1.According to the standardization analysis for the scale, structure, determinants and developmental trends of Chinese male overpopulation, we concluded that the scale and ratio of ace overpopulation have been very severe in 1982 and 1990, and this problem will be more severe in next several decades.对中国男性人口过剩的规模、结构、影响因素及其发展趋势进行了标准化分析。

1.In an overpopulated world,在人口过剩的世界里,
2.We need to tell people about the problems of overpopulation.我们要告诉人们人口过剩的问题。
3.The Irish would not allow overpopulation to occur again.爱尔兰人不允许再发生人口过剩
4.They regard overpopulation as a danger to society.他们把人口过剩看成是对社会的威胁。
5.For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom.因为人口过剩和自由是不可调和的。
6.Overpopulation is in the way of the construction of modern country.人口过剩是国家现代化 建设的绊脚石.
7.Overpopulation is not compatible with freedom.人口过剩和自由是不可调和的。
8.Excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration.人口过剩由于地区内人口过剩而引起的过度拥挤、自然资源枯竭或环境恶化
9.In some parts of the world, humans are reproducing very rapidly, causing overpopulation.在世界上的一些地区,人口繁衍过快,以至引起了人口过剩
10.To fill(an area, for example) with excessive population to the detriment of the inhabitants, resources, or environment.使人口过密使(如一地区)人口过剩,以致有害于居民、资源和环境
11.Countries in which the rainforests are located are mostly poor and overpopulated.地处热带雨林的国家大都贫穷,人口过剩.
12.A. An overpopulated earth will be unable to sustain its inhabitants.人口过剩的地球无法维护它上面的居民。
13.The countries in which the rainforests are located are all quite poor and overpopulated.地处热带雨林的国家都相当贫困,人口过剩
14.Overpopulation:the Main Cause of Ancient Greek Colonial Movement;人口过剩是古希腊殖民运动的首要动因
15.Birth Control and Investment Against Population Growth;生育控制与逆人口投资——人口过剩条件下人口与社会经济问题的综合治理
16.Never before in history has the issue of overpopulation been more evident than now .历史上,人口过剩的问题从来没有比现在更加突出。
17.Chinese Male Overpopulation--Scale, Structure, Influence Factors and Development Trends Analysis;中国的男性人口过剩──规模、结构、影响因素及其发展趋势分析
18.an overspill housing development城市过剩人口住房开发.

over-population theory人口过剩论
4)a surplus population过剩的人口
6)relative overpopulation相对人口过剩
1.Traditionally, relative overpopulation refers to population surplus compared with the means of subsistence and production, which can be labeled as relative overpopulation in a narrow sense.传统意义上的相对人口过剩是指人口相对于生活资料或 (和 )生产资料的过剩 ,这种理论可以概括称之为狭义相对人口过剩论。
