1.Morbid Personality in Feudal System——A talk on Xu Wei s madness;封建制度下的病态人格——浅谈徐渭的疯癫
2.It provides the heroines with opportunities and results of rebel and freedom one after another,and it illustrates the certainty that female texts of the female writer writing "madness" intention under certain social tradition.文本中,作者以最大的现实可能性,给予女性主角一个个反叛和自由的机会与结局,从而阐释出女性作家在既有的社会传统下书写具有"疯癫"意蕴的女性文本的必然性。
3.In opposition against Foucault s thought,this paper tries to illustrate,through Shakespearean drama King Lear and others,that the relationship between reason and madness is différance.针对福柯看到的理性与疯癫的关系是对立不可调和、相互排斥莎士比亚戏剧中,作者运用《李尔王》等作品体现的理性和疯癫来阐释延异学说,试图证明理性与疯癫如同德里达提出的那样,是处于无止境的差异链条内、相辅相成的延异关系。

1.a rift within the lute不和[疯癫]的前兆
2.the old lady is beginning to behave quite dottily.这个老妇人开始有点疯疯癫癫了。
3.I freely confess I'm as dotty as you are.我坦白承认,我跟你一样疯疯癫癫。
4.Never mind what he says, he's a cracker.不要理他说什么,他是疯疯癫癫的。
5.His landlady appeared to be slightly off her rocker.看来他的女房东有点疯疯癫癫。
6.Insaneness and Metaphor:On Madmen Iconography in Lu Xun Novels;疯癫与隐喻——论鲁迅小说中的疯癫意象
7.The Redemption through Madness:On the Madness and Divinity of Lear疯癫的救赎——论李尔王的疯癫与神性
8.In this war there is an idiocy without bounds.这次战争疯癫得没底。
9.Everybody...is a little off the hooks...in plain words, a little crazy or so.人人都有点失常,……简单地说,就是有点疯疯癫癫。
10.Behaving as if mentally unbalanced;very eccentric.疯疯癫癫的,癖的精神有点失常的;极古怪的
11.Doesn’t that lady look a bit “balmy on the crumpet”?那位女士看上去有点“疯疯癫癫的”,不是吗?
12.The Tactics of Texts About Madness--An Analysis of the Madness Narration in the Present Literary Circle;“疯癫”的文本策略——解读当下文坛的“疯癫”叙事
13.Insanity in irrational world --Study of insane people in Luling s novels;非理性世界中的疯癫图景——路翎小说中的疯癫人物透视
14.Discussion on the Images of "Mad Women" in Zhang Jie s Novels;疯癫:异化的宣泄——论张洁小说中的“疯女人”形象
15.On the Dialectics of Reason and Madness in the New Period Literature;理性与疯癫——新时期文学“疯人”谱系的知识学考古
16.He seemed half out of his mind with fear.他看来像被吓得处于半疯癫状态似的。
17.Tavern is placed where madness is sold by the bottle .酒馆,是按瓶出售疯癫的去处。
18."Ever any madness in your family!" he asked, in a matter-of-fact tone.“你家中曾有过疯癫症病史吗

1.However, as a result of its mystique and complexity, correlative texts which on insanity topic will usually string along with conspicuous metaphor, especially in contemporary western films.西方的文化传统,一直对疯癫题材有所关注和表达。
2.This thesis focuses on the similarities and differences between Septimus and Woolf from the angles of causes,symptoms of mental illness and tragic ending,tries to analyze the potential influence of insanity on her writing of stream of consciousness.贯穿伍尔夫整个生命历程的疯癫对其意识流的创作有着不容忽视的潜在的影响。
4)He has a touch of madness in his composition他有点疯疯癫癫。
5)feminine craziness女性"疯癫"
6)madness discourses疯癫言说

疯癫1.神经错乱﹐精神失常。 2.指情况反常。