统计咨询,statistic consultation
1)statistic consultation统计咨询
2)statistical information consultation统计信息咨询
1.Statistical information analysis is a key link of statistical information consultation.统计信息分析是统计信息咨询的一个主要环节 ,分析指导工作质量直接影响到统计信息咨询水平的高低。

1.Theoretical Thinking on Quickening the Development of the Inquiry Service of Statistical Information of China;加快发展我国统计信息咨询服务的理论思考
2.Design and Development of Consultation Information System for Dilapidated Granite;崩岗侵蚀咨询信息系统的设计与开发
3.Designing and Planning a Dynamic and Unified Multitrade Information Advisory System;动态联盟信息咨询系统的设计与规划
4.Information Systems Advisory Committee信息系统咨询委员会
5.Management Advisory Group for Information Systems信息系统管理咨询小组
6.Design and Development of Consultation Information System for Tourism Based on COM Technology;基于COM技术的旅游咨询信息系统设计与实现
7.Development of Career Management Information System;生涯教育与咨询管理信息系统的设计研究
8.Reflection on Bintuan Statistics Playing an Important Role in Information Consultation;对兵团统计发挥信息咨询职能的几点思考
9.Advisory Committee for Coordination of Information Systems信息系统协调咨询委员会(信息协调会)
10.Information Transfer of Management Consulting Firm s Websites and Design of Computer Aided Analysis System Based on Information Asymmetry;信息不对称与管理咨询公司网站信息传递度辅助分析系统设计
11.Advisory Committee for the Coordination of Information Systems信息系统协调咨询委员会
12.Study of Information System in Virtual Consulting Organization Based on Agent;基于Agent的虚拟咨询组织信息系统研究
13.Information Classification and Coding Standards Advisory Service System浅谈信息分类编码标准咨询服务系统
14.Thus statistics can really bring into play the function of information advisory, service and supervision.只有这样,才能真正发挥统计的信息咨询、服务、监督作用。
15.Investment Advisory, economic information consultation and act as purchasing agency tickets, tickets.投资咨询、济信息咨询,代购车票、票。
16.Information Infrastructure Advisory Committee信息基建咨询委员会
17.Management Information Advisory Committee管理信息咨询委员会
18.The Development and Application of Best Route Component--Take the Consultation Information System for Tourism of Beijing as Example;最佳路径查询组件的设计实现及其应用研究——以北京旅游咨询信息系统为例

statistical information consultation统计信息咨询
1.Statistical information analysis is a key link of statistical information consultation.统计信息分析是统计信息咨询的一个主要环节 ,分析指导工作质量直接影响到统计信息咨询水平的高低。
3)computer-based consulting system计算机咨询系统
4)design and consulting设计咨询
1.As foreign design and consulting companies swarm into our territory after china s entry into WTO, the challenges and pressure on domestic design and consulting companies will gradually appear, and consequently will affect survival and devel opment of domestic engineering design and consulting companies.本文比较了国内外勘察设计咨询业存在的差异 ,阐述了我国加入WTO后勘察设计咨询业将受到的影响 ,在此基础上探讨了我国土建类专业人才培养面临的挑战及教育模式的应对措
5)consulting and design咨询设计
1.The key of achieving the worthiness of the modern consulting and design firms is the integrated engineering information actualized high quality, efficiently and economically.实现工程咨询设计企业价值的关键是实现工程信息集成的"好、快、省"。
6)design consultation设计咨询
1.Industrial Design as a new-developed vocation has made a showy display of its abilities in China,and almost all kinds of design organizations could provide design consultation services.设计作为一个新兴行业在中国大地上日益显现锋芒,设计咨询活动在各种类型的设计机构中广泛存在,但是, 设计咨询在中国的发展并不充分,尚处于有行无业的阶段。
2.Through design consultation,the problems between the medium-small enterprise .设计咨询从中小企业的全局利益出发,协助企业制定产品开发设计计划,并对设计公司加以指导和监督,解决了企业与设计公司之间出现的接口问题。

分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)分布和特征量统计(见统计分析)  fenbu he tezhengliang tongjj分布和特征量统计见统计分析。