治理策略,management strategy
1)management strategy治理策略
1.Progress in the studies on Helicoverpa spp. resistance to transgenic Bt cotton and its management strategy;棉铃虫对转Bt基因棉的抗性及其治理策略研究进展

1.Solutions to the Imbalance in the Development of Basic Education;试论基础教育发展不均衡的治理策略
2.Characteristics、Origins and Countermeasures of the Improperly-charged Compulsory Educational Fees;义务教育乱收费问题探源及治理策略
3.Strategic Research on High Administrative Cost of China s Governmental Institutions;我国政府高成本运作的治理策略研究
4.Source Finding and Administrative Strategies on Listed Corporations Financial Corruption;上市公司财务腐败的寻源与治理策略
5.On the external diseconomies of the heritage tourism and its governance strategies;遗产旅游的外部不经济及其治理策略
6.Knowledge-Sharing's Negative Effects and Strategies to Governance知识共享的负效应风险及其治理策略
7.On Fraud Motivation of Listed Companies and Countermeasures上市公司造假动机分析及其治理策略
8.Research on Supplier-Network Governance Mode Selection of Manufacturer制造企业供应网络治理策略选择研究
9.Study on the Problems and Governance of the Citizen E-Participation in China公民网络政治参与问题及治理策略研究
10.The Study of Comprehensive Public Security Management Strategies in Urban Villages of Guangdong Province广东城中村社会治安综合治理策略研究
11.Impact and Management Strategy of Currency Policy with "Hot Money" Flowing;热钱流入对我国货币政策的冲击及治理策略
12.Discussion on the Financial Management Problems and Countermeasures for Dongguan Private Enterprises;东莞民营企业财务管理的主要问题及治理策略
13.The occurrence mechanism and treatment strategies of the financing bias of China s traded companies;我国上市公司融资偏好的生成机理和治理策略
14.Research on the Strategies of Political Affairs Open from the Perspective of Local Governance;地方治理视角下的政务公开策略研究
15.Measures for harmonious remodeling of the "village-in-city" in Hefei;合肥市“城中村”和谐治理改造的策略
16.On the Phychological Analysis and Improving Tactics of Students School-absence;学生旷课行为的心理分析及矫治策略
17.Challenge,Idea and Strategy:Ideological and Political Education for Undergraduates;大学生思想政治教育:挑战、理念和策略
18.On Psychotherapy Tactics for Preventing Drug Rehabilitants From Relapsing;浅谈预防戒毒者复吸的心理治疗策略

control strategy治理策略
1.The resistance situation, reasons, mechanism and cross resistance of systemic fungicide in oomycetes are discussed and the control strategy of chemical resistance is also detailed.介绍了目前用于防治卵菌病害的保护性杀菌剂和高效内吸性杀菌剂 ,同时讨论了卵菌对内吸性杀菌剂的抗药性现状、产生原因、抗药性机制及交互抗药性问题 ,最后对卵菌抗药性的治理策略提出探
3)IT Governance and StrategyIT治理与策略
4)measures on insect pest treatment虫害治理策略
5)non-polluted tea综合治理策略
6)Strategy of fungicide resistant management抗药性治理策略

"谁污染谁治理"原则  见污染者负担原则。