1.Analysis of Effect of Regulating the Wind Window Position on Reducing Leak-out of the Functional Range;浅析调节风窗位置对减少工作面漏风的作用
2.Analysis of Similarities and Differences between American Standard and Chinese Standard of Shape and Position Tolerance;关于形状和位置公差的中美标准异同浅析
3.Influence on Yarn Quality of the Cotton Web Cleaner Position in Carding Machine Back Cover Guard;梳棉机后罩板棉网清洁器位置与纺纱质量

2.absolute position绝对位置,游离位置
3.rearmost position最后位置,后部极限位置
4.position sensor位置检测器位置传感器
5.period of local arrangement位置安排期 位置安排期
6.The position so calculated.定位推算位置这样计算所得的位置
7.A position to which motion or another position is referred.方位运动或另一位置用以参照的位置
8.Place the front wheels in the straight-ahead position.置前轮于正前方位置
9.lockopen device锁定在开启位置的装置
10.To place in a prone position.使倒伏置于向下的位置
11.To put(someone) in a bad position.使(某人)置身于不利位置
12.Set Key Position Filter设置关键帧位置过滤器
13.The selected location is the same as the original location. Select another location.选定位置与原始位置相同。请选择其它位置
14.primary retarder position主制动位置,主减速器位置,头部制动位置
15.holding position(继电器 的)吸持位置;自保位置;保持(开或关的)位置
16.manual position手动[手操作]位置
17.in off position在关闭状态(位置)
18.(of spatial position) in or brought into line with or into proper relative position.(指空间位置位置或者使得位置成直线,或者处于相对适当的位置上。

1.Discussion on the location of the guide roll and loop-rising roll of loop device;活套装置中导辊与起套辊位置的探讨
2.Influence of diameter and location of continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis to the posterior capsular opacity;连续环行撕囊直径和位置对后囊混浊的影响
3.Seedling establishment of Tsuga longibracteata in different location of forest gap;长苞铁杉幼苗在林窗不同位置的建立
1.Study on the Place of Pituitary Stalk by MRI;正常垂体柄位置的MRI观察
2.providing a new simple method of determining the place elements in periodic table- double referencemark给出了一种简单地确定元素在周期表中位置的新方法——双参照法。
3.Objective:To explore the influence on waveform distribution in EEG record with different place of reference electrode.目的:探讨脑电记录中不同参考电极位置对图形分布特征的影响。
1.Residual stress of different substrate site on in COB packages;COB封装中芯片在基板不同位置的残余应力
2.A analysis about the conditions of water inrush form mining floor and its site are based of forecasting water inrush.分析采场突水条件和位置是突水预测的基础。
3.It analyses several aspects as follows: The importance of innovation environment to the development of parks; The physical form of innovation environment: communication space; The informal communication space s design ways including the site choice, the building of environment quality and detail design,etc.先后阐述了创新环境对于园区发展的重要意义,文化交流空间是创新环境在园区当中的物质外在表现形式,以及园区非正式交流空间的景观设计手法,即注重空间的位置选择、环境质量的营造以及细部设计等。
1.The result shows that Guangdong players are strong, the new - old alternation has completed, players in center forwards, second center forwards and rearguards positions are better than opponent.研究结果证明:广东队队员实力强大,新老交替也已完成,队员在中锋、二中锋、后卫位置上发挥均好于对手;八一队在前锋位置上发挥好于对手,但是由于老队员体力下降,造成技战术水平下降,投篮命中率的下降,是八一队失败的主要原因,如何赶快提高年轻队员的实力,是八一队要尽快解决的问题。
2.A better understanding of the varieties, positions and ways of development of an English topic sentence in a paragraph is beneficial to learners in improving their reading as well as writing skills.在英语阅读和写作教学中,正确理解段落主题句,准确把握段落主题句的种类、位置,并掌握其扩展方法,对于提高大学生的英语阅读速度和写作能力大有裨益。
1.The creative intention of novel 《Situation》;评长篇小说《位置》的创作倾向
