1.Changes of Routine Chemical Components in Burley Tobacco from Topping to Curing;打顶至调制结束白肋烟常规化学成分的变化
2.Effects of applying auxin and potassium fertilizer on root characters and leaf quality of flue-cured tobacco after topping;打顶后施用生长素和钾肥对烤烟根系性状及品质的影响
3.Effect of topping on the root activity and endogenous hormone content of cigar wrapper;打顶对烟株根系活力及内源激素含量的影响

1.Design of Automatic Height Control System for Cotton's Top Cuter棉花打顶打顶高度自动控制系统的设计
2.and the roof was made of shells.屋顶则是贝壳打造的。
3.the patter of rain on the rooftops.屋顶上雨点的敲打声
4.the patter of rain on a roof雨点打在屋顶的啪嗒声
5.The castle tower has been shot away.这座城堡塔顶被打掉了。
6.Heavy rain lashed down on the roof.大雨重重地打在房顶上。
7.Cut Straps First and Remove Top先切断封带,再打开顶部
8.The roof was riddled with bullet holes.房顶满是子弹打的窟窿.
9.The heavy rain shattered on the roof.大雨哗啦啦打在屋顶上。
10.You're just the right man for the job.你就顶合式打那曾野马。
11.the lash of rain on the roof猛烈地击打屋顶的雨
12.To hammer, bend, or shape with a peen.锤打锤击、使弯曲或用锤顶来打成一定形状
13.I can hear the rain drumming on the roof.我能听到雨点打在屋顶上咚咚作响。
14.rain splattering on the roof劈里啪啦打在屋顶上的雨点
15.the pit-a-pat of the rain on the roof雨点打在屋顶上的劈啪声.
16.Bits of broken glass lashed down on the roof, making a terrible noise.碎玻璃片猛打着屋顶,发出可怕的响声。
17.He whacked the little boy for talking back.他为了那小男孩顶嘴而用力打他。
18.Dad smacked me for talking back.父亲因我顶嘴而打了我一巴掌。

1.[OBJECTIVE]Effects of decapitation and plant growth regulator on plant growth,endogenous hormones and N,K accumulation were examined within 2 weeks.【研究目的】该文探讨了打顶初期2周内打顶和植物生长调节剂对烤烟生长、内源激素和氮钾累积的影响。
2.Compared with the conventional decapitation practice,smearing with 3×10~(-2) mmol·L~(-1) NAA(α-Naphthylacetic acid) after decapitation can increase biomass of the upper part of cotton plants by recovering of apical predominance,but had no significant effect on the middle-low part of plants.与传统打顶处理相比,打顶后涂抹浓度为3×10-2mmol。
3.In this paper,the change of hormone and nutrient absorption of cotton in fourth leaves from the top after decapitation is analyzed.研究棉花打顶后倒四叶内源激素和养分的关系表明:棉花打顶后,植株叶片的激素平衡关系被破坏,ABA/IAA和ABA/CTK比值上升,CTK含量下降。
4)top vibration cleaning顶部振打
1.It is held that the electrostatic precipitator with top vibration cleaning mode is worth to be selected for use.对顶部电磁振打电除尘器与侧部挠臂锤振打电除尘器在振打机理、运行可靠性、维护性能、成本等方面进行比较分析,认为电除尘器的顶部振打清灰方式值得选取。
5)top-cutting machine打顶机
1.This paper analyses the applied situation and the development trends,and points out the high efficiency of utilizing cotton top-cutting machine,reducing labor intensity,raising incomes and providing a good foundation for bing tuan cotton product.为此,分析了目前棉花打顶机的应用现状及发展趋势,得出了应用棉花打顶机可以大大提高打顶的效率、降低劳动强度、增收、增产,可为兵团棉花生产奠定良好的基础。
6)topping period打顶期
1.Study of the best topping period of new variety Yanshai 6 of Sun-cured Tobacco;晒红烟新品种延晒六号的最佳打顶期研究
