全面繁荣,comprehensive prosperity
1)comprehensive prosperity全面繁荣
1.The second phase between the mid-1980s and the late 1990s witnessed its comprehensive prosperity.中国新时期30年的学术发展轨迹表现为三个时段:从1978年至20世纪80年代中期,可以大致看作是中国新时期30年学术发展的第一个时段,中国学术发展在此前的"文革"期间实际已发生了断裂,所以这一时段学术发展的总体特点主要表现为接续断裂,全面复苏,十分活跃;从20世纪80年代中期到90年代后期,可以大致地看作是中国新时期30年学术发展的第二个时段,这一时段的中国学术出现了全面繁荣和硕果累累的景象,这一时段的中国学术研究明显地表现出面向现实、面向时代、面向未来的突出特点;从20世纪90年代后期至今,可以看作是中国新时期30年学术发展的第三个时段,这一时段除继续具有第二时段的特点外,又具有了追求深化,追求厚重,反对浮华等新的重要特点。

1.Make the rural economy flourish and speed up urbanization.全面繁荣农村经济,加快城镇化进程。
2.2. Make the rural economy flourish and speed up urbanization.(二)全面繁荣农村经济,加快城镇化进程。
3.South dynasty-the ages when Shang-si pooms aulic tendency reached its summit;南朝——上巳侍宴诗文的全面繁荣
4.Build a Comfortable Society All-sidely Flourish the Rural Economy of AnHui;全面建设小康社会 繁荣安徽农村经济
5.Promoting the Develepment and Flourishing of Socialist Culture by Scientific Organizing and Strengthening Construction;科学统筹 加强建设 全面推进文化大发展大繁荣
6.They all promote the development of society.两方面的相互作用推动社会走向全面进步与繁荣。
7.A Comprehensive Job to Create a New Situation of National Harmony and Prosperity and Development of All Ethnic Groups;深入扎实全面做好民族工作 开创各民族和谐繁荣发展新局面
8.The new challenges to international security and prosperity require a multilateral approach through close international cooperation.国际安全和繁荣面临新挑战,要求通过密切的国际合作,走多边道路。
9.Developing Sports Social Science Prosperously,Increasing Quality and Level of Running a School Roundly;繁荣发展体育社会科学 全面提升办学质量和水平
10.The Development and Flourish of the Ethnic Areas in the Process of the Well-off Society in China;在全面建设小康社会进程中实现民族地区的繁荣与发展
11.Booming the Social Science of Philosophy and Establishing the Scientific View of Development to Promote All-sided Development of Human Beings;繁荣发展哲学社会科学 树立科学发展观 促进人的全面发展
12.Carrying Forward Flourish and Development of Social Sciences in Yunnan;突出重点 抓好落实 全面推进云南哲学社会科学的繁荣和发展
13.Carry Out the Important "Three Represents" Thoughts in an All-round Way to Flourish the Cause of Philosophy and Social Sciences;全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想 繁荣和发展哲学社会科学事业
14.The reason why the region is comparatively speaking more advanced in cultural development lies in the existence of a vast network of canals.宁夏的文化繁荣,全赖渠水维系。
15.The prosperity would seem to indicate a pretence.表面上的繁荣不过是个幌子。
16.the shopping malt, prosperous in Business and convenient for shopping商业步行街,市面繁荣,购买方便。
17.Participation in the National Construction and the Realization of our Nation s Prosperity--On Upgrading the Academic and Management Levels of Universities;全面参与国家建设 加速实现国家的繁荣强盛——略论提高大学的学术水平和办学水平
18.The period of greatest popularity, success, or power;prime.极盛时期繁荣、成功或力量的最高潮;全盛时期

apparent flourishing表面繁荣
3)Trade is flourishing.市面繁荣。
4)This is only superficial prosperity.这只是表面繁荣。
1.This paper introduces flourishing development circumstances of Guangdong paper industry.本文论述广东省造纸工业繁荣发达的情况 ,特别是民营造纸业产量增长的速度较快。
2.It is necessary for the authorities of the related administrations to perform effective measures to regularize the book market and create new flourish.国家有关部门应采取有力措施 ,调动各方面的积极性 ,加强管理 ,加大图书市场的整治力度 ,创建新的繁
3.However,the behind of so-called flourish,at the same time we can see that a part of prose are inferior in quality,lack of rationality,and flooding of artificial words,since I want to ask that prose become hot in deed.但是,在这种所谓的繁荣后面,同时可以看到,一部分散文品质低劣,理性缺失,矫情之作泛滥,“散文是热闹了,但却并不是繁荣”。
1.The Technological Factors to Cause English Flourishing;影响英语繁荣的科技因素
2.The flourishing of the chivalrous poems in the early prosperous Tang Dynasty;横行徇知己 负羽远从戎——浅谈初、盛唐侠义诗的繁荣
