1.Study on aromas of apples of different cultivars;不同榨汁苹果的香气研究
2.Effects of different vinifications on aroma components of wild Vitis quinquangularis red wine;不同酿造工艺对毛葡萄酒香气的影响
3.Optimization of wine aroma analysis by solid-phase microextraction;葡萄酒香气成分固相微萃取条件的优化

1.a delicate perfume, fragrance, aroma, etc淡雅的香水、 芳香、 香气等.
2.China's sandalwood fans gives off a sweet fragrance.中国的檀香扇香气高雅。
3.Effects of Regulators on Aroma Content and Physiological Characteristics of Aromatic Rice增香剂对香稻香气和生理特性的影响
4.The air was scented with perfume.空气里充满了香气
5.A pleasing, agreeable scent or odor.香气一种怡人的香味或气味
6.To reach fullness of flavor and aroma through exposure to air. Used chiefly of wine.散发香气暴露于空气中而溢着香气;多用于指酒
7.Studies on the Aroma Analytical Method of Scented Rice and the Effects on the Rice Aroma During the Processing;香米香气分析方法及加工过程对香米香气影响的研究
8.Fine, elegant and distinguished by an elegant scent of violets and tenuous perfumes of wild berries.香气优雅而独特,有优雅的紫罗兰香气和细微的野莓香气
9.Lots of alively fruity kind of acidity distinctive aroma, spicy/ smokey flavor good body.浓醇度,芳香带浓厚果味,有香料和烟的香气.
10.Ladies like this kind of scented soap with elegant smell.靓女们喜欢这种香气高雅的香皂。
11.When she sighed she exhaled a heavy perfume of sachet powder.她叹息的时候,呼出浓重的香粉的香气
12.Sandalwood folding fans with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance give ladies real enjoyment.檀香折扇香气淡雅清郁,真正贵妇享受。
13.assorted flower perfume with quiet elegance and delicate fragrance intoxicates you.百花香水,香气淡雅清郁,令您陶醉。
14.Influence of Hop Aroma Compounds on Beer Flavor Quality酒花香味物质对啤酒香气质量的影响
15.Investigation of Volatile Aroma Components of Xiangxi Natural Savory Vinegar by GC-MS湘西原香醋香气成分的GC-MS分析
16.Aroma Comparision of Rhodia Sandalwood Series with Electronic Nose用电子鼻比较罗地亚檀香系列的香气
17.The air-freshener leaves no stains But aroma.空气清香剂,留香不留迹。
18.Bouquet: Fruity, like apple, grape fruit, banana.气味:水果香味,象苹果、葡萄、香蕉等香味。

1.Production of Rice Liquor with a high concentration flavor from the post-distillation slurry;从蒸馏废液中制造高香气米烧酒
2.Isolation and Identification of Flavor of Tianjin Jujuba;天津红枣香气成分的分离与鉴定
3.Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on fragrance of pork flavor猪肉酶解对热反应猪肉香精香气的影响
1.Research on the fragrance and chemical composition characteristics of Yingde Rich Fragrance type tea;英德高香型茶叶香气及化学组成特征研究
2.The light fragrance of talking about soy sauce forms and improves the application technology of the fragrance of soy sauce;浅谈酱油的香气形成及改善酱油香气的应用技术
3.Effects of Bagging on the Fragrance of Mini-watermelon in Greenhouse套袋对日光温室微型西瓜香气的影响
1.Application of ambergris structure-odor relationship.;龙涎香型香料分子结构与香气关系的应用研究
2.Their characteristic odors were evaluated and compared with ethyl cyclohexylacetate, ethyl 4 trimethylsilyl cyclohexylacetate.通过1 HNMR、MS分析配合 GC测定纯度确定了它们的结构 ,请评香专家评定了它们的香气 ,并与环己基乙酸乙酯 ,4 -三甲硅基环己基乙酸乙酯的香气进行了比
3.Their characteristic odor have been evaluated.通过 IR、1HNMR、对 MS碎片解析并配合气相色谱测定纯度确证了它们的结构 ,请评香专家评定了它们的香气 ,并讨论了化合物结构和香气之间的关系。
1.Study on the synthesis of 2,2-bibenzyl4,6-bi(p-)methoxyphenyl-1,3,5-trithiane and odour;2,2-二苄基-4,6-二(对甲氧基)苯基-1,3,5三硫环己烷的合成及香气研究
2.Study on the synthesis of 2,2-bibenzyl-4,6-bi(p-) dimethylaminophenyl-1,3,5-trithiane and odour;2,2-二苄基-4,6-二(对二甲氨基)苯基-1,3,5三硫环己烷的合成及香气研究
3.Study on the synthesis of 3,3,6,6-tetrabenzyl-1,2,4,5-tetrathiane and odour;3,3,6,6-四苄基-1,2,4,5-四硫环己烷的合成及香气研究
1.In order to explore the influence on superficial secretion to the flue-cured tobacco fragrant quality,the fragrant content and the chemical compounds,flue-cured tobacco K326 is taken as the material,simulating rainwater,rinsing the mature fresh leaf with water by the half leaf method after topping.为了探明烟叶表面分泌物的损失对烤烟香气量、香气质及化学成分的影响,以烤烟K326为材料,采用半叶法,模拟雨水于打顶后15d和25d用清水洗刷烟叶表面,分析烤后烟叶的香气组分及部分化学成分。
