1.Besides, appropriateness is one of the objectives always pursued by translators.法律翻译合适性是译者追求的目标,是译者为达到诸多因素最佳和谐而进行自始至终的选择的结果,法律交流原则和法律翻译合适性目标的结合能使译者从宏观和微观两个方面把握翻译过程。
2.Historical origins,values and thinking models all contribute to the appropriateness of politeness.不同的历史渊源、价值观念、思维模式等决定着礼貌原则的合适性

1.being of striking appropriateness and pertinence.具有显著的合适性和恰当性。
2.of greatest advantage or suitability.有最大的利益或者合适性
3.suitability for climate conditions对气候条件的适合性
4.the suitability of land for cultivation.土地适合耕种的特性。
5.an attribute that fits a person for something.某人适合某事物的属性。
6.adaptive robot technical complex适应性机扑综合技术
7.standard test method for over coatability漆度适合性试验方法
8.major histocompatibility complex (MHC)主要组织适应性复合体
9.c. Optimal Risky Portfoliosc. 最适风险性投资组合
10.For varying cutting depths and interrupted cutting.适合变化的切削深度和适合间断性切割。
11.It is not considered appropriate for screening women with average or slightly increased risk.但不适合危险性一般或略高的女性。
12.Shuanggui Shuangzhi:Relative Rationality and Limited Legitimacy;“双规双指”:相对合理性与适法有限性
13.Rationality and Applicability of Rational Usage in Digital Libraries;数字图书馆合理使用的合理性与适用性
14.On the Application of Administrative Principles of Legality &Reasonableness in the State of Emergency;论应急状态下行政合法性、合理性原则的适用
15.The present job was well suited to his temperament [taste].当前的工作很适合他的性格[爱好]。
16.Elastomeric seat materials are not suitable for steam service.弹性阀座材料不适合于蒸气管道中。
17.(of motor vehicles) the quality of being fit to drive on the open road.适合在户外的道路上驾驶的性能。
18.The quantum-mechanical nature of tunneling switches is suited for nanoscale circuits.穿隧开关的量子特性很适合奈米电路。

1.Feasibility of silicone rubber space impression for detecting the fitness of porcelain-fused-to-metal crown;硅橡胶间隙印模检测金属烤瓷全冠适合性的可行性研究
1.Comparative research on fit of commercial pure titanium copings of different thickness;不同厚度纯钛基底冠适合性的比较研究
2.Study on the fit of Finesse all ceramic crown in vitro;Finesse全瓷冠适合性的体外实验研究
3.Study methods for analyzing the fit of inlays;嵌体适合性分析的实验方法
1.An experimental study on the adaptation of porcelain fused-to-metal restorations made from three different alloys;三种不同金属基底修复体堆瓷前后适合性的实验研究
2.Effect of Gold-plating Technique on the Adaptation of Ni-Cr Metal Ceramic Full Crown;镍铬合金烤瓷全冠镀金处理后适合性的研究
3.The Effect on the Adaptation of Metal Casting Inner-crowns with Different Powers/liquids of Two Adhesive Cements;两种粘固剂不同粉液比对金属内层冠适合性的影响
1.The suitability of host to parasitoid could be investigated by observing the parasitizing behavior and the development of parasitoid, and the development of parasitoid was based on the ability of parasitoid in using host nutrients.寄生发生前寄生蜂的寄生行为及寄生发生后寄生蜂的生长发育情况能够反映出寄主对寄生蜂的适合性,而寄生蜂对寄主营养物质的吸收和利用是寄生蜂完成发育的生理基础。
2.chilonis strains to tobacco budworm egg and the suitability of the egg to these strains were compared in natural temperature conditions in shandong province.于山东自然变温条件下,比较了松毛虫赤眼蜂和螟黄赤眼蜂的几个品系在试管和笼罩内对烟青虫卵的寄生能力和烟青虫卵对其的适合性。
1.As one of the basic means in modem rhetoric, diction covers three aspects——purity, accuracy and appropriateness.现代修辞学中的措辞涉及到纯正性,精确性和适合性这三个不可分割的方面。
2.That is, students usually ignore the basic rule for intercommunication-- appropriateness so that they can not improve their ability to.从文体学的角度出发 ,探讨句型转换练习所带来的不良影响 :学生运用语言时容易忽视言语交际的最根本的原则———适合性 ,不利于提高学生的交际能力。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-