桧柏,Sabina chinensis
1)Sabina chinensis桧柏
1.Study on Decline Reason and Reform Scheme of Sabina chinensis Isolation Belt of Xin-An Highway;新安高速公路桧柏隔离带衰败原因分析及改造方案
2.It damages twig and leaf of Platycladus orientalis,Sabina chinensis and Juniperus formosana from April to May and from July to August by larvae.对侧柏毒蛾在杭州市萧山区苗木基地的发生情况、生物学特性进行了观察,结果表明,侧柏毒蛾在萧山1a发生2代,以卵越冬,4~5月和7~8月是幼虫为害期,幼虫为害侧柏、桧柏、刺柏等的嫩梢枝叶,造成枝叶枯死,树势减弱。
3.Rust of apple and Chinese juniper caused by Gymnosporangium yamadai is an important disease in Sabina chinensis .苹桧锈病 Gymnosp orangium yamadai Miyabe是桧柏的一种重要病害 ,作者对苹桧锈病作了病情调查 ,确定了病原菌 ,观察了发病规律 ,提出了 6项防治方

1.According to this phenomenon, decline reason of the Sabina chinensis isolation belt was analyzed and feasible reform scheme was proposed.分析了桧柏隔离带衰败的原因,提出了改造方案。
2.Effect on Physiology of Sabina Chinensis cv. Beijingensis Seedlings under Sprinkling Plant Fertilizer Treatments;植物喷施灵对北京桧柏生理效应的影响
3.The Researches on the Cutting Seedling Technology of Cedar in Yellow Soil Plateau Area黄土高原地区桧柏扦插快速育苗技术研究
4.Some trees, such as junipers, cherries, and hawthorns, produce fruits that are eaten by birds.有些树种如桧柏、樱桃和山楂结出能被鸟类吞食的浆果。
5.Study on the Surviving Performance of Sabina Chinensis Seedling Planting on Central Separation Belt of the Hu-Bao Highway呼包高速公路中央分隔带绿化栽植桧柏苗木成活性能的研究
6.Experiment of water-saving drip irrigation for chinese juniper in Ye Zhong highway interchange area叶中高速公路立交区桧柏滴灌节水灌溉制度试验研究
7.small juniper found east of Rocky Mountains having a conic crown, brown bark that peels in shreds, and small sharp needles.落基山脉东部的一种小型桧柏,具有圆锥形树冠,褐色片状树皮和小型尖针。
8.cypresses and junipers and many cedars.柏木属植物和桧属植物以及雪松。
9.There is another folk tale which says that, after Qin Hui died, people found on the clear white skin of their dressed pigs the following words: Reincarnation of Qin Hui or the Tenth Reincarnation of Qin Hui.传说,秦桧死后,村民宰猪,括尽猪毛,白皮上竟显出“秦桧转世”、“秦桧十世身”等字样。
10.Sometimes I feel like the seven dwarfs...有时我就像秦桧的那八个狗屎奴才...
11.any of several junipers with wood suitable for making pencils.适合做铅笔原料的桧属植物。
12.At the news, General Han Shizhong, boiling over with indignation and disgust, asked accusingly for an answer from Qin Hui, "What crime did Yue Fei commit that made him deserve this?"韩世忠愤然责问秦桧: “岳飞何罪”?
13.A Complement to the Composing Time of Gao Qiu and Su Guan in Odes of Kuai of Classic of Poetry;《诗·桧风·羔裘》、《素冠》作时补证
14.New Explanation of xi you chang chu;《诗经·桧风·隰有苌楚》诗旨之又一解
15.The path from the church to the Jordan is to be strewn with branches of fir and juniper.从教堂到约旦,一路上要撒满云杉和桧树的枝子。
16.But the next day, the water in the lake had turned black and smelly all over and Qin Hui's figure resurfaced.第二天,全湖水变黑发臭,又浮出了秦桧跪像。
17.On the Damage to the Proposal Making System in Qinhui s Office Term;试论秦桧当政时台谏系统的破坏及影响
18.Any of the Afro-Asiatic languages of the Berbers.柏柏尔语柏柏尔人讲的亚非语言中一种

Dan-dong cypress丹东桧柏
3)Sabina chinensis (linn.) Ant河南桧柏
1.Experiment on Cultivating Seedling by Cuttage with Full Exposure and Spray for Epicormic Branches of Sabina chinensis (linn.) Ant.;河南桧柏嫩枝“全光雾”扦插育苗试验初报
4)Sabina chinensis Seedling桧柏苗木
1.Effect on Physiology of Sabina Chinensis cv. Beijingensis Seedlings under Sprinkling Plant Fertilizer Treatments;植物喷施灵对北京桧柏生理效应的影响
6)Juniperus chinensis cv. Pvramidalis塔形桧柏

桧柏桧柏介绍 桧柏 (Sabina chinensis)科属: 柏科 别名: 圆柏形态特征: 桧柏又称圆柏,柏科常绿乔木。枝条密生;叶具鳞叶及刺叶两种类型,E刚紧密,终年翠绿。鳞叶交互对生,刺叶三叶交叉轮生。球果近圆球形,两年成熟,熟时呈暗褐色,被白粉。分布与习性:桧柏分布甚广,北自内蒙古、辽宁,南至两广北部,西到四川、西藏,东达华东,均有栽培。喜光,稍耐阴,耐干旱瘠薄,酸性、中性、钙质土均能生长,为石灰岩山地常见的绿化树种。喜光、耐荫耐寒耐热,能生长于酸性、中性、石灰质土壤上繁殖与栽培:养护管理(1)浇水桧柏耐干旱,浇水不可偏湿,不干不浇,做到见干见湿。梅雨季节要注意盆内不能积水,夏季高温时,要早晚浇水,保持盆土湿润即可,常喷叶面水,可使叶色翠绿。(2)施肥桧柏桩景不宜多施肥,以免徒长影响树形美观。每年春季3~5月份施稀薄腐熟的饼肥水或有机肥2~3次,秋季施1~2次,保持枝叶鲜绿浓密,生长健壮。(3)修剪成型桧柏盆景,以摘心为主,对徒长枝可进行打梢,剪去顶尖,促生侧枝。在生长旺盛期,尤应注意及时摘心打梢,保持树冠浓密,姿态美观。(4)翻盆桧柏桩景生长缓慢,可每隔3~4年翻盆一次,以春季3~4月间为好。翻盆时可适当剪去部分老根,换去1/2宿土,培以肥沃疏松的培养土,以促进新根的生长发育。高深盆钵应注意盆底垫层粗砂和碎瓦片,以利排水。应用:桧柏的变种繁多,如铺地柏、龙柏等,均宜制作盆景。桧柏盆景,树干扭曲,势若游龙,枝叶成簇,叶如翠盖,气势雄奇,姿态古雅如画,最耐观赏。桧柏老桩景,寿命可达数百年,虬干曲枝,古才卜浑厚,四季耸翠,终年皆宜欣赏。图片: