1.On the cultivation of young staff in higher education;略论高校青年教师培养工作

1.A Brief Talk about the Foster of Student Cadres in Colleges and Universities Under the New Situation;谈新形势下高校学生干部的培养工作
2.Goal and Orientation of Middle School Teachers Training;中学骨干教师培养工作的目标与定位
3.Some Knowledge of the Evaluation on the Going of Talent Fostering;“人才培养工作水平”评估的几点体会
4.Explorations on the Training of Communist Party Member Candidates;做好大学生入党积极分子的培养工作
5.How To Cultivate College Student Leaders;谈如何做好高校学生干部的培养工作
6.Considerations on works of enrolment and cultiration of MPA;关于我国MPA招生培养工作的思考
8.Discussing about Cultivation and Management of Master Graduates of Engineering;关于工程硕士培养和管理工作的探讨
9.Propaganda teams constitute the schools for training cadres, not only for cultural work, but also for political work.宣传队是培养干部的学校。不仅要培养文化工作的干部,还要培养政治工作的干部。
10.Therefore the degree programme is critical to the talents developments.学位工作担负着人才培养的重任。
11.How to Cultivate Clinical Work Ability of Ophthalmologic Graduate Students;如何培养眼科研究生的临床工作能力
12.Cultivation of Working Personality Charm of University Counselors;浅析高校辅导员工作人格魅力的培养
13.Social Work Educaton and the Cultivating in Humanity Character of University Students;社会工作教育与大学生人文素质培养
14.Cultivation and Standardization of Professional Concept of Social Work in Hongkong;香港社会工作专业理念的培养和规范
15.On“Three Help”Work and Foster the Ability of Bring New Ideas of Graduate Students;“三助”工作与研究生创新能力的培养
16.A Few Reflections on the Co-education of Master of Engineering by University-enterprise Cooperation;对校企合作培养工程硕士的几点思考
17.The Function of Government in Solving the Problem of Market Malfunction in Skilled Workers Training;市场失灵与政府在技工培养中的作用
18.Discussion on Training and Enhancing Faculty for Educational Administrators in College;论高校教务员工作能力的培养与提高

1.By investigation and research,the author thinks that the goal of the training should be to training a large group of key teachers for middle schools with rational structure of major,level,age,educational level and professional title so as to support the development of education.21世纪我国教育的发展对中学骨干教师的培养工作提出了新的更高的要求。
3)Student's cultivation学生培养工作
4)the evaluation of the talent fostering人才培养工作评估
5)evaluation about the talent cultivating work人才培养工作水平评估
1.To receive the College evaluation about the talent cultivating work by the Provincial Department of Education, the College carries out the 16-word guideline, which is "evaluation promoting construction, evaluation promoting reform, evaluation promoting management, combining evaluation with construction, key being construction".为迎接省教育厅对我院进行的人才培养工作水平评估 ,学院认真贯彻“以评促建 ,以评促改 ,以评促管 ,评建结合 ,重在建设”的二十字评估方针 ,利用一年多的时间 ,扎扎实实地开展了评建工作。
6)reform to the talent fostering人才培养工作改革
