筹资规模,fund raising scale
1)fund raising scale筹资规模

1.Application of Accounting Statement in Determiningthe Scale of Fund Raising会计报表在测定企业筹资规模中的运用
2.Thinking from Early-Warning Indexes of Financial Affairs Failure to Establishment of Early-Warning Index Systems of International Fund-raising Scale;从财务失败预警指标到建立国际筹资规模预警指标体系的思考
3.Self-finance the development programme/为发展规划自筹资金
4.Programme Planning, Finance and Evaluation Division方案规划、筹资和评价司
5.Active fundraising is the important link that enterprise moverment scope and the degree of production-management development.积极的筹措资金,是企业运动规模和生产经营发展程度的重要环节。
6.Issues of Investment,Financing and Venture Norms in High-tech Enterprises;高新技术企业的投资、筹资和风险规避
7.Huge foreign sell orders-the biggest since the world stockmarket crash of October 1987-sent Japan's blue-chip shares skidding.巨量的外资抛单——1987年世界股市崩溃以来的最大规模——使得日本的蓝筹股跳水。
8.Study on the optimal Model for Fund Raising by Combining Loans and Bonds贷款、债券组合筹资优化模型研究
9.Task Force on Financing Modalities for Operational Activities业务活动筹资模式工作队
10.Research on the Fund-raising Model of Chinese Rural Social Pension System;我国农村社会养老保险筹资模式研究
11.Research on the Mode of Raising Capital of Pension System during the Period of "Demographic Dividend";“人口红利”期养老保险筹资模式研究
12.A Study on the Financing Mode of the Reconstruction of "Villagesin-City";关于城中村改造资金筹措模式的探讨
13.The International Comparative Study of Financing Pattern of Endowment Insurance;养老保险筹资模式的国际比较与借鉴
14.Discussion on endowment insurance fund-raising type in "Population Dividen" era;“人口红利”期养老保险筹资模式探讨
15.A Model of Enterprise Finance Decision under Principal-agent Relation;委托-代理关系下的企业筹资决策模型
16.Tax collecting ststem:thinking of social insurance's financing mode实行缴税制:社会保险筹资模式的思考
17.Choice of Enterprise's Optimizing Taxpaying Planning Scale--Research Based on Effective Taxpaying Planning Theory企业最优税收筹划规模的选择——基于有效税收筹划理论的研究
18.Overall planning & combinational optimization to enhance resources construction of open distance education;统筹规划 优化组合 加强远程开放教育资源建设

determining of fund raising scale筹资规模测定
3)financing pattern筹资模式
1.In order to investigate the impact of different financing pattern of old age insurance on savings,we use an overlapping generations model with two-period lives and find out that pay-as-you-go system diminishes savings,meanwhile,funded scheme increases savings.为探讨不同的养老保险筹资模式对储蓄的影响,通过一个两期的世代交叠模型分析,显示现收现付制养老保险减少了储蓄,而基金制养老保险对储蓄则没有影响。
2.Based on the balance of income and expenditure and benefit level,this paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the various financing pattern of social security for land-expropriated peasants.从基金收支平衡能力来看,个人账户和社会统筹通道结合型政府承担的责任最小,收支平衡能力很强;而社会统筹型收支平衡受工资增长率和利率影响很大,在目前经济形势下,将会面临巨大的资金缺口;完全个人账户型收支平衡能力很强,政府财政投入适当,保障水平较高,是被征地农民社会保障最佳筹资模式。
4)financing model筹资模式
1.Therefore,to study the financing model of the port construction in our country has the great realistic meaning to promote the development of the port in our country.研究我国港口设施筹资模式对促进我国港口的发展有着重大的现实意义。
2.China also confronts the serious payment crisis day by day, which is caused mainly by the following reasons: First, financing model in China changes from traditional pay-as-you-go system to fully funded system, during the course of which nearly 2 000 billion yuan of transfer cost is produced.我国养老金也面临着日益严重的支付危机,主要出于以下原因:一是我国养老基金筹资模式由传统的现收现付式向部分积累式转变过程中产生了大约2万亿元的“转制成本”,需要筹集大量的资金来消化;二是我国养老基金投资受到严格限制,主要投资于银行存款和国债,养老基金没有增值能力;三是我国养老基金的发放标准和目标替代率设计不合理,提前退休现象严重,从而增加了养老金支出规模;四是我国养老基金管理体系不完善,基金被贪污、侵占和挪用的现象严重。
5)financing mode筹资模式
1.With the development of the industrialization of universities and the market economy,it is essential to optimize the market financing mode of universities for the construction of stadium and fields.随着高校产业化和市场经济的深入发展,高校建立健全市场化的筹资模式,是高校体育场地建设可持续发展的关键。
2.After a systemic study of the general modes, the financing modes, the payment modes and other relevant issues of social endowment insurance home and abroad, the paper proposes a program on China’s endowment reforms and reconstruction from the perspective of public finance.本文系统研究了国内外社会养老保险制度的总体模式、筹资模式、支付模式及其相关问题,并基于公共财政的视角,提出了我国社会养老保险制度改革和重构方案。
6)fund-raising mode筹资模式
1.Although in recent years, the new rural cooperative medical care develops quickly, it also faces many problems in the fund-raising mode that can not a.筹资模式作为新型农村合作医疗制度的核心内容,备受瞩目,成为新型农村合作医疗研究中的一项重要课题。
