政府统计,official statistics
1)official statistics政府统计
1.Official statistics is one of the most important and basic information resources.政府统计数据是国家最重要、最基本的信息资源之一。

1.Conference of Governmental Statisticians of the Americans美洲政府统计员会议
2.Central Register of Establishments [CRE] [Census and Statistics Department]机构记录库〔政府统计处〕
3.Transport and Miscellaneous Services Section [Census and Statistics Department]运输及杂项服务业统计组〔政府统计处〕
4.A Review Of The Official Statistic Activities And Data In Republican China;民国时期政府统计工作与统计资料述论
5.Government statistics indicate that prices have gone down.政府统计指出物价已经下降。
6.On the Trend of Statistical Service by Chinese Government from GDDS,SDDS;从GDDS、SDDS谈中国政府统计服务的走向
7.Reflections on our Government Statistical Reform;对我国政府统计体制改革问题的思考
8.On Technical QC System for Official Statistic Data;浅论政府统计数据质量控制技术体系
9.Census & Statistics Department Field Officers & Statistics Supervisors Amalgamated Association政府统计处外勤统计职员及统计督导主任合并协会
10.Intergovernmental Working Group on Migration Statistics移民统计政府间工作组
11.E-government System Design and Implementation of the Grass-roots;基层政府电子政务系统的设计与实现
12.The government have delayed publication of the trade figures.政府已将贸易统计数字延后公布.
13.You may consult the statistics on population issued by the government.你可以查一查政府发表的人口统计。
14.Government trade statistics show an increase in import .政府贸易统计数字表明进口在增长。
15.The Design and Realization of Government Procurement System Based on the Web;基于WEB的政府采购系统的设计和实现
16.Design of the Procuring and Bidding System of E-governments Based on Rosettanet Standard;基于RosettaNet标准的政府招标采购系统设计
17.The Design and Implementation of the Content Management System for Government Website;政府网站内容管理系统的设计与实现
18.The positive analysis of in-governmental transfer payments in china “1953-1998”;1953-1998我国政府间转移支付的统计分析

Census and Statistics Department[C&SD]政府统计处
3)Government Statistical Service (GSS)政府统计局
4)Government Finance Statistics政府财政统计
5)government statistic websites政府统计网站
1.Based on the investigation,the paper brought up some advice to improve the search function of government statistic websites.政府统计网站是公众及时获取政府统计信息的重要平台。
6)Governmental comprehensive statistics政府综合统计

存款货币银行对政府债权统计存款货币银行对政府债权统计  I存款货币银行对政府债权统计】对存款货币银行有价证券及投资项下所购买的政府(主要是中央政府)发行的债券的统计。即存款货币银行所持有的短期和中长期国家债券的余额。