1.Development of wort beverage fermented by lactic acid bacteria with fruit flavor;果味型麦芽汁乳酸菌饮料的研制
2.Deep fermentation of Cordyceps militaris in wort medium;麦芽汁培养基中蛹虫草液体发酵的研究
3.Based on actual conditions of food biochemistry experiments,a comprehensive design experiment on wort preparation technology was proposed in this thesis.基于食品生物化学课程实验的实际情况,提出以麦芽汁制备工艺为主题开设综合设计性实验,通过初步的实施表明,此综合设计性试验的开出不仅可以提高学生在食品生物化学方面的综合实验技能,而且可以加深学生对知识的理解,同时可以培养学生的科研和创新精神。

1.The liquid fraction is known as 'wort'.这种液态部分即麦芽汁
2.There are three main Brewing operations: mashing the malt to produce wort; filtering the wort and boiling.有三步最主要的操作程序:粉碎大麦芽形成麦芽汁;过滤麦芽汁和将麦芽汁煮沸。
3.An infusion of malt that is fermented to make beer.麦芽汁浸泡过的麦芽,发酵后用于酿制啤酒
4.The liquid is next pumped to the brew kettle.煮泡即用泵将麦芽汁输送至酿造罐中。
5.chalk beer-wort yeast litmus milk白垩、麦芽汁、酵母浸膏石蕊牛乳(培养基)
6.Fermentation also lowers the pH of the wort to about 4.0 and produces dissolved carbon dioxide in the wort to the extent of about 0.3 % by weight.发酵过程使麦芽汁的pH降至4.0左右并产生占麦芽汁质量约0.3%的溶解的二氧化碳。
7.After filtration, the hopped wort is ready for fermination.加了酒花的麦芽汁在过滤后进入发酵过程。
8.This paper introduced the process of Chinese wolfberry nutrimental healthy beer by added Chinese wolfberry juice to fermentation wort, with high active dry yeast.将枸杞汁添加到麦芽汁中,用高活性干酵母发酵生产枸杞啤酒。
9.Comparation of Effect of Wort and Corn Juice Yeast Culture on Rumen Fermentation;麦芽汁和玉米汁酵母培养物对瘤胃发酵作用的比较研究
10.The hops also provide flavor and assist in clarification of the wort.这种啤酒花能改善风味并可以协助麦芽汁的澄清。
11.The wort is then cooled, the solids allowed to precipitate, and it is ready for fermentation.接着冷却麦芽汁,让固体物质沉淀下来,这时就可以进行发酵了。
12.The boiling or brewing of the wort with the hops serves several purposes.煮沸或煮泡的添加酒花的麦芽汁有多方面的原因。
13.In this heating step the hydrolytic enzymes are inactivated and the wort can be pitched inoculated with the desired yeast.在加热过程中,水解酶丧失了活性,而且我们可以接种酵母进行麦芽汁的分批发酵。
14.The cooled wort is inoculated with Saccharomyces yeast and fermentation of the sugar formed from starch during mashing proceeds.向冷却后的麦芽汁中注入酵母菌,使糖化过程中淀粉降解产生的糖发酵。
15.It produces an alcohol content in the wort of about 4.6 % by volume, which would be 9.2 proof.其结果是麦芽汁内以体积计的酒精含量达到大约4.6%。即9.2标准酒精度。
16.The characteristic bitterness of Orval is due to the particularly high level of hops added to the wort during the boiling.欧瓦啤酒独特的苦味是因为在将麦芽汁煮沸的过程中加入高品质的啤酒花而形成的。
17.turn into malt, become malt.变成麦芽,转变成麦芽。
18.saccharification period(麦芽醪)糖化时间

malt wort麦芽汁
3)heavy wort浓麦芽汁
4)sweet wort鲜麦芽汁
5)primary wort原麦芽汁
6)mashing water麦芽汁液

麦芽鸡汤·配 料: 光嫩母鸡1 只,炒麦芽60 克,熟猪油15 克,鲜汤2000 克,细盐10 克,味精3 克,胡椒粉1 克,葱5 克,姜5 克。(haochi123.com)·特 色: 特点:鸡酥汤浓。功效:消食回乳。(haochi123.com)·操 作: 1.将鸡洗净切成3 厘米见方的块,炒麦芽用纱布包好。2.锅内加猪油烧热,投葱、姜、鸡块煸炒几下,加清汤、麦芽、细盐,用小火炖1~2 小时,加味精、胡椒粉,取出麦芽包即成。(haochi123.com)·营养价值: 鸡肉 - 鸡肉有温中益气,补精添髓,补虚益智的作用。《神农本草经》上说常吃鸡肉能通神;后世医家大多认...【所有鸡肉菜谱】·所属菜系: 药膳偏方 - 【所有药膳偏方】