1.Determination of magnetic rock intrusion using lithology interpretation method;利用岩性解释方法圈定岩浆岩侵入煤层范围
2.Research on lithology and facies of volcanic reservoirs in Qingshen gas field of north Songliao basion;松辽盆地北部庆深气田火山岩储层岩性岩相研究
3.Method for determining the geochemical background and anomalies in areas with complex lithology.;确定岩性复杂区的地球化学背景与异常的方法

1.The lithology of B petrofabric is schist interlated with marble, quartzite.B岩组的岩性主要是各种片岩夹有大理岩、英岩。
2.The gross physical character of a rock or rock formation.岩性一种岩石或岩石构造的所有物理属性
3.The Archaean Jining Group, of dominant granulite fades metamorphism, is stratigraphically the oldest metamorphic rock series in the south Nel Mongol of China.集宁群变质岩系按其岩性共分上、下二个岩组;
4.2.16 The brief target oil and gas zone are from 2300 to 2500 meters. The formation is:sand, sand-stone, shale cross.主要目的油气层在2300到2500米,其地层岩性为:砂岩、砂砾岩和泥岩互层。
5.The microscopic study, description, and classification of rock.岩性学对岩石的微观研究、描绘和分类
6.I want to identify the lithology of this piece of rock with the microscope.我想用显微镜鉴别这块岩石的岩性
7.Study on Lithologic Identification and Fracture Evaluation of Igneous Rock Reservoirs;火成岩储层岩性识别及裂缝评价研究
8.The Logging Research for Pyroclastic Rock Identification;火山碎屑岩岩性的测井识别方法研究
9.Lithology and Sedimentary Facies of Lower Cretaceous, Tamtsag Basin, Mongolia塔木察格盆地下白垩统岩性岩相研究
10.Relationship between Height of "Three Zones" and Lithology in Overlying Strata in Mining Yard采场上覆岩层“三带”高度与岩性的关系
11.Experimental Research on Condition of Rockburst based on Lithology and Stress基于岩性与应力的岩爆条件试验研究
12.ultrabasic rock超碱岩, 超基性岩
13.alkali olivine basalt magma碱性橄榄玄武岩岩浆
14.The rock assemblages of the Bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt-thick andesite-alkaline rhyolite.火山岩岩石组合以碱性玄武岩-粗安岩-碱性流纹岩为主.
15.Basic suite consists of tholeiite and alkali-basalt.基性岩套由拉斑玄武岩-碱性玄武岩组成.
16.Porphyry rocks in this belt are intermediate-acid rocks of calc-alkaline series.该斑岩带斑岩属钙堿性系列、中酸性岩类。
17.The extrusive equivalent of granite is rhyolite.而流纹岩则是与花岗岩成分相同的酸性喷出岩。

lithological character岩性
1.Distribution of underground pressure for Working face under different lithological characters of coal roof;不同岩性顶板回采工作面矿压分布规律
2.A study on relationship between soil microbe masson pine and lithological characters on soils from different parent rocks;不同岩性土体上马尾松土壤微生物与岩性关系的研究
3.Effect of lithological characters on the growth of Masson pine;岩性对马尾松生长的影响
3)lithologic character岩性
1.Through analysis of lithologic character and composite structure of roof rock of No.通过对刘桥矿区6煤层顶板岩层的岩性岩性组合结构的分析,确定了不同区域的稳定性情况。
2.This paper recounts the achievements made in geological mapping work in the East Tianshan Mountain area, which include the classification of lithologic characters and the division of magmatic rocks and structures.介绍了在新疆东天山地区进行地质填图———区分岩性、划分岩浆岩和构造等方面的工作成果。
4)rock property岩性
1.We have built the ralationships between NGS and rock property and mineralogical composition, which will provide scientific basis for the information about NGSL.根据依舒地堑汤原断陷区汤参2井的74块取芯岩样自然伽马能谱数据,以及室内测量和分析的岩样岩性参数,建立了自然伽马能谱的数据库管理系统,在讨论了该地区的放射性核素钍(Th),铀(U)和钾(K)的分布规律的基础上,从地质和物理条件入手,通过数据库管理系统得到了自然伽马能谱与岩性、粘土矿物类型间的关系,从而为该地区的地层评价和自然伽马能谱测井解释提供充分的理论依据。
1.This paper introduces condition, coal seam form change, distribute law of rock nature and rock phase, thick coal seam collect conditim in Hegang coal filed.介绍了鹤岗煤田的地质情况,煤层空间形态变化,岩性、岩相的分布规律和厚煤层聚积条件。
2.China fir were planted at the soils from different rocks by the experimental ecological method.在不同岩性土体上进行了杉木栽植的研究。
3.The author expounded the situation and harms of different rocky water and soil losses in Ningdu county eroded area.论述了宁都县侵蚀区不同岩性水土流失现状和危害 ,并对成因及发展趋势进行了分析。
6)lithological characters岩性
1.As the alluvium and the basement rock are two different medium, theirlithological characters and structure differ each other under the thick alluvium.在厚冲积层条件下,冲积层和基岩作为两种不同的介质,其岩性和结构各不相同,在建立采动沉陷模型时,应当把它们作为两种不同的介质处理,合理地考虑冲积层和基岩对地表移动的综合影响。

岩性密度测井  用γ源发出的γ射线被岩石原子吸收后,原子放出电子。岩石原子吸收γ射线的截面(称光电吸收截面)除以岩石的原子序数,为有效光电吸收截面指数Pe;根据各种岩石Pe值的不同,可区分出不同的岩性。本法适用于裸眼井,除探测岩性外,还可测量岩石的体积密度。