社科界情况,state of circle of social science
1)state of circle of social science社科界情况
2)the critical case临界情况
1.In this paper,we mainly discuss a class of second-order quasi-linear system :which is in the critical case, with infinite initial value or boundary value.本文主要讨论临界情况下一类二阶拟线性方程组μy″=A(y,t)y′+μf(y,t)(其中y=(y1,y2)~T)的无穷大初值问题和边值问题。
2.In this paper,we discuss a kind of second-order quasilinear system : ey" = A(y,t)y + (?)f(y,t) (*) which is in the critical case.本文是对临界情况下二阶拟线性系统εy″=A(y,t)y′+εf(y,t)(*)的一种尝试。

1.Finally, we get the limit theories of (The equation is abbreviated).最后,得到了下临界情况下(方程式略)的极限理论。
2.The Initial and Boundary Value Problems for a Kind of Second-order Quasilinear Singularly Perturbed Equations in Critical Case临界情况下一类二阶拟线性奇摄动方程组的初值和边值问题
3.The Infinite Initial Value Problem and Boundary Value Problem for a Kind of Second-order Quasi-linear System in the Critical Case;临界情况下一类二阶拟线性方程组的无穷大初值问题和边值问题
4.Analysis of coordinated control's response to AGC in 600 MW supercritical unit600MW超临界机组协调控制对AGC的响应情况分析
5.The Operation of Opposed Firing Supercritical Boiler of HBC哈锅超临界对冲燃烧锅炉实际运行情况
6.The state of a substance that exists below its critical temperature and that may be liquefied by application of sufficient pressure.水蒸气物质存在于低于临界温度的情况下,并且在施加足够压力情况下能被液化的状态
7.Have you though of using a supercritical fluid? Usually there is a cheaper alternative, but in this ease it may be your best option.想到过使用超临界流体吗?一般情况下别的方法更便宜,但针对你的情况这也许是最佳选择。
8.We may also consider the critical load of constant-section bar as a special case for that of varying-section one.由此我们亦可将等截面杆件的临界荷载作为变截面杆件的临界荷载的特殊情况加以考虑。
9.The critical state of flow is defined as the condition for which the Froude number is equal to unity.将弗氏标数等于1的情况规定为流动的临界状态。
10.Cold standby systems are used for non-critical applications or in cases where data is changed infrequently.非临界应用或者在数据不常变换的情况下使用冷备系统。
11.interim financial performance report财务执行情况临时报告
12.The conditions are approaching a serious crisis.情况临近紧要关头。
13.stopgap measures in an emergency紧急情况下的临时措施.
14.Over the past 50 years, great changes have taken place in the world, and the cause of world human rights is facing many new problems in response to changing situations.50年来,世界已发生了巨大变化,世界人权事业面临许许多多新情况和新问题。
15.Race conditions are only an issue where interrupts and/ or preemption are possible and where critical sections exist.竞争状态仅仅有一种情况下产生,在此处中断或()先抢占是充许的并且有一个临界区存在。
16.As an example, the critical condition for the streaming gravity mode instability is discussed in a weak gravitational field.作为一个例子,还讨论了弱重力场情况下激发流动重力模不稳定性的临界条件。
18.an inclusive survey of world economic affairs.世界经济情况的综合调查

the critical case临界情况
1.In this paper,we mainly discuss a class of second-order quasi-linear system :which is in the critical case, with infinite initial value or boundary value.本文主要讨论临界情况下一类二阶拟线性方程组μy″=A(y,t)y′+μf(y,t)(其中y=(y1,y2)~T)的无穷大初值问题和边值问题。
2.In this paper,we discuss a kind of second-order quasilinear system : ey" = A(y,t)y + (?)f(y,t) (*) which is in the critical case.本文是对临界情况下二阶拟线性系统εy″=A(y,t)y′+εf(y,t)(*)的一种尝试。
3)situation unit leader情况科科长
4)worst-case ratio最坏情况界
1.For P2||Cmin,the worst-case ratio of Dual-Threshold Algorithm DA2(1/7) 6/7,which is the tight one,is proved.对于问题P2||Cmin,证明对偶阈值算法DA2(1/7)的最坏情况界为6/7,并证明此界为紧界;对于问题P3||Cmin,进而提出层次对偶阈值算法TDA3(ε),并证明当ε取2/11时,算法的最坏情况界为9/11。
2.In on- line version,the worst-case ratio of LS being 1/m is proved,so LS is the optimal algorithm for this problem.证明了LS算法是求解该问题的最好的在线算法,它的最坏情况界为1/m。
3.For m parallel machines scheduling with two grade of service (GoS) levels,it is shown that the worst-case ratio of the modified MF algorithm is at most 4/3+(1/2)~k,where k is the desired number of iteration,which improves greatly the known result 2-1/(m-1).对有两个服务等级的平行机排序问题的m台机情形,证明了修正的MF算法的最坏情况界不超过4/3+(1/2)~k,其中k是算法中预先给定的迭代次数。
5)Social science information社科情报
6)social science circle社科界

《核事故或辐射紧急情况援助公约》《核事故或辐射紧急情况援助公约》Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency ‘戈Hesh一gu htjo Fushe Jln】}Q}ngkuang YuonZhu《核一故或辐射紧急情况援助公约》刃‘瓜l’on,八“istance动the Case ofaGongyue,1 (Con-NuclearA“ident or Rad汉ogic以Emergenc刃一项有关核事故预防措施的国际公约。1986年9月26日在维也纳国际原子能机构大会特别会议上通过。1987年2月26日生效。截至1998年底,共有”个缔约国。 前苏联发生的切尔诺贝利核电厂事故,使人们愈识到在严重核事故情况下相互提供援助的必要性。于是,在国际原子能机构主持下,与制订《及早通报核事故公约》同时制订了本公约。其目的在于建立一种发生核事故或辐射紧急情况时能迅速提供援助的国际机制,以尽量减轻事故的后果,并保护生命、财产和环境免受放射性释放的影响。 《公约》的主要规定是:在发生核事故或辐射紧急情况时,若一缔约国需要援助,不论此事故是否发生于其领土,均可直接向其他缔约国、国际原子能机构或酌情向其他政府间国际组织请求援助.请求国应详细说明所需援助的范围、种类和必需的有关情况。收到此清求的缔约国应立即决定并通知请求方其能否提供以及可能提供的援助范围和条件。任何缔约国均可清求对受事故影响的人员进行医疗或要求在另一缔约国领土内暂时安里。国际原子能机构接到这种援助请求时,应迅速了解有此资源的国家或国际组织,并向其传递此请求。各缔约国均应建立提出和接受此援助清求的应急联络点并通知原子能机构,此类联络点和原子能机构的联络中心应随时处于工作状态。《公约》还对援助的指导和管理、费用的偿还、豁免和便利以及国际原子能机构的职责等做了规定. 中国于1986年9月26日签署本公约,1987年9月1。日交存了批准书,同年10月n日公约对中国生效.中国已按规定建立了核事故应急中心.