1.Effect of 1-MCP on fruit postharvest ripening and softening of Cucumis melo L. cv. hetao;1-甲基环丙烯对河套蜜瓜后熟和软化的影响
2.Effect of calcium treatment on ripening and softening of peach;浸钙处理对黄桃后熟软化的影响
3.Physiological effect of ethephon in ripening in postharvest Prunus armeniace fruit;乙烯利对杏果实后熟的生理效应

1.Study on V igor Changes Rule DuringMaturation and After-maturation Process of Cotton Seeds棉花种子成熟和后熟过程中活力变化规律研究
2.Effect of Heat Treatment on Ripening Physiology and Quality of Postharvest green Tomato Fruit热处理对采后绿熟番茄果实的后熟生理及其品质的影响
3.Fruits soon drop down when they get ripe.果实成熟后,很快要落下。
4.It is clarified and bottled before undergoing final maturation.在进行最后一次熟化期前沥清和装瓶。
5.Think well before you decide.深思熟虑以后你再作决定。
6.One must consider the matter well before deciding.必须考虑成熟后再作决定。
7.Then his apprentice killed him in his sleep.然后他的徒弟趁他熟睡时杀死了他。
8.She really hopes to have a sound sleep after going to a doctor tomorrow night.她真希望看过医生后明天晚上能熟睡。
9.Fruits and vegetables--Ripening afar cold storageGB/T9830-1988水果和蔬菜冷藏后的催熟
10.Once cooked, remove the foil and turn out the pudding.做熟以后,剥去锡箔纸,将布丁扣在盘中。
11.Look before you leap. -- Aesop深思熟虑而后行。(三思而行)——伊索
12.Boil 3 cups of water , add salt and sugar , poach asparagus.将3杯水煮沸后加盐及糖,将露笋烚熟。
13.After Li had left, Hsin-mei and Hung-chien fell asleep.李先生去后,辛楣和鸿渐睡熟了。
14.ears of corn grown for human food.成熟后可做人类食物的谷穗。
15.I'll let you have an answer after mature consideration.我考虑成熟后再给你回答。
16.after a period of time, I got aquatinted with the people here.来这儿做了一阵以后﹐人头熟了。
17.The soft white pulpy flesh of ripe custard apple is intensely sweet .成熟后的番荔枝果肉白色柔软甘甜。
18.An insect in its sexually mature adult stage after metamorphosis.成虫蜕变后处在性成熟状态的昆虫

postmortem aging宰后成熟
1.Changes of ultrastructure in different part of venison during postmortem aging;不同部位鹿肉在宰后成熟过程中超微结构的变化
2.This study was designed to compare the changes of the chemical compositions and edible qualities of venison longissimus dorsi (LD) of hybrid F1 deer crossed Xifeng sika deer with Tiansan wapiti and Northeast sika deer during postmortem aging.以花-马杂交F1鹿和东北梅花鹿的背最长肌为原料,研究其经过宰后成熟处理后主要化学成分和食用品质的变化。
3)embryo post-ripening period种胚后熟
4)morphological post-maturation形态后熟
5)physiological after-ripping生理后熟
1.The results showed that physiological after-ripping and chemical inhibitors in seed were two principal reasons which cause the dormancy.结果表明:青檀种子本身含有发芽抑制物和存在生理后熟是引起休眠的2个主要原因,用质量浓度为300mg/L的赤霉素溶液浸种24h或低温层积后用赤霉素处理均能在一定程度上解除休眠促进萌发,其中以低温层积25d后用500mg/L的赤霉素浸种36h效果最好。
6)ripening and softening后熟软化
