7.Changes of soil quality with different multiple crop index in karst hills--A case study in Maodong small basin,Puding County喀斯特山区不同复种指数条件下的土壤质量变化——以普定县猫洞小流域为例
8.A characteristic of becoming lost or erased when power is removed, i. e., the loss of data.一种特性,指断电时数据丢失而不可再恢复。
9.A sequence of instructions that repeats either a specified number of times or until a particular condition prevails.不断重复的指令一系列重复至给定次数或直至达到某种条件的指令
10."In mathematics, the useful concept of a process with no end. "数学中,指无限次重复某种动作的一个有用的概念
11.having teeth especially of a certain number or type; often used in combination.具有牙齿的,特指具有一定数量或种类的牙齿;通常使用于复合词中。
12.She scorned to reply to the charge.她不屑答复那种指控。
13.(combining form) having seeds as specified.(复合形式)指特定种子的。
14.f-Index:A New Indicator for Academic Ranking at All-round Levels一种学术排序新指数——f指数探析
15.The guide-book in several languages.数种语言的旅游指南。
16.species diversity index生物种的多样性指数
17.J Sets of the Newton Transform for Solving Some Complex Exponential Equation and the Generalized M-J Sets;复指数函数Newton变换J集与广义M-J集

cropping index复种指数
1.The calculated area for cropland by Wackernagel's method does not consider the influence of cropping index.从理论角度采用复种指数修正耕地类生态足迹,使核算结果为耕地面积,增强了生态足迹和生态承载力的可比性。
2.In accordance with the new characteristics of the cropping system in 1990s,the significance of intercropping,relay cropping,multiple cropping and cropping index was analyzed in this paper.针对90年代种植制度变革的新特点,分析了间套作、复种及复种指数的意义,讨论了区别间套作的共生期标准、作物标准熟期与熟数系数以及面积系数等概念,提出了多样化的多元多熟种植条件下复种指数的计算规则和方法。
3.Through taking the regionalism as analysis unit,the relationship between agricultural water production ratio,irrigation intensity and area,and cropping index in Shanxi province is studied.应用农业标准产量概念,建立农业水分生产率评价方法,以行政分区为分析单元,研究山西省农业水分生产率与灌溉强度、灌溉广度以及复种指数之间的关系,评价区域农业水分生产率状态,分析了不同区域水分生产率及单位标准产量高低的原因,为山西省水生态修复工作的开展提供基础资料。
3)Farmland multicropping index耕地复种指数
4)cropping index potential复种指数潜力
1.Food production potential in the future can be forecasted by the cropping index potential.复种指数对农业生产具有重要意义 ,通过计算复种指数潜力可以对未来粮食生产潜力进行预测。
5)disaster category index灾种指数
6)cropping index种植指数
