1.Various options are proposed for the foundation of knowledge, such as a priori ideas (Rationalism) and sense-data (Empiricism), etc.近代以来,认识论所关注的一个重要问题,就是我们知识的基础是什么?哲学家们提出了各种不同的理论来为知识提供基础,例如,唯理论的先验原则、经验论的感觉材料等等。

1.J. L. Austin s Refutation of Sense-data Theory;哲学分析的典范──奥斯汀驳感觉材料理论
2.This material feels soft.这种材料感觉很柔软。
3.Human's Weight Perception from Auditory and Visual Displays人通过视觉和听觉材料获得的重量感知
4.A: Me, too. It gives out a nice warm and comfortable feeling.我也是,木质材料给人一种温暖舒适的感觉。
5.The Application of Materials Feeling in Book Binding Design材料感觉特性在书籍装帧设计中的运用
6.(32) Colour sensitive material;(32)彩色感光材料;
7.Vision and material quality;视觉与材质——油画颜料的视觉效果
8.Perception of Materials--the Research of Material Experiencing in Building Space材料感知——建筑空间中的材料体验研究
9.processing of silver halide photographic material卤化银感光材料的冲洗
10.history of photographic material industry感光材料工业发展史
11.Researchers say patients shouldn't feel anything in their throat when the device is inserted thanks to a special plastic material used.研究者提到当运用一种特殊的可塑材料置入的时候病人在他们的咽喉处不会感觉到什么。
12.The second step is to synthesize the data of perception by arranging and reconstructing them; this belongs to the stage of conception, judgement and inference.第二步,是综合感觉的材料加以整理和改造,属于概念、判断和推理的阶段。
13.He felt his slender height, encased in his black English suit, unfold like an elegant and surprising weapon.他感觉到他那穿着黑色英国服装的细长身材象一件精致的,出人意料的武器一样舒展开来。
14.Light sensitive materials and digital cameras are all photography appliance.感光材料、数字照相机都是照相器材。
15.Touching the Material-A Research on the Feeling of Touch of Book Materials;触摸材质—书籍设计材料的触感研究
16.Inhibitory Control of Visual-Spatial and Verbal Materials in Children and Young Adults;儿童及成人对视觉空间材料和言语材料的抑制控制
17.The woollen cloth prickles (my skin).穿毛料衣服(使我的皮肤)有被扎的感觉.
18.Unfading materials give people a feeling of lasting freshness.永不褪色的面料,给人以常新的感觉。

materials feeling材料感觉特性
1.This paper-based on materials,materials feeling of finishing the design of the books in use.本文以材料为基础,探讨材料感觉特性在书籍装帧设计中的运用。
1.If material things are the objects of our perception, why we do perceive some qualities that are not belong to the associated material things? In illusions, what on earth do we perceive?Ayer insists: What we directly perceive are sense-data , and furthermore, he produces the incorrigible foundations for the empirical knowledge.如果感知的对象是物质事物,为什么我们会感知到一些物质事物所不具备的性质呢?在错觉中我们感知到的东西究竟是什么呢? 艾耶尔提出:“我们直接感知到的是感觉予料”,以此还为经验知识找到了“感觉予料陈述”作为不可错的基础。
4)Audio Materials Library听觉材料室
5)photographic material感光材料
1.This paper presents a comprehensive outline of the important functions of photographic materials in the State economy and a systematic introducion of the advancement history of the technical progress of photographic materials,including the products technology,production process,support technology,application techniques etc.本文较系统地讨论了感光材料在国民经济中的重要作用,从产品技术、生产工艺、支持体技术、应用技术等方面较全面地介绍了感光材料技术进步的发展历程。
2.In recent years ,the study on the application of fluoro- surfactants in photographic materials is a new topic of research in the development of photographic materials.含氟化合物表面活性剂在感光材料中的应用,是近来感光材料研究的一个新领域。
3.Someday China will be the largest photographic market in the world and the potential for sustained long-term growth is enormous, so world renowned multinational manufacturers of photographic materials crowded to step in the Chinese market, thus inducing an intensified competition in the market of X-ray film in China.中国将成为世界最大的照相器材市场,而且其增长潜力极为巨大而持久,因此世界上一些著名的感光材料跨国公司纷纷踊入中国市场,使X线胶片市场竞争极为激烈。
6)sensitive materials敏感材料
1.Study on Cr_2O_3-Al_2O_3 sensitive materials for CH_4 gasCr_2O_3-Al_2O_3甲烷敏感材料的研究
2.The sensitivity and selectivity of chemical sensors are controlled by sensitive materials mainly.化学传感器的灵敏度和选择性主要通过敏感材料的选择来确定。
3.Research in screening of molecularly imprinted polymer sensitive materials with combinatorial chemistry is reported,from 25 candidate polymers,a novel molecularly imprinted polymer with great selectivity is screened out.本文报道了运用组合化学进行分子印迹聚合物敏感材料筛选的研究。
