1.Numerical simulation for influence of building Xin andu bridge on river flood control;修建辛安渡大桥对河道防洪影响的数值模拟
2.Discussion on along-river speedway Shenzhang bridge suspended arm construction and controlling measures;浅析沿江高速公路申张线大桥悬臂施工控制
3.Prestress construction of Hangyong tunnel bridge;杭甬运河大桥预应力施工

1.Tsing Tsuen and Tsing Yi Bridges Area青荃桥及青衣大桥区域
2.Monitoring of Construction of cable-Stayed Bridge with 120 and 120m of Jinzhouwan bridge's main Bridge金州湾大桥主桥120+120m斜拉桥施工监控
3.This bridge is the longest one over the Yellow River.这座大桥是黄河上最长的大桥
4.Coupling vibration analysis of main span on Wuhu Yangtze-River Bridge芜湖长江大桥斜拉桥的车桥耦合振动分析
5.A Study on the General Design and Railway Floor System of the Main Bridge of Tianxingzhou Bridge;天兴洲大桥主桥总体设计与铁路结合桥面研究
6.Long-term monitoring and analysis of the wind environment at the site of Runyang Suspension Bridge润扬大桥悬索桥桥址风环境的长期监测与分析
7.Reinforcement for Bridge Approach of Wuhu Yangtze River Bridge and Vehicle-Bridge Dynamic Analysis芜湖长江大桥引桥加固及车桥动力分析
8.Designing Temporary Bridge for Railroad Approach Span in the North of the Changjiang River of Tianxingzhou Bridge天兴洲大桥江北铁路引桥施工便桥设计
9.David Hall, 83, Bridge Street.大卫?霍尔,大桥街83号。
10.In this paper, the construction of the deck surfacing of the Bridge is presented.介绍巴东长江公路大桥桥面铺装情况。
11.Comparison of the Second Changjiang River Bridge in Wuhan with the Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge武汉长江二桥与武汉长江大桥的比较
12.This is Tower Bridge, the most striking of all London bridges.这是塔桥,是伦敦最有特色的大桥
13.Excavation of South Anchorage Foundation Pit of Suspension Bridge of Runyang Bridge润扬大桥悬索桥南锚碇基坑开挖施工
14.Comparison and Selection of North Anchorage Foundation Alternatives for Runyang Bridge Suspension Spans润扬大桥悬索桥北锚碇基础方案比选
15.Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge is the first bridge built over the River.长江大桥是长江上修建的第一座桥。
16.Study on Steel Deck Pavement Technology of Yichang Large Bridge over the Yangtse River宜昌长江大桥钢桥面铺装技术的研究
17.Analysis of Wuhu Changjiang River Bridge Deck’s Effective Width芜湖长江大桥桥面板的有效宽度分析
18.Static and Moving Load Experiment of the Constructed Hanjiang Super-major Bridge in Changjing Railway长荆铁路汉江特大桥成桥静、动载试验

large bridge大桥
1.Construction process for drilling-grouting pile of main tower of large bridge in Dongsha;东沙特大桥主塔钻孔灌注桩施工工艺
2.The structure and construction of Majiadian large bridge have typicalness.呼武路马家店大桥的结构和施工均有一定的代表性 ,7座桥墩中有 4座采用桩基 ,工程队合理组织施工 ,针对具体问题采取了有效措施 ,提前保质完成了施工任务 ,并节约了近 1/ 3的工程费 ,同时取得了许多成功的经
3.Under the special geology condition of innavigable waters and exposed basement, a circular steel box of depth foundation of Sanming large bridge is fabricated in pieces and units by using mould in a precasting plant.三明大桥深水基础在不通航水域、裸露基岩的特殊地质条件下 ,将圆型钢套箱在预制厂分片分单元利用胎具加工 ,用浮吊在浮船上作平台、安装胎具进行拼装 ,用浮船上的龙门吊吊起钢套箱下沉就位于已整平的河床上 ;安装钢护筒及其导向架 ,然后灌注封底混凝土 ,利用钢套箱和钢护筒做钻机施工平台 ,并设置循环池 ,进行钻孔桩施工。
4)Damen Bridge大门大桥
1.Taking Damen Bridge in Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province,as an example,the paper makes a prediction of the trend of evolution of the landform after the completi.文章以浙江省温州市大门大桥为例,通过对大桥所在的大、小门岛和沙头水道海域的水动力条件、泥沙条件及地形冲淤变化进行分析,掌握了该海域的水文泥沙环境与冲淤演变规律,对大桥建设后地形演变趋势进行了预测;然后又建立了二维潮流场数学模型,模拟研究大桥建设对周围海区的潮位、水流、潮量等水动力环境的影响。
5)Da-ning River Bridge大宁河大桥
1.Taking Da-ning River Bridge in construction as the engineering background,the optimization analysis of cable forces and segmental cambers has been carried out during the process of arch rib segmental installment.以在建的大宁河大桥为工程背景,开展拱肋吊装过程扣索索力和预抬量的优化分析。
6)Shimen Bridge石门大桥
1.The Primary Investigation on the Corrosion Status of the Inclined Cable of Shimen Bridge on Chongqing Jialing River;重庆嘉陵江石门大桥斜拉索腐蚀状况初步调查

大桥1.亦作"大乔"。 2.三国吴孙策之妻。