渠道防渗,canal seepage control
1)canal seepage control渠道防渗
1.Advances in canal seepage control techniques in China;我国渠道防渗技术研究与进展
2.Through analyzing on the frost heave in the canal seepage control,this paper sums up the main factors influencing the frost heave of canal,and connecting with the practice,probes into some treating methods.通过对渠道防渗中的冻胀问题进行分析,总结出影响渠道冻胀的主要因素,并结合实际情况,探讨了处理办法。
3.The future development of this synthetic fiber concrete is suggested, and the application of it in canal seepage control is prospected.提出了这种混凝土新材料今后的研究方向,并对在渠道防渗工程中的应用前景进行了展望。

1.Research on Structure of Anti-Seepage Channels in Seasonal Frozen Soil Region;季节冻土区渠道防渗结构型式的研究
2.Research Progress of the Structure Form for Seepage Prevention with Resistance to Frost Heaving抗冻胀渠道防渗的结构形式研究进展
3.Study on Problems of Designing and Frozen Disaster Prevention & Curing on Seepage Control in Canal Engineering;渠道防渗工程设计及冻害防治问题研究
4.Preliminary Exploration of Available using Age of Spodosol and Plastic Membrane Used in Cana Seepage Preventing Engineering灰土塑膜在渠道防渗工程中有效使用年限初探
5.Study on Application of Shrinkage Compensating Concrete in Seepage Control of Irrigation Canal;补偿收缩混凝土在渠道防渗工程中的应用研究
6.Analysis of the Economic Benefit of Canal Seepage Prevention with Value Engineering Principle;运用价值工程原理分析渠道防渗的经济效益
7.Applications of Geosynthetics in Channel Engineering for Seepage Control;土工合成材料在渠道防渗工程中的应用
8.Application of Composite Geomembrane in the Anti-seepage in Fenhe Irrigation Area复合土工膜在汾河灌区渠道防渗中的应用
9.Application and Comparison of the Channel Anti-seepage Methods in the Watersaving Transformation of Irrigation Areas灌区节水改造工程中几种渠道防渗方式的应用
10.Several Problems Needing Attention for Using Geomembranc to Prevent Seepage of Canal采用土工膜进行渠道防渗需注意的几个问题
11.Research and Application of Technology Guard against Frost and Heave for the Canal Lining Works in Ningxia Irrigation Area宁夏灌区渠道防渗衬砌工程防冻胀技术研究与应用
12.The Research of Seepage Control and Frost Heave Resistance of Irrigation Area Canal Lining in the Xiliaohe Plain;西辽河平原区灌区渠道防渗衬砌抗冻胀试验研究
13.Discussion on application of geo-synthetic material to anti-seepage of canal土工合成材料在渠道防渗工程中的应用与存在问题探讨
14.Cause of channel seepage and anti-seepage method in Fengle irrigation area丰乐灌区渠道渗漏的原因与防渗措施
15.Preventive Measures of Erosion and Sedimentation and Seepage about Channel Project;渠道工程冲刷、淤积、渗漏的防护措施
16.Analysis of social and economic benefits of seepage control canals in Jiangsu Province;江苏省防渗渠道建设社会经济效益分析
17.The calculation method of canal side stability for film anti-seepage with lining canal soil protection layer;膜料防渗渠道土保护层边坡稳定的计算方法
18.Study on the Anti-seep and Lining Structure of the East Route Canal Project of the South-to-North Water Diversion南水北调东线渠道工程防渗衬砌结构应用研究

channel anti-seepage渠道防渗
1.Application of channel anti-seepage model in Jiangsu Province;江苏省渠道防渗模式应用分析
2.Reducing water conveyance loss is an effective way to save water in agriculture,in which channel anti-seepage and low-pressure pipe have many advantages as follows: less investment,more fruitage,uncomplicated technology to grasp easily.减少输水损失是实现农业节水的一种有效方法,其中渠道防渗和低压管道输水技术具有投资少、成效大、技术简单农民易于掌握等优点很受农民欢迎,值得推广。
3.An analysis of some channel anti-seepage in Fengle irrigation area is given.文章分析了丰乐灌区渠道渗漏的原因,提出了丰乐灌区渠道防渗的相关措施和方法。
3)canal seepage prevention渠道防渗
1.Analysis and suggestion of the existing problems of Guangxi canal seepage prevention construction;广西渠道防渗建设存在问题的分析及建议
2.Finally the application of polypropylene fiber concrete in canal seepage prevention is (prospected.本文阐述了聚丙烯纤维混凝土的特点和主要性能,并对国内外聚丙烯纤维混凝土的研究与应用现状进行了综述,最后展望了聚丙烯纤维混凝土在渠道防渗工程中的应用前景。
4)channel seepage prevention渠道防渗
1.The application on multiple geomembrane in mountain channel seepage prevention;复合土工膜在山区渠道防渗中的应用
2.Carrying out the “ten thousands-thousand-hundred-ten” plan quicken channel seepage prevention construction;实施“万千百十”计划 加快渠道防渗建设
5)canal anti-seepage渠道防渗
1.Development of composite soil binding agent and its application in canal anti-seepage works;复合土壤胶结料的研制及在渠道防渗工程中的应用
6)seepage control canal防渗渠道
1.Analysis of social and economic benefits of seepage control canals in Jiangsu Province;江苏省防渗渠道建设社会经济效益分析

渠道防渗  减少渠道输水渗漏损失的工程措施。渠道防渗不仅能节约灌溉用水,而且能降低地下水位,防止土壤次生盐碱化;防止渠道的冲淤和坍塌,加快流速提高输水能力,减小渠道断面和建筑物尺寸;节省占地,减少工程费用和维修管理费用等。      渠道防渗方法可分两类。①改变原渠床土壤渗透性能,又可分为物理机械法和化学法。前者是通过减少土壤空隙达到减少渗漏的目的,可用压实、淤淀、抹光等;后者是掺入化学材料以增强渠床土壤的不透水性。②设置防渗层,即进行渠道衬砌(见彩图),可用混凝土和钢筋混凝土、塑料薄膜、砌石、砌砖、沥青、三合土、水泥土和粘土等各种不同材料衬砌渠床。采用防渗措施后,渠道渗漏损失可以减少50%~90%。混凝土衬砌是一种较普遍的渠道防渗形式,防渗防冲效果好、耐久,但投资较大。塑料薄膜防渗国外在20世纪40年代已开始应用,中国60年代以来发展很快,防渗效果好,造价亦较低,一般应用于流速小的渠道。三合土、水泥土等防渗材料可就地取材,造价较低,适于无冻害地区使用。70年代以来,对沥青玻璃纤维等防渗新材料以及机械化施工等方面的研究、推广应用,正逐步得到发展。在有冻害地区进行渠道衬砌,需采取防冻措施。防治渠道冻胀破坏可采用改善土壤性质和减少土壤水分,减轻基本冻胀强度,使衬砌结构适应基土的冻胀变形等方法。    渠道防渗是农业节水的重要措施之一,正日益受到重视。