1.In the 1990 s,Tie ning s writings on maternity link the past,present,and the future of female,connecting the ancestors mother generation and filial generation.20世纪90年代铁凝的母性书写,以其独特的笔致,在母亲系谱的构建中,以母性为链,勾连起女性的过去、现在与未来,展现出祖辈、母辈、子辈三代之间的生存景象和灵魂镜像。
2.On maternity, female writers vividly described women s physiology, their culture and their positions in the society, which gave vivid presentation of women s life.在母性书写方面,女作家从社会、生理、文化三方面对母性的生命给予了真切的呈现。

1.From the "Female"、"Motherhood" to "Notre Dame"从“雌性”、“地母性”到“圣母性
2.On Female Painters,Maternal Consciousness and Maternal Material;小议女性画家、母性意识与母性题材
3.The Motif of Infanticide in Western Literature and Reconstruction of Motherhood;西方文学中母亲杀婴母题和母性的重构
4.Having predominantly maternal hereditary traits.主要有母性遗传特性的
5.In his cheerful nature, Jim takes after his father rather than his mother.吉母性格开朗,不像母亲,像他父亲。
6.Investigation on the Status of Middle School Students Mother Maternal Consciousness;初中生母亲母性意识现状的调查分析
7.showing maternal instincts.表现出母性的本能的。
8.Depiction of Mothers in the May Fourth Movement-A New Construction of Maternal Myth;母性神话的解构:“五四”女性作家关于母亲的书写
9.The Sorrows of Motherhood A Reading of The Joys of Motherhood by Buchi Emecheta;母性的悲哀——读埃梅切塔的小说《母性的喜悦》(英文)
10.Summoning Natural Maternal Mood--On the Maternal Consciousness of Tie Ning s Novels;呼唤自然母性情怀——论铁凝小说的母性意识
11.The Collision of Motherhood and Humanity--The Analysis of Mother Written by Akudagawa;母性与人性的碰撞——试析芥川龙之介的《母》
12.A female canine animal, especially a dog.母狗雌性犬科动物,尤指母狗
13.The mature female of cattle of the genus Bos.小母牛指母牛属的成年雌性牛
14.A discussion of the motif that a mother s character may change according to her pregnancy;论“母怀孕贵子影响自身性情”母题
15.More on the "Matriliny"," Matriarchy" and Women s Social Status;再论“母系制”、“母权制”与女性社会地位
16.Variations of neutral oligosaccharides concentration in Chinese maternal breast milk中国母亲母乳中中性寡糖的浓度变化
17.monoblastic leukemia单核母细胞性白血病
18.lymphoblastic leukemia淋巴母细胞性白血病

1.She subverted the great motherhood which the traditional culture set up,and exposed the absurd and frivolous of redemption.徐小斌在《羽蛇》中,解构了许多神圣的理念,她颠覆了传统文化为我们设置的伟大母性,揭露救赎的荒诞和无意义,高扬女性主体的伟大以摧毁男性精英主义。
2.However,the motherhood represented in both Eugenie O Neill s and Cao Yu s tragedies has deconstructed the traditional myth of motherhood.在东西方的传统文化中,母亲的社会人格都已被固定化和模式化了,母性即意味着"无私奉献"、"忘我牺牲"和"仁慈宽厚",正如爱男人更甚于爱女人自己早已成为男权文化中心对理想女性的人格定位一样,爱子女甚于爱自己也早已成为父权社会对理想母亲的人格定位。
3.The dominant motherhood ideology of western culture has emerged the voices of black feminists.母性是女权主义理论里经常讨论和争议很大的一个问题。
3)maternal instinct母性
1.Her female text showed the negation to the traditional "maternal instinct" "wife instinct" and "daughter instinct" in order to show tha.她的女性文本具体表现为对传统"母性"、"妻性"、"女儿性"的否定,以示必须走出女性神话。
2.Meanwhile, Luxun depicted emphatically the swell of their maternal instinct, which obviously, has a special intention.同时鲁迅又着重刻画她们母性的膨胀 ,显然别有一番用意 ,这无疑与鲁迅一生的终极理想相契合 ,即寻找天性之
3.They study the maternal instinct features of pottery and porcelain culture,search into the relationship of unique nature and combination of imperial kiln ceramics and folk blue and white porcelain,and come to realize that pottery and porcelain making is like a life journey and that human s emotion is like the rarit.小说家视野里的陶瓷文化,以闪烁着千年窑火的辉煌的景德镇为研究对象,结合小说家以此地域为背景的《陶瓷物语》等文本的创作,探研陶瓷文化的母性特征,海纳百川的母性的胸怀;寻觅御窑皇瓷和民间青花的特质及交融关系;感悟炼瓷就像人生历程,人的情感的丰富脆弱犹如瓷的珍贵。
1.The number of alate,apterous parthenogenesis aphids,and sexuparae produced by the cotton and cucumber specialized aphids were compared.为了明确寄主专化性是否会影响棉蚜的繁殖策略或生活史对策,采用低温和短光照组合(18℃,L∶D=8∶16)分别对棉花型和瓜型棉蚜进行有性世代的诱导,比较两寄主专化型棉蚜产生有翅蚜、雄性母、雌性母及无翅孤雌蚜的能力。
5)Feminine? Maternity?女性?母性?
6)The qualities of a mother.母性母亲的特性
