1.The Bimo Field in Yi Society——The Use of Bourdieu s Theory in the Study of Bimo;彝族社会的毕摩场域——布迪厄理论在毕摩研究中的运用
2.An Insight to the Origin and Status of Nosu BiMo;浅谈彝族毕摩的由来及其地位
3.The "Bo'e" and "Bimo" Religions——An individual case analysis and comparision of crossculture of the primitive religious ritual music culture“勃额”与“毕摩”——原始宗教仪式音乐文化的跨文化个案比较分析

1.The Bimo Field in Yi Society--The Use of Bourdieu s Theory in the Study of Bimo;彝族社会的毕摩场域——布迪厄理论在毕摩研究中的运用
2.A Comparative Study of the Bi-mo of Yi Group and the Dongba of Naxi Group;彝族“毕摩”与纳西族“东巴”的比较研究
3.Women of Yi Nationality and Bimo Religion in Liangshan: Impact of the Religion upon Gender Roles of the Female;凉山毕摩教和彝族女性——宗教对性别角色的塑造
4.The Tourism Value and Development of Bi Mo Culture in Yi Nationality;论彝族毕摩文化的旅游价值及其开发方式
5.The Expression and Transition of the Religious Belief of Yi: An Empirical Study on Bimo Ritual凉山彝族信仰的表达与嬗变——对毕摩仪式的经验研究
6.Things Expressing Themselves--On the Art of the Yi People s Bimo Tools and Materials;物语的自述——试论彝族毕摩绘画艺术的工具与材料
7.The "Bo'e" and "Bimo" Religions--An individual case analysis and comparision of crossculture of the primitive religious ritual music culture“勃额”与“毕摩”——原始宗教仪式音乐文化的跨文化个案比较分析
8.Guizhou Yi Bimo Study on Cultural Heritage of People--Guizhou Province as a Case Study of Panxian Yuni Country贵州彝族毕摩文化传承人问题研究——以贵州省盘县淤泥乡为个案分析
9.Clement Moore graduated from Columbia.克来门特?摩尔从哥伦比亚大学毕业。
10.After graduating he moved to London and began writing his Sherlock Holmes stories.毕业后,他移居伦敦,开始写作福尔摩斯故事系列,
11.And we can always give each other foot massages. This is a vacation, after all.我们也随时可以给彼此做做脚部按摩嘛。毕竟,我们是在度假啊!
12.Remarks on Bisheng Tomb Stele at Yingshan and Manicheism in the Southern Huai Region对《英山毕昇碑与淮南摩尼教》一文中几个问题的商榷
13.2 When complete, send this application to Moody International at the address above. do not send to aws.本表填毕后请依上列地址寄回摩迪国际有限公司。请勿寄至美国焊接学会。
14.be extremely deferential必(毕)恭必(毕)敬
15.Morgan. Owen Morgan.摩根。欧文?摩根。
16."I think so," she replied, very respectfully.“还行,"她毕恭毕敬地回答。
17.To graduate Cum laude is to graduate with honor.优等毕业即光荣的毕业。
18.Kamejiro listened carefully.龟次郎毕恭毕敬地听着。

Bimo Field毕摩场域
1.The Bimo Field in Yi Society——The Use of Bourdieu s Theory in the Study of Bimo;彝族社会的毕摩场域——布迪厄理论在毕摩研究中的运用
3)Bimo Culture毕摩文化
1.Guangxi Yi People Bimo Culture is in Severe Danger;濒危之中的广西彝族毕摩文化
2.Yi nationality original religion(Bimo religion) created brilliant bimo culture in the long course of historical development by their ancestor which belongs to native religion.毕摩教对彝族人民的生活、风俗礼仪、精神气质都产生了极大的影响,形成了独特的文化结构,被称之为“毕摩文化”。
4)Bimo religion毕摩教
1.Women of Yi Nationality and Bimo Religion in Liangshan: Impact of the Religion upon Gender Roles of the Female;凉山毕摩教和彝族女性——宗教对性别角色的塑造
2.Yi nationality original religion(Bimo religion) created brilliant bimo culture in the long course of historical development by their ancestor which belongs to native religion.彝族原始宗教即毕摩教是彝族先民在长期的社会生活中形成的,以祖先崇拜为核心,集自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、灵物崇拜为一体的传统信仰,属于本土民族信仰的宗教。
5)Bimo painting毕摩绘画
1.Bimo paintings are primitive religious paintings that are used in explaining religious ideas,in sacrificial rites,divination and evil-driving ceremonies.毕摩绘画是彝族祭司毕摩用于图解宗教观念、祭祀、占卜、驱魔除患的原始宗教绘画艺术,它折射出了彝族古代社会生活和思想的面貌,蕴涵着大量彝族古代历史和文化的信息。
6)Bimo drawing art毕摩绘画艺术
1.From the drawing tool and the material point of view,this article explores the drawing art linguistic environment condition resulted from Bimo picture transformation form and the different medium constitutes,and explains the characteristic of Bimo drawing art of tool material that often uses local materials which unifies with the modem material.毕摩画是彝族传统的绘画之一,本文从绘画工具与材料的视角,探索毕摩画的物化形式和不同媒介构成的绘画艺术语境状态,阐释毕摩绘画艺术的工具材料具有就地取材与现代材料相结合的特点,同时论证了毕摩绘画艺术与材质“物语”的紧密关系。

毕哩体瞿摩夷【毕哩体瞿摩夷】 (物名)Pr!thvi-gomaya,译曰牛粪。见慧琳音义十。