多样化指数,index of diversification
1)index of diversification多样化指数
1.On the basis of above works, the author calculate the intensity coefficient of soil erosion,index of diversification and centralisation of factor types using three evaluation methods, and then analyses the factors discrepancies of them.在此基础上,采用3种不同的数值方法计算出各因子类型的侵蚀强度系数、多样化指数和集中化指数,分析了它们的因子分异,得出各因子类型的土壤侵蚀强度特征分异,为进行福建省土壤侵蚀景观系统分类提供依

1.The dominance index is often contrary to the diversity index, index of diversification and evenness index in change rules.优势度指数常常与多样性指数、多样化指数、均匀度指数的变化规律相反。
2.The dominant index is in negative correlation to diversity index.优势集中性指数与多样性指数呈负相关变化。
3.species diversity index生物种的多样性指数
4.A species diversity index(SDI), which is difined in Eq. (1-2).种类多样指数(SDI)可由式(1-2)求得。
5.Estimation on the Multivariate Process Capability Indices Based on Bootstrap Sampling;基于Bootstrap抽样的多元过程能力指数估计
6.Shannon index、Simpson index,etc, are used to measure species diversity of Pinus armandii community in the Qinling Mountains.应用香农指数、辛普森指数等多样性指数对秦岭林区华山松群落的物种多样性进行测定。
7.Analysis of Constitution Features and Species Diversity Index of Indicator Algae in Chicheng Lake赤城湖指示藻类的组成及物种多样性指数分析
8.The bird diversity index is 1.2399 and evenness index was 0.7271.该区人工林中鸟类的多样性指数为1.239 9。 均匀性指数为0.727 1。
9.According to diversity indexes of main arthropods in each organic tea garden, to establish activity control index.根据各茶园的益、害节肢动物多样性指数,制定了以群落多样性为指标的动态防治指标。
10.To spread out activities or investments, especially in business.多样化从事多种活动或投资,尤指在商业中
11.A specimen which is much thicker than the penetration depth decays exponentially.一个比穿深透度厚得多的样品,按指数律衰减。
12.2)the highest bird diversity is the secondary forest, and the lowest is the shrub meadow;2)次生林鸟类多样性指数最高,灌丛草地最低;
13.Approach on the Application of Diversity Index Formulae to Bird Community多样性指数公式在鸟类群落中应用的探讨
14.Screening of Vegetation Indexes and Studies on Remote Sensing Monitoring Models for Species Multiplicity;植被指数筛选与物种多样性遥感监测模型研究
15.Pitfalls of DG index in quantifying biodiversity and its intrinsic implication as a community parameter:a commentDG指数在定量多样性时的缺陷及其内涵解析
16.On Application of Excel in Calculating the Biodiversity Index of CommunitiesExcel在计算群落生物多样性指数中的应用
17.Our factory diversified several years ago.数年前我们厂就开始使产品多样化。
18.The association of ankle-brachial index with coronary atherosclerosis踝臂指数与冠状动脉粥样硬化的相关性

economic diversification index经济多样化指数
3)Export diversification index出口多样化指数
4)biodiversity index多样性指数
1.The average density of phytoplankton and phytoplankton Shannon-Weiner biodiversity index in the surface water layer were 43 328 ind.调查了三门湾健跳港海水养殖区夏季浮游生物的种类组成、密度和多样性指数,并将浮游生物群落指标与水质理化因子进行相关分析。
2.The biodiversity index.基于PFU原生动物群落多样性指数分析法对开封市5个水域的水质状况进行评价。
3.The community and biodiversities of Rotifera,including species composition,density,biomass,biodiversity index and regression analysis were studied at six sampling stations(Ⅰ-Ⅵ) in the touring lakes,Ningbo.L-1)为最高,日湖轮虫的Margalef多样性指数0。
5)Diversity index多样性指数
1.Distribution of diversity index H′of Chaetognatha in the East China Sea;东海毛颚动物多样性指数H′的分布
2.The growth of three working-groups of closed tackling and reconstruct,closed tackling and thinning,closed tackling and forestation low-quality and benefit forest were investigated and the diversity index was analyzed.对封改、封抚、封造3种经营类型低效林复位调查及多样性指数分析表明:乔木层物种、株数都有大幅度的增加,林分结构趋向均匀,优势种仍是杉木、檫木,但很多目的树种进入到了乔木层。
3.The community structure of rotifer,including species composition,density,biomass and diversity index,in the artificial river of Ningbo Higher Education Area during the summer in 2004 and 2005 was studied,and the biological assessment of water pollution and the trophic type were conducted by using the method of “indicator organisms” and “diversity index”.研究了宁波高教园区人工河2004-2005年夏季轮虫的种类组成、数量、生物量和多样性指数的水平变化和年间变化,并用轮虫污染指示种类和生物多样性指数评价人工河水质污染及水质营养状况。
6)diversity indices多样性指数
1.The application of diversity indices in marine phytoplankton studies;多样性指数在海洋浮游植物研究中的应用
2.The diversity indices of the 4 plots in mid-Tianshan Mountains were all not high,but the species similarity indices between them were high comparatively.本文采用物种重要值、丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数对新疆北部的石河子、伊犁果子沟、额敏、阿勒泰等7个地区的拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)生存群落的群落结构和物种组成进行了研究,比较了不同样地间的物种多样性和相似性指数,并采用生态位适宜度模型,分析了天山北部拟南芥生存群落的生态位适宜度及其限制因子。

生物种的多样性指数  应用数理统计方法求得表示生物群落的种类和个体数量的数值,用以评价环境质量。    20世纪50年代,为了进行环境质量的生物学评价,开始研究生物群落,并运用信息理论的多样性指数进行分析。多样性是群落的主要特征。在清洁的条件下,生物的种类多,个体数相对稳定。水体、大气和土壤受到污染或其他危害时,不同种生物对新因素的敏感性和耐受能力是不同的,敏感的种类在不利的条件下衰亡,抗性强的种类在新的条件下大量发展,群落发生演替。这种群落演替的现象,可用多样性指数表示,以便应用简单的指数值来评价环境质量。    1951年,R.马格利夫提出多样性指数公式:,式中廀为多样性指数;S为生物的种类数;N 为群落的个体总数。有人认为这种公式只考虑种数和个体数的关系,没有考虑个体在各种类间的分配情况,容易掩盖不同群落的种类和个体的差异,并容易受计数样品大小的影响,因此,又提出各种各样的计算公式。如:    香农-韦弗指数(1963)               式中的廀、S、N 含义与马格利夫指数公式相同;ni为i种的个体数。    70年代初中国开始研究蓟运河、浑河、长江、湘江、官厅水库、鸭儿湖等水体中底栖动物廀值与污染的关系。    运用多样性指数评价环境质量,是生物学评价在理论上和方法上的新发展。但是选择何种计算公式,如何把廀值控制在一定的范围内,都涉及应用效果。    目前,采用底栖大型无脊椎动物的廀值来评价有机物污染状况比较成功。有人认为影响多样性指数变化的因素是多方面的,仅以一次的廀值评价污染是不可靠的。此外,多样性指数要与均匀度结合运用,要熟悉优势种的个体生态学,并要与化学评价结合应用。    参考书目   J. L. Wilhm, Comparision of Some Diversity Indices applied to Populations of Benthic Macroinvertebrates in a Stream Receiving Organic Wastes, Journal Water Pollution Control Fed.39(10),1673~1683,1967.