1.The Chineseness in Wen Renping s Poetry;论温任平诗文中的中国性
2.Paradoxical Chineseness——Centering on the Case of Huang Jin-shu;吊诡中国性——以黄锦树个案为中心
3.Amy Tan s Narrative Patterns in the Joy Luck Club: A Study on the Complicated Conflict between Chineseness and Americanness;谭恩美在小说《喜福会》中的叙事模式:纠缠不清的“中国性”、“美国性”冲突研究

1.Cinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Std & Aids中国性病艾滋病防治
2.Critical Reflections on "Academic Chinanization"学术一定要“中国”吗?——对“中国性”的批判性思考
3.Adapting Marxism to the Chinese conditions:Chinese Characteristics,Chinese Style,Chinese Manner马克思主义中国化:中国特性、中国作风、中国气派
4.Authors of Chinese Ci Are All Men,and Charecterastics of Chinese Ci Are All Male--The male gender theory of Chinese Ci中国词者皆为男,中国词性皆为雄——中国词作男性性别论
5.Non political neutral of Chinese public servants and their people character中国公务员的非政治中立性与人民性
6.On China s Women Writers and the Women s Predicament in the Works;论中国女性作家及作品中的女性困境
7.Ancient Chinese Artifacts of Forgeable Cast Iron中国古代韧性铸铁件
8.Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Non-communicable Diseases中国慢性病预防与控制
9.The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology中国皮肤性病学杂志
10.Chinese Bulletin on Drug Dependence中国药物依赖性通报
11.National Institute on Drug Dependence中国药物依赖性研究所
12.Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence中国药物依赖性杂志
13.debate on nature of Chinese society“中国社会性质”的论战
14.polemic on the nature of Chinese rural community中国农村社会性质论战
15.polemic on the nature of Chinese society中国社会性质问题论战
16.What is the nature of the Chinese revolution?中国革命的性质是什么?
18.Political Nature of Translation in New China (1949-1966);新中国(1949-1966)翻译政治性

Chinese Character中国性
1.The author first puts forward the difference of two concepts, one is "Chinese style" which in the author s opinion is no longer existing because of the changes of society and people s life style; the other is "Chinese Character" which is an intention of ways of living and will last for a long time.文章首先提出了“中国式”和“中国性”这两个概念,“中国式”即所谓住宅的中国样式,随着社会的变革和人们生活的变化,“中国式”已经荡然无存;而“中国性”则仍然存在,因为它是一种居住和生活方式的意向,文章分析了建筑师王昀设计的庐师山庄A+B住宅,认为设计中表现的“单纯和复杂同构”,实际是建筑师向我们呈现的一个戏剧性的场景,而这便是作者认为的中国意向住宅。
2." It discloses the Chinese character of modernistic school of thought in Chinese literature.论文通过对新时期文学中现代派思潮的梳理,探讨了中国作家如何在兼收并蓄西方现代派文学的实践中融入中国古典文学的修养,以及积累的一些“具有中国文化意蕴的现代派文学”的成功经验,初步论证了中国现代派文学思潮的中国性
3)Chinese style中国性
4)Chinese characteristic中国性
1.Now Chinese are pursuing culture identity and tradition resurgence, that is to say, Chinese are seeking a Chinese characteristic different from the universalistic for culture self-identity.当下中国在追寻文化认同与传统中兴的实践中,蕴含着寻求中国性以完成与普世性文化有所区别的自我界定。
5)Chinese national characters中国国民性
6)Chinese individuality中国个性

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-