贫困测量,measurement of poverty
1)measurement of poverty贫困测量

1.The Invalidation and Analysis of Engel Coefficient in the Urban Poverty Measure贫困测量中恩格尔系数的失效及分析
2.This research paper proposes that gender perspective be included in the method so as to imbue it with more gender consciousness.本研究建议主流贫困测量方法纳入“社会性别”视角,使其更具“社会性别意识”。
3.sum up the methods to estimate poverty population,explorethe method to measure appropriate population below the poverty line.概述测度贫困人口的方法,并探讨衡量适度贫困人口的方法。
4.The Method of Poverty Measurement and The Targeting of Anti-poverty Goals--Based on Foster Poverty Index;贫困测度方法与反贫困目标瞄准——以F_α系列贫困指数为例
5.Calculation of Beijing Urban Residence s Poverty Rate and Determination of Pro-poor Growth;北京市城镇居民贫困测度及亲贫困增长判定
6.The Strengthen monitoring of urban poverty is the foundation of solution of urban poverty problem;加强城市贫困监测是解决城市贫困问题的基础
7.Reducing the Number of Needy Students to elevate their ability of same-themelots;减少贫困生群体数量 提高贫困生自救能力
8.Health Stock and Poverty Alleviation among Underdeveloped Regions;贫困地区人口健康存量与减缓贫困的实证研究
9.They project substantial declines in absolute poverty-though by no means an eradication of it-by the turn of the century.他们预测到本世纪末绝对贫困将大量减少,尽管尚未彻底消除。
10.A Study of Determining Xi an s Poverty Line by the Model of ELES;利用扩展性线性支出模型测量西安市贫困线研究
11.Measurement of the Urban Poverty Line in Anhui Province and Poverty Analysis by ELES;安徽省城镇贫困线的测度及贫困状况分析——基于ELES方法
12.An Empirical Analysis of the Applicability of ELES in Measuring Poverty Level--Comparing Some Criteria of Determining Poverty Line;利用线性支出系统ELES测定贫困线的实证分析——兼比较几种贫困标准
13.Circulation of Power Line and Power Ratio by Fitting Income Distribution;拟合的收入分布函数在贫困线、贫困率测算中的应用
14.Using the Method of Distribution Function to Measure China’s Rural Poor Line and Poor Rate:For the Example of the Date of Xiangfan’s Rural Area中国农村贫困线及贫困率的测定:基于拟合收入分布函数法
15.The Poverty Line in Russia:Basic Concept and Way of Gauging;俄罗斯贫困线:基本概念与测定方法
16.Estimation and Simulation of China s Rural Poverty: 1995-2003;中国农村贫困的测度与模拟:1995-2003
17.Meta-analysis on SCL-90 factors of needy university students贫困大学生SCL-90测验结果的元分析
18.Large numbers exist in perpetual poverty.大量的人长期生活在贫困之中。

the monitoring of poverty贫困监测
3)poverty measurement贫困测算
4)Aggregate Poverty总量贫困
5)poverty measure贫困度量
1.He strongly refutes FAD viewpoint by analysising the causes of famine; his right method is a innovation which is used to analysis poverty mechanism; his poverty measure of axiomism discloses a new field, which makes poverty measure fine and modern.他对于饥荒成因的分析有力地驳斥了FAD观点;权利方法是他在分析贫困机理时的一大创新;他对贫困度量的公理化为贫困度量开辟了新天地,使度量日益精细化和现代化。
2.On the other hand, the poverty measurement is a basic issue in poverty research, for any errors in poverty measurement may lead us to go far away from the right direction to solve the poverty problem.但目前国内对于贫困问题的理论探讨和分析不尽如人意,特别是贫困度量问题的研究还只是刚刚起步。
6)pro-poor measurement亲贫困测度

测量与测量结果测量与测量结果  测量与测量结果测量是以确定某个量的值为目的的一整套运作。例如,用米尺量布以确定布的长度为多少米,用体温汁量体温以确定体温为多少摄氏度等。测量的根本意义在于,可以将不能直接计数的量,如物体的长度、体积(容量)、质量(重量)等,通过测量确定其为多少米、多少升、多少千克等,从而变得可以汁数。依测量对象的性质和预定测量要求的不同,测量可能是简单的,也可能是复杂的。简单的量布和复杂的珠穆朗玛峰海拔高度的测量,都是对长度这个量的测量。 测量结果指由测量所得到的被测之量的量值,而量值则由牧字乘以计量单位组成。不管测量进行得多么仔细,测量结果都只是被测之量的真实量值的一个近似值。因此,在完整表述测量结果时,应包括给出测量不确定度。此外,必要时还要给出一些附加说明,如是单次测量所得还是多次测量所得,系统误差是否已作修正,以及测量时影响量的取值范围等