当代学术,modern academy
1)modern academy当代学术

1.About Culler s "Literary Theory :A Very Short Introduction;读卡勒《当代学术入门:文学理论》
2.A Collection and Prospect of the Achievements in Chinese Contemporary Academe History--Comment on"The Study of Contemporary Academe History"当代学术史研究成果的一次汇集与展望——读《当代学术史研究》
3.Academics of Sorrow and Joy Pursuit of the Truth: Yu Sanding’s Modern Academic History Research;忧乐学术 求索真理——评余三定的当代学术史研究
4.Modern Arts--the useable curricula resource for fine arts institutes;当代艺术——美术学院重要的课程资源
5.Reflections on the Contemporary Academic Evaluating Mechanism of Art Institutes;对当代艺术院校学术评估机制的思考
6.Mapping of science studies: Research groups and representative scientists;当代国际科学学主流学术群体及其代表人物
8.A Review of the Symposium on Confucius and It s Development in Contemporary Society;“儒学与当代社会发展”学术研讨会综述
9.Creation and expansion of philosophy of science and technology;“现代科学技术与当代哲学高峰论坛”综述
10.I was then the military representative at the Central Academy of Fine Arts.我当时是接管中央美术学院的军代表。
11.characteristic of present-day art and literature.以当今时代的艺术和文学为特点。
12.Comment on Contemporary Chinese Architectural Crisis from Philosophy of Technology s View;从技术哲学角度看当代中国建筑危机
13.The Epistemological and Methodological Comparison of Science and Technology in Contemporary Times;科学与技术认识论、方法论的当代比较
14.Summary of the Seminar "Zhu Zi s People Thought and the Modern Times";“朱子民本思想与当代”学术研讨会综述
15.Scientific and Technological Thought of Marx and Its Contemporary Value马克思的科学技术思想及其当代价值
16.On The Research Status and Trend of Contemporary Chinese Learning of Classics;重续经学学术传统——关于当代经学研究的思考
17.Literary Rhetorical Criticism and Academic Characteristics of Contemporary Chinese Literary Criticism;文学修辞批评与中国当代文学批评的学术品格
18.The Academic Paradigm of the Contemporary Chinese Philosophy and Social Sciences and Its Cultural Consciousness当代中国哲学社会科学的学术范式与文化自觉

contemporary academic history当代学术史
3)modern art teaching当代美术教学
4)contemporary history of academic research当代学术史研究
1.The main value of the seven-volume "History of Ancient Chinese Literature in the 20th Century",which is edited by Huang Ling, is to open up new areas of academic research, that is the contemporary history of academic research.黄霖主编的七卷本《20世纪中国古代文学研究史》的主要价值首先表现在其开拓了学术研究的新领域,这个新领域就是当代学术史研究;同时体现在,这是一套既有理论深度、又有个人学术见解的著作。
5)contemporary arts当代艺术
1.The Influences of Informatization on Contemporary Arts;信息化对当代艺术的影响
2.Image that Goes through Modern Poems and Contemporary Arts;穿行于现代派诗歌与当代艺术中的意象
3.Under the tidal wave of aestheticization, contemporary arts are filled with the tries which mixed the arts and everyday life together.在这浪潮中,当代艺术充满着艺术与日常生活相互融合的实验,同时伴随出现的是大众如何接受和阐释这种日常生活形态艺术的问题,以及此种艺术形式自身的危机。
6)Contemporary Art当代艺术
1.Reflecting the Moment Contemporary Art as Responses to China s Modernization Process;瞬间的映像 当代艺术对中国现代进程的应对
2.The Autonomy of Architecture and Interventions of Contemporary Art;建筑学的自主性与当代艺术的介入
3.eight topics in contemporary art and architecture;当代艺术与建筑几个主题

“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”“中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术交流会”  遭菊 “中国自然资源研究会成立大会暨第一次学术 交流会”中国自然资源学会供稿