1.Study on Land Use and Development of Regional Economy in Guiyang;桂阳县土地利用与区域经济发展研究

1.Study on Land Use and Development of Regional Economy in Guiyang;桂阳县土地利用与区域经济发展研究
2.The Current Situation and Countermeasures of Flue-cured Tobacco Production and Development of Guiyang County in Hunan湖南桂阳县烤烟生产发展的现状与对策
3.Shape the Landscape Features, Enhance the County Grade--Discussion on Landscape Features in Guiyang County塑造景观特色 提升县城品位——桂阳县城景观特色探讨
4.The study on the tourism development of glacial border region around in well-known sight-seeing areas:taking Guanyang as an example;著名风景区“边围地区”旅游开发研究——以桂林市灌阳县为例
5."while the most beautiful scenery in China is in Guilin, the most fascinating part of a Guilin tour is in Yangshou"桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林
6.Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere, and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin.桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。
7.A Survey Report on the Educational Problems of Hometown-Remaining Children in Guidong County--Interviews with 12 headmasters of local primary and middle schools;桂东县留守儿童教育问题调查报告——桂东县12位中小学校长访谈录
8.It is as the saying goes, "The landscape in Guilin is the best in China, and the best landscape in Guilin is in Yangshuo."正如人们说"桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林"嘛。
9.Seepage analysis and disposal suggestion of four reservoirs in Lingui county临桂县4座水库渗漏分析及处理建议
10.a Boat trip on the river from Guilin to Yangshuo covers a distance of 83 kilometres.乘船从桂林到阳朔,航程83 公里。
11.A Further Discussion about the English Translation of "Yangshuo shanshui jia Guilin" and its Related Issues;“阳朔山水甲桂林”英译及相关问题补议
12.Run after “the Rising Sun”-Looking Back the 30-year Tourism of Guilin History and Culture;追逐“朝阳”——桂林历史文化旅游30年回眸
13.Old-age Support in Nest-empty Families in Rural Areas--A case study of Lingui County,Guilin City,Guangxi Autonomous Region;农村空巢家庭的养老问题研究——以广西省桂林市临桂县为例
14.Stone Inscriptions Recording Alliances fromWenxian温县盟书(沁阳盟书)
15.No wonder that people say in China not only that "Guilin is the No. I scenic spot under heaven" but also that "For scenic beauty, Yangshuo can surpass even Guilin.难怪人们要在“桂林山水甲天下”之后,加上“阳朔山水甲桂林”的赞语。
16.Research on agricultural Industry in county Area;县域农业产业化探索——以安阳县为例
18.Study on the Ecotourism Development of Remote Mounta Area in Guidong County, Southeast Hunan;湘东南边远山区桂东县生态旅游发展研究

1.Study on Some Contents of the Medium and Trace Elements in Tobacco Leaves in Guiyang Area of Hunan Province湖南桂阳地区烟叶部分中微量元素含量分析
3)Guidong county桂东县
1.Natural Resources and Sustainable Development in Guidong County,Hunan;湖南省桂东县自然资源特征及其可持续发展研究
2.Developing eco-agriculture and beautifying hills and waters and enriching the people--taking Guidong County as an example;发展生态农业与秀山富民——以湖南省桂东县为例
3.A Survey Report on the Educational Problems of Hometown-Remaining Children in Guidong County——Interviews with 12 headmasters of local primary and middle schools;桂东县留守儿童教育问题调查报告——桂东县12位中小学校长访谈录
4)Guiping Xian桂平县
5)Lingui county临桂县
1.Seepage analysis and disposal suggestion of four reservoirs in Lingui county临桂县4座水库渗漏分析及处理建议
2.The development and utilization of mineral resources in Lingui county give priority to limestone,while barite,clay,shale,quartzite as subsidiary.临桂县矿产资源的开发利用主要是以灰岩为主,重晶石、粘土、页岩、石英岩等为辅。
6)Guiyang tobacco-growing areas桂阳烟区
1.Comprehensive evaluation of the status of soil fertility in Guiyang tobacco-growing areas of Hunan province;湖南桂阳烟区土壤养分状况的综合评价

桂阳县  湖南省郴州地区辖县,湖南多金属矿区,中国著名烤烟基地县之一。位于湘南舂陵水上游,骑田岭西北侧。面积2973平方公里,人口72.44万。县府驻城关镇。东晋置平阳县,唐设桂阳监,宋为军,元为路,明为州,清升为直隶州,1913年改桂阳县。县境上古生界地层发育较齐全,东南邻接印支期骑田岭花岗岩体,地质情况复杂,蕴藏多种具有工业意义的矿产资源。主要有煤、锰、铁、铜、铅、锌、锑矿分布,并有含铁、钨、钼、铜多种金属的综合矿床和稀有、稀土金属矿藏,为湘南"有色金属之乡"的缩影。县境位于中亚热带向南亚热带过渡地区,有稻、薯、苎麻、花生、茶叶、油茶等农林产品,特别具有生产优质烟叶的自然条件。县境10℃以上的活动积温2815℃,有效积温1534℃,年均日照500~700小时,平均日照率39%。4~6月(烟叶大田生长期)降水量615毫米,6~7月(采烤期)雨量减少,加之土壤肥力较高,酸碱度适中,而含钙质较多的粗骨石灰土、紫色土可连续种烟10年,再行轮作。所产烟叶是湖南郴州烟的主料,亦为国内生产高档烟的配料。种植面积近1万公顷。年产1.8万吨,是全国烟草种植最多的10个县之一。