统计学教学,statistics teaching
1)statistics teaching统计学教学
1.And Statistics teaching also faces to important reformation.同时,统计学教学也面临着重大改革。

1.Reform of Medical Statistics Teaching and Connecting with Mathematical Statistics Teaching医学统计学教学改革及数理统计衔接教学探讨
2.Discussion on Example Teaching in Police Statistics公安统计学教学中的实例教学法探讨
3.Statistical Consciousness in the Instructional Design of Psychological Statistics;浅析心理统计学教学设计中的统计意识
4.Discussing Medical Statistics Teaching Reform in Chinese Medical Science Specialty by Diathesis Teaching从素质教育谈中医专业医学统计学教学改革
5.Reflections on Teaching of Statistics as a Undergraduate Course for Non-Statistics Majors;本科非统计专业统计学教学的几点思考
6.International Conference on Teaching Statistics国际统计教学会议(统计教学会议)
7.Asian Conference on Teaching Statistics亚洲统计教学会议(统计教学会议)
8.computer-aided teaching system计算机辅助教学系统
9.computer-managed instruction system计算机管理教学系统
10.A Comparision Between Constructivist Mathematics Teaching Desig ns and the Traditional;数学建构主义教学设计与传统教学设计之比较
11.Reform and Practice of Teaching the Course of "Pedagogy of Mathematics" in Normal Colleges and Universities;《数学学科教学论》课程教学问卷统计分析
12.Preliminary Study on Teaching Reform of "Medical Statistics" for Postgraduate Students;研究生《医学统计学》教学改革初探
13.Reform and Practice in Experiment Teaching for Medical Statistics;医学统计学实验教学改革探索与实践
14.Discussion on Nurturing Students’ Ability in Statistics Teaching;《统计学》教学中学生能力培养之探讨
15.On Medical Statistics Teaching;成人中专卫校医学统计学的教学探讨
16.Practical Teaching Design of "General Theory of Statistics" in Higher Vocational Education;高职《统计学原理》实践教学环节设计
17.The Study of Statistics Teaching Strategy in the First Studying Stage of Compulsory Education;义务教育第一学段统计教学策略研究
18.On Teaching Design of CRM System by Project Teaching Method;浅谈项目教学法下CRM系统的教学设计

statistics teaching统计教学
3)teaching of medical statistics医学统计学教学
4)statistics education统计学教育
1.The statistics research in foreign developed countries and the challenge to the statistics education in our country are discussed.探讨了国外发达国家统计学研究和教育的发展现状以及我国统计学教育所面临的挑战,并提出了一些应对方法:(1)要在统计教育和统计科研两方面下大功夫。
5)Statistics textbooks统计学教材
6)educational statistics教育统计学
1.The thinking model of educational statistics was empiricism under the guidance of rationalism,intuitivism under the guidance of didacticism,from parts to whole in the presupposition of holism and essentialism.教育统计学的思维方式是,理性主义指导下的经验主义、演绎主义关照下的归纳主义、以及整体(本质)主义预设下"从部分到整体"的思维方式。

《温病学教学参考资料》《温病学教学参考资料》 《温病学教学参考资料》   温病著作。南京中医学院编著。分上、下两篇,上篇总述温病学说、温病与温疫、新感与伏邪以及辨证和治法;下篇列述春温、风温、暑温等多种温病的病因、症状、诊断和治法。全书收集资料较广泛,归纳亦较系统,适用于教学参考。1959年由江苏人民出版社出版。