是非标志,Mark of yes or no
1)Mark of yes or no是非标志
2)Interrelated mark of yes or no是非标志相关
3)Sample estimate about mark of yes or no是非标志抽样估计
4)standards of right and wrong是非标准

1.behaving according to standards of what is right or just.按照是非标准行事的。
2.concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles.与是非标准有关的,或遵从建立在此基础上的评判标准的行为或人品。
3.What, if any, are the company specific methods that this company uses that are not standard.如果有的话,我们公司内使用的哪些特殊方法是非标准的?
4.The sun is a very normal example of the type DG-2 star.太阳是非常标准的DG-2类星。
5.Three Representatives"is the Criterion of Our Work;“三个代表”是检验我们一切工作是非得失的标准
6.Unless Fang were a perfect fool he would never let such a wonderful opportunity as this slip by, he reasoned.这样好机会要错过,除非这人是个标准傻瓜。
7.Standards are very important to industry for a variety of reasons.因种种理由标准化对产业界而言是非常重要的。
8.wrong clearance不标准间隙; 未达标准规定的间隙; 非标准间隙
9.It also will points out that the beneficence, non-profile and "Pareto Optimum" are the department standards of the lottery industry.公益性、非盈利性和帕累托改进准则是进入彩票市场的部门标准。
10.nonstandard windows; envelopes of nonstandard sizes; nonstandard lengths of board.窗户的非标准长度;信封的非标准尺寸;木板的非标准长度。
11.This national standard is not equivalent to IEC(ISO) ××××本国家标准非等效采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:
12.The Standardized and Non-standardized Constructs of Contemporary Dwelling Houses;乡镇民居营造中的标准化与非标准化
13.Numerical Analysis of PSTM Imaging by Standard/nonstandard FDTD Methods;PSTM成像的标准/非标准FDTD数值分析
14.The Productivity Standard-not the Realistic Application of Practical Standard;生产力标准并非实践标准的具体运用
15.non-standard refuse collection point非标准型垃圾收集站
16.African Regional Organization for Standardizatio非洲区域标准化组织
17.d nonstandard items特殊的与非标准的项目
18.extraneous duties allowance (non-standard)额外职务津贴(非标准)

Interrelated mark of yes or no是非标志相关
3)Sample estimate about mark of yes or no是非标志抽样估计
4)standards of right and wrong是非标准
5)non-hydrocarbon biomarker非烃生物标志化合物
6)"Seeking Truth" magazine《求是》杂志
1.This paper analyze the "Red Flag" and "Seeking Truth" magazines in different periods of agriculture-related publicity .本文研究分析《红旗》暨《求是》杂志在中央一号文件背景下的涉农宣传,采用内容分析法,数据处理使用excel表。
