1.Analysis of the atmospheric dynamical backgrounds for the great immigration events of white back planthopper(Sogatella furcifera);白背飞虱重大迁入过程的大气动力背景
2.This thesis states the history of Hans immigration in Hainan, which began as early as the Western Han Dynasty, and analyses the reason why so mang Han people (accounts for 85%)immigrate into the island.虽然中央封建政权对海南岛的统治时“紧”时“松”,但汉人迁入却随着历史的推移而不断增多,形成岛上今天占全岛人口85%比例的汉族遗民强大民族群。

1.A celebration of the occupancy of a new home.庆祝迁入新居的宴会
2.Settled in.指迁入新居安顿妥当。
3.The newly married couple moved into their new home.这对新婚夫妇迁入新居。
4.The newly married couple moved into their new house.这对新婚夫妇迁入新屋。
5.The new couple is moving in next week.新婚夫妇下周迁入新居。
6.The Impact of Cross-Regioanal Group Investment on Local Economy跨区域群体投资对迁入地与迁出地经济的影响
7.The reasons for migration of ancient Chinese ethnic groups are the combination of the driving force and the pulling force.古代少数民族迁徙的原因在于迁出地的推力和迁入地的拉力。
8.the company shall apply for registration of change with the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move before it moves to the new domicile应当在迁入新住所前向迁入地公司登记机关申请变更登记;
9.An Analysis the effects of Immigrants Occupation Structure on Local Social and Economic Development;迁入人口的职业构成对迁入地经济社会发展的影响
10.My grandmother wept the day we moved in.在我们迁入新居的那天祖母流了泪。
11.They have moved into a new flat.他们已迁入了一套新公寓。
12.The house is nowhere near ready for occupancy.房屋尚待装修, 迁入居住还早着呢。
13.Have you had notice of moving into the new apartment?你接到迁入新居的通知了吗?
14.someone who leaves one country to settle in another.离开一个国家迁入另一个国家的人。
15.court and dependent populace were able to move in by Year 7.宫廷和普通的老百姓都已迁入
16.The islands were gradually populated by settlers from Europe.岛上逐渐迁入很多欧洲移民.
17.If the company registration authority in the place to which the company will move accepts the application迁入地公司登记机关受理的
18.The settlement of North America by Europeans began in the 16th century.欧洲人于16世纪开始迁入北美定居。

immigrant areas迁入地
1.Restricting Factors on Sustainable Development of Immigrant Areas in Sanjiangyuan Regions;制约三江源地区生态移民迁入地可持续发展的因素
3)seasonal alternation自然迁入
4)the early immigration前期迁入
1.Teleconnection between ENSO indices and the early immigration of brown planthopper:implication for its medium-and long-term forecast;褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens (Stl))前期迁入与ENSO指标的遥相关及其中长期预测
5)emigrant population迁入种群
1.The results indicated that moths of the emigrant population exhibited stronger flight potential than that of the immigrant population.系统比较了田间粘虫Mythimnaseparata (Walker)迁出与迁入种群在飞行能力、飞行肌干重、卵巢发育、交配以及保幼激素滴度等指标的差异。
6)immigrant generation迁入代
1.The sib and 7th generations are the immigrant generations whoseinsects mostly are from other places.海南省澄迈县一年发生9代:第2、4、6、9代为本地虫源本地繁殖代;第5、7代为大部分外地虫源迁入代;第3、8代为本地虫源大部分迁出代。

英福美 ,丁地去炎松,布地缩松,布地奈德药物名称:布地奈德英文名:Budesonide别名: 普米克;英福美 ,丁地去炎松,布地缩松,布地奈德外文名: pulmicort ,budesonide成分: 布地奈德 药理作用: 具有强糖皮质激素作用。局部应用于支气管,其抗炎作用较可的松约强1000倍。 适用于局部对抗非特异炎症和抗过敏,如支气管哮喘和气道高反应性状态。 适应症: 支气管哮喘 用量用法: 气雾剂成人 初始剂量400-1600ug/日,分二次吸入,维持剂量200-400ug。儿童100-200ug,分2-4次吸入,干粉吸入剂成人 轻症400-800ug/日,重症800-1600ug/日,分2-4次用。 不良反应: ①轻微的喉部刺激感及声嘶,偶见口咽部念珠菌感染。 ②喷吸本品后应漱洗口腔和咽部,不然容易导致白色念珠菌滋生。 ③孕妇一般忌用。 注意事项: 肺结核患者及气道真菌、病毒感染者慎用。 规格: 气雾剂 50ugx 200喷。200ugx 100喷。干粉吸入剂 100ug x 200吸。200ugx 100吸,200吸。 类别:平喘药\肾上腺皮质激素