1.Experimental study of lateral pressure produced by grass silage on silo walls;青贮饲料对青贮池墙体侧压力的试验研究
2.The Characteristics of Microorganisms and Lactic Acid Bacteria in Silage;青贮饲料中微生物及乳酸菌特性初步研究
3.The in vitro Digestibility of Baled Alfalfa Silage with Different Additives;不同添加剂对拉伸膜裹包苜蓿青贮饲料体外消化率的影响

1.In many countries silage is an important feed for livestock.在许多国家,青贮饲料是牲畜的重要饲料形式。
2.Variation Law of Corn Straw Silage Nutritional Quality in Different Storage Periods玉米秸秆青贮饲料贮存期的营养品质变化规律
3.The arguments seem to be mainly in favour of silage if the forage is to have a production as well as a maintenance function.如果青贮饲料既有生产功能又有维持功能,争论看来主要是有利于青贮饲料
4.Lactic acid bacteria are involved in the formation of yoghurt, cheese, sauerkraut, and silage.乳酸菌常被用来制作酸奶、干酪、泡菜和青贮饲料
5.The process of making silage is a form of chemical treatment.调制青贮饲料的过程即为化学处理的一种方式。
6.Study on Technology of Modulating Top-quality Xin Jiang Small Reed Silage;优质新疆小芦苇青贮饲料调制技术研究
7.Identification and Studying on Biological Characteristics of Lactic Acid Bacteria of Silage;青贮饲料中乳酸菌的鉴定及生物学特性的研究
8.Effects of Different Treatments on Fermentation Quality of Silage;不同处理方式对青贮饲料质量影响的试验研究
9.Characterization and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria Species Isolated from Silage and Their Application for Silage Preparation;青贮饲料中优良乳酸菌的分离鉴定及其应用
10.The effect of nitrogenous fertilizer on nitrate content of corn silages施肥对玉米青贮饲料硝酸盐含量的影响
11.Regulation effect of nitrate during the ensiling process硝酸盐在青贮饲料发酵过程中的调控作用
12.Effect of Different Additives on the Quality of Triticale Silage不同添加剂对小黑麦青贮饲料品质的影响
13.Calibration Transfer of NIRS on Silage by Slope/Bias and Local Centering Technique青贮饲料近红外光谱分析模型转移研究
14.Rapid Determination of Ammoniacal Nitrogen in Silage by Automatic Kjeldahl Apparatus自动凯氏定氮仪快速测定青贮饲料中的氨态氮
15.Application of Siloguard on ensiled Lespedeza hedysaroides as additiveSiloguard添加剂在尖叶胡枝子青贮饲料中的应用
16.Too much heavy labour was involved in getting material in and out of the silo.将青贮饲料从贮仓中搬出或搬进需要耗费大量的劳动。
17.Research on the Variation Law of Corn Silage Nutritional Composition and Fungal under Different Storage Periods玉米青贮饲料开窖后贮存期营养成分及霉菌变化规律研究
18.Variation law of whole-plant corn silage nutritional quality under different storage periods全株玉米青贮饲料在贮存期营养品质的变化规律

1.When pig feeds the ensilaged Milk Vetch(Astragalus sinticus L.应用15N标记紫云英青贮饲料饲喂生长猪,研究了猪对紫云英青贮饲料中氮的代谢规律。
2.The ensilage harvester may complete to cut the crops,to cut to pieces,to throw into the feed trailer.青贮饲料收获机可完成对青贮作物的切割、切碎,抛送至饲料挂车中。
3)silage plastic film青贮饲料膜
4)fresh silage新鲜青贮饲料
1.Rapid measurement for chemical compositions of fresh silage by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy;近红外漫反射光谱法快速测定新鲜青贮饲料化学成分含量
5)ensilage harvester青贮饲料收获机
1.Hence, the design and calculation procedures of the principal parameters and performance test of the ensilage harvester 9QS-1000 model have been presented in this paper.为此,主要论述了9QS-1000型青贮饲料收获机主要参数的设计与计算及性能试验。
6)milch cow silage奶牛青贮饲料
