邹平县,Zouping county
1)Zouping county邹平县
1.A Study on the Performance Evaluation and Wage Management of the Civil Servants in Zouping County;邹平县公务员绩效考核与薪酬管理研究

1.A Study on the Performance Evaluation and Wage Management of the Civil Servants in Zouping County;邹平县公务员绩效考核与薪酬管理研究
2.Pupils' Breakfast Diet-behavior and Nutrients Intake in Zhouping County邹平县小学生早餐饮食行为及营养研究
3.Analysis on Time and Space Change and Driving Forces of Land Utilization in Zouping County邹平县土地利用时空变化及驱动力分析
4.Investigation on Disinfection Effect in Rural Medical Institutes of Zouping County in 20072007年邹平县乡村医疗卫生机构消毒效果调查
5.Fan Zhongyan, a famous statesman in the Song Dynasty (960-1279),grew up in zouping County in Binzhou.滨州市邹平县是中国宋代著名政治家范仲淹的生长地。
6.The Industry and economy of Zouping are developing rapidly. So far, Zouping has110 large-scale enterprises.邹平县工业经济发展迅速,较大规模工业企业110家。
7.Developing Social Morality Education,Relying on the New Peasants And Constructing the Rural Hygiene Well:Citing the case of the experience of rural construction movement in Dingxian and Zouping;民国时期乡村卫生建设中的公德教育——定县、邹平县乡建模式的异中之同
8.The study on rural residential landscape design--a case study of Dongwei rural residential landscape design浅议新农村居住区景观设计——以邹平县东尉新农村居住区景观设计为例
9.Fourteen workers were confirmed dead, said Pan Yulan, deputy head of Zouping County.14名工人已确定死亡,邹平副县长潘玉兰说。
10.Analysis and Study of Serious Displacement of Main Steam Pipeline of No.5 Generating Unit of Zou Xian Power Plant;邹县电厂#5机组主汽管严重位移分析与研究
11.Analysis and Study of Platen Superheater Overtemperature of No.5 Boiler of Zou Xian Power Plant;邹县电厂#5锅炉分隔屏超温爆管分析研究
12.Technical Study and Economic Analysis of Capacity Expending of 300MW Unit in Zouxian Power Plant;邹县发电厂300MW机组增容的技术研究与经济分析
13.On the arrangement for land-utilizing of residential area in countryside--A case study on Zoucheng;县域农村居民点用地整理研究——以山东邹城为例
14.The Rural Multidimensional Developing History: Experience from Zouping;乡村多维发展经验:来自邹平的启示
15.In the Qin Dynasty the earlist seat of county government was set, named Zou county(驺县), renamed Zou(邹) in early Tang Dynasty.最早设立县治始于秦代,称驺县,唐朝初期改驺为邹。
16.A Comparison and Research between the Zouping and the Yenan Educational Patterns;邹平教育模式与延安教育模式比较研究
17.The Causes and the Refoms of a Low Rise in temperature in the Low Pressure Heater No.1&2 of Units 4 in Zouxian Power Plant邹县发电厂4号机1号、2号低加凝结水温升过低的原因及对策
18.The Development and Application of Zouxian 3# Unit Shaft System s Vibration Monitoring and Analysis;邹县电厂3#机组轴系组振动监测分析系统开发与应用

Zou Xian邹县
1.The Rural Multidimensional Developing History: Experience from Zouping;乡村多维发展经验:来自邹平的启示
2.LIANG Shu ming and Rural Construction in Zouping;梁漱溟与邹平“乡村建设”
3.The pragmatism has many affiliations with the movement of country -construction which is represented by Zouping and Dingxian.实验主义与邹平、定县所代表的乡村建设运动的理论和实践有很多联系。
4)Zouping copper deposit邹平铜矿
1.In recent few years,on the basis of regarding electrical method as the exploration theory,by using large-power induced polarizatio method,ore-prospecting work has been carried out in deep part in Zouping copper deposit and great achievements have been gained as well.近年来,以电法勘探理论为基础,运用大功率激电在邹平铜矿开展了深部找矿工作,并取得了较大的突破,相继发现了邹平碑楼铜矿、邹平王家庄外围Ⅴ号铜矿,并提交具有一定价值(332+333)级铜资源量。
5)Zouping shuixing apricot邹平水杏
6)Qingdao mode邹平模式
1.They were "Zouping mode" put forward by Liang Shuming who held that village construction could bring along the urban construction while "Qingdao mode" had long been neglected.20世纪二三十年代乡村建设运动中,"邹平模式"代表了梁漱溟等"乡村建设派"学者发展乡村以引发都市的路径;而为学界长期忽视的青岛乡村建设运动则采取的是发展都市以救济乡村的模式。

邹县  山东省济宁市辖县,山东新建煤炭基地,中国古代思想家、教育家孟子故里,省历史文化名城。位于省境中南部,沂蒙山地西侧,西接南四湖,京沪铁路纵贯。面积1387平方公里,人口103.99万。县府驻城关镇。春秋时为邾国地,国都设于今县城南面峄山之阳;秦设驺县,唐改邹县,沿用至今。主要农产除小麦、玉米、大豆外,东部山区盛产果品和药材。煤炭资源丰富,是兖州煤田的重要产煤区之一,兖州矿务局设于县内。邹县是孟轲故里,县境有孟庙、孟府和孟林等。位于县城南门外的孟庙又称亚圣庙,为历代祭祀孟子之所。庙为长方形五进院落的古建筑群,初建于北宋,后经重修扩建,殿宇64间。以主体建筑"亚圣殿"为中心,南北为一中轴线,左右作对称式配列。庙内古树蔽日,碑碣林立,有秦汉以来各代石碑275块。孟庙西邻的孟府亦称亚圣府,为孟轲嫡裔居住地。亚圣府南北长226米,东西宽99米,院落四进,前为官衙,后是住宅,最后为花园,共有殿堂门庑116间。孟林在县城东北 12.5公里四基山西麓,占地323余公顷,古柏参天,蔚然深秀。孟轲墓西有古冢3座,传为孟孙、季孙和叔孙之墓。县东南有以峄山石刻著名的峄山;县北有铁、岗、尖、葛4山摩崖佛经石刻。