政府统计体制,Governmental Statistical System
1)Governmental Statistical System政府统计体制

1.Reflections on our Government Statistical Reform;对我国政府统计体制改革问题的思考
2.On Technical QC System for Official Statistic Data;浅论政府统计数据质量控制技术体系
3.Political System,Historical Traditions and the Choice of Government Audit System in China;政治制度、历史传统与中国政府审计体制选择
4.Scientific Development and Reform of Statistical System;科学发展观与深化政府综合统计体制改革
5.A Study of the General Framework of Sampling Survey Institution of China s Government Statistics;中国政府统计抽样调查制度的总体框架研究
6.Studies on the Designing Methods of Participation Systems of Decision Making in the Government Administration;政府管理系统决策参与体制设计方法研究
7.The administrative structure with regard to statistical organs of local people's governments at and above the county level and statisticians of townships and towns shall be specifically prescribed by the State Council.县级以上地方各级人民政府统计机构和乡、镇统计员的管理体制由国务院具体规定。
8.China s Government Procurement Management System Optimal Design;我国政府采购管理体制优化设计研究
9.3.This thesis also analyzes the development trend of the government audit system of our country from the performance audit of the English government .3.从英国政府绩效审计发展分析我国政府审计体制发展的趋势。
10.The Design and Implementation of E-government Network Security Architecture;政府电子政务网络系统安全体系的设计与实现
11.Research on the Harmonization of Government Accounting and Public Finance;政府会计改革与公共财政体制的协调问题研究
12.The Government Performance Auditing in the Existing Audit System in China;我国现有审计体制下的政府绩效审计探析
13.The Second Level Statistical System is the Target Model of Reforming Governmental Statistical System of China;二级统计体系应是我国政府统计体系改革的目标模式 authoritarian regime; autocratic government; despotic rulers; a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war; a tyrannical government.独裁政体;独裁政府;专制统治者;持续了整个战争时期的独裁统治;专制政府。
15.Conference of Governmental Statisticians of the Americans美洲政府统计员会议
16.Central Register of Establishments [CRE] [Census and Statistics Department]机构记录库〔政府统计处〕
17.Intergovernmental Working Group on Migration Statistics移民统计政府间工作组
18.Depending Government Audit Supervision,Improving Government Governance;深化政府审计监督 完善政府治理机制

government auditing system政府审计体制
1.Based on the discussion of the model of government auditing,the relationship between central and local offices,and the financial and employment polices,this paper analyzes the government auditing system in China and then puts forward to some suggestions.政府审计体制必须与其所处的政治经济环境相适应,我国现有的政府审计体制曾经发挥了巨大的作用,但随着我国经济、政治体制改革的深入,其不足也逐渐凸现出来。
3)official statistics政府统计
1.Official statistics is one of the most important and basic information resources.政府统计数据是国家最重要、最基本的信息资源之一。
4)the system of government finance statistics政府财政统计核算体系
5)government system政府体制
1.The traditional administration theory tells us that the construction of degree stability in government system is that of the triangle, while in fact, the construction of degree stability is not academic, but is different with the changing circumstance of history-society-culture; the construction of degree stability also is not inflexible, but is changed by the changing circumstance.事实上,政府体制的能级稳态结构不是教条式的,它因历史—社会—文化条件的不同而不同;政府体制的能级稳态结构不是僵化、一成不变的,它随历史—社会—文化条件的发展而发展。
2.It has changed the administrative environment of our country greatly, and then has put forward a new request to Chinese government system from four aspects (right and obligation system, operation system, administrative legislation and enforcement, organizational structure) .它极大地改变了我国的行政环境,进而从四个方面(权责体系、运行机制、行政立法和执法、组织结构)对我国政府体制提出了新的要求。
6)governmental system政府体制
1.In the process of perfecting socialist market economic system, what governmental system reform should be demanded The writer concludes: the government should mainly do its function of public sevice; The role as an ec."十一五"规划强调"着力推进行政管理体制改革",在完善社会主义市场经济体制过程中,到底要求政府体制改革什么呢?作者认为:应将经济实体的身份与职能从政府身上剥离出去,政府主要履行公共服务职能,让政府退出经营性、竞争性行业与领域,并在政府之外另行设置一个经济实体的国家载体,由它来统辖全部经营性、竞争性国企体系,与由政府所统辖的非经营性(公益性和福利性)国企体系并列运行,二者各行其事,各司其职。
