混丝加香工艺,Stem Mixed with Perfume Technology
1)Stem Mixed with Perfume Technology混丝加香工艺
2)Processing Technology Study of Chinese Toon香椿加工工艺研究
3)improving aroma增香工艺
4)combination process of reversed osmosis and mixed bed反渗透加混床工艺
1.Two kinds of preparation process of pure water,that is the combination process of reversed osmosis and mixed bed and the ion exchange process,are compared as well as their investment of equipments.比较了2种纯水制备工艺(反渗透加混床工艺及离子交换工艺)及设备投资,建议企业根据各自实际情况选择工艺。
5)spinning process纺丝工艺
1.Improvement of spinning process for improving quality of fibril;改进纺丝工艺 提高碳原丝质量
2.Discussion of spinning process of superfine islands-in-sea bicomponent fiber海岛复合超细纤维的纺丝工艺探讨
3.The style and characteristics of equipments in the production of PET microfiber and the corresponding spinning process requirements were introduced in detail.详细介绍生产涤纶微细旦丝装置中各设备型式、特点及相应的纺丝工艺要求,为获得稳态的纺丝过程,针对涤纶微细旦丝的特点,阐述了设备的适用性。

1.A Discussion on the Spinning of Lyocell FiberLyocell纤维纺丝工艺的探讨
2.Performance Research on Process Parameters and Electrical Properties of Electrospun Polyaniline;聚苯胺静电纺丝工艺及其电性能研究
3.Research on the Process of PA6/PET Blend SpinningPA6/PET切片熔融共混纺丝工艺介绍
4.Study on Spinning Process of 7.7 dtex Polyphenylene Sulfide Staple Fiber7.7dtex聚苯硫醚短纤维纺丝工艺的研究
5.Study on spinning technics of cellulose carbamate fibers纤维素氨基甲酸酯纤维纺丝工艺探讨
6.Study on the Relationship between Spinning Process and Performance of Pan Precursor Fibers;聚丙烯腈原丝纺丝工艺与性能相关性研究
7.Study on Spinning Technology of Fabricating Polymer Segmented Cladding Fiber by Bicomponent Spinning复合纺丝法制备聚合物瓣状光纤的纺丝工艺研究
8.The Effects of New-style Spinneret on Spinning Process and Properties of PAN-based Carbon Fiber Precusor新型喷丝头对PAN基碳纤维用原丝纺丝工艺及纤维性能影响的研究
9.Study on the chip and high-speed spinningfor superfine polypropylene fibers超细丙纶专用切片和高速纺丝工艺研究
10.Study on Spinning Process of Dacron Staple Fibers through Large Capacity Center Ring Blowing Quench涤纶短纤维大容量中心环吹风纺丝工艺探讨
11.Dissolution and Spinning Process of Cellulose-Phosphoric Acid/Poly Phosphoric Acid纤维素在磷酸/多聚磷酸中的溶解及纺丝工艺
12.Solution spinning process for highly porous,nanostructured cellulose fibers高度多孔纳米结构纤维素纤维的溶液纺丝工艺
13.Influence of Electrospinning Parameters on the Morphology Structure of PMMA/fullerene Fiber静电纺丝工艺参数对PMMA/富勒烯纤维形貌的影响
14.Development trend of spinning process and equipment for large-capacity polyester staple fiber production大容量涤纶短纤维纺丝工艺和设备的发展趋势
15.Study on NaSCN Wet Spinning and Forming Process for PAN;聚丙烯腈NaSCN湿法纺丝成形工艺研究
16.Effects of spinning conditions on porosity in PAN precursor纺丝成形工艺和条件对PAN原丝中孔隙的影响
17.Study on the Spin Technique and Following Process of 30 Thousand Ton Domestic Melt-spinning Staple Fiber;国产3万吨大容量直纺短纤纺丝及后加工工艺研究
18.The High Speed Spinning Hollow Fiber Technological Design and the Structure Performance Studies;高速纺中空长丝的工艺设计和结构性能研究

Processing Technology Study of Chinese Toon香椿加工工艺研究
3)improving aroma增香工艺
4)combination process of reversed osmosis and mixed bed反渗透加混床工艺
1.Two kinds of preparation process of pure water,that is the combination process of reversed osmosis and mixed bed and the ion exchange process,are compared as well as their investment of equipments.比较了2种纯水制备工艺(反渗透加混床工艺及离子交换工艺)及设备投资,建议企业根据各自实际情况选择工艺。
5)spinning process纺丝工艺
1.Improvement of spinning process for improving quality of fibril;改进纺丝工艺 提高碳原丝质量
2.Discussion of spinning process of superfine islands-in-sea bicomponent fiber海岛复合超细纤维的纺丝工艺探讨
3.The style and characteristics of equipments in the production of PET microfiber and the corresponding spinning process requirements were introduced in detail.详细介绍生产涤纶微细旦丝装置中各设备型式、特点及相应的纺丝工艺要求,为获得稳态的纺丝过程,针对涤纶微细旦丝的特点,阐述了设备的适用性。
6)spinning technology纺丝工艺
1.Discussion on higher shrinkage polyester staple spinning technology;中高收缩涤纶短纤维纺丝工艺探讨
2.Based on the spinneret holes,spinning liquid,spinning technology,it analyzed the influence of these factors to the fiber profiles,fiber performances and the use of profiled fiber.文章从喷丝孔形状、纺丝液性质、纺丝工艺条件等方面分析了这些影响因素对纤维截面、纤维性能及纤维用途的影响,并以几种典型异形纤维为例阐述了不同截面纤维的用途,指出异形纤维是具有广阔前景的一种差别化纤维。
3.The raw material selection, spinpack designing, bicomponet spinning technology and texturizing were discussed.就PTT、PET原料选择,纺丝组件设计,复合纺丝工艺及加弹工艺进行探讨。

牲畜的总增和纯增  一定时期内牲畜总头数和净头数的增加。    总增  一定时期内繁殖成活的仔畜数减去该时期内成畜和幼畜死亡数后的余额。决定总增大小的因素是繁殖母畜的数量和繁殖能力。母畜的繁殖能力包括受其生理条件制约的分娩次数、产仔数,以及受一定经济、技术条件和管理水平制约的受配率、怀胎率、产仔率和成活率等。    纯增  一定时期内繁殖和购进的牲畜减去全部消耗(包括成幼畜死亡、屠宰和出售)以后的余额。决定纯增大小的主要因素是总增的大小和为社会(包括生产者自身)消费需要提供的牲畜数量的多少。恰当地确定纯增,正确地处理积累与消费的关系,对于畜牧业的发展(特别是在畜牧业不发达的条件下)有重要意义。纯增过低,畜牧业的扩大再生产能力受到压抑;纯增过高,又会因生产条件(如饲料、劳动力、饲养设施)不相适应达不到预期效果,同时还会减少向社会提供的畜产品量。    在传统农业中,增加牲畜头数是发展畜牧业的主要途径。在传统农业向现代化农业转化过程中,增加牲畜头数作为发展畜牧业主要途径的情况会发生变化,提高牲畜的生产性能(如产品率、产品质量、出栏率)将逐渐成为发展畜牧业的重要途径之一。在现代化农业中,提高牲畜生产性能将逐渐成为发展畜牧业的主要途径,增加牲畜头数将退居第二位。    总增率和纯增率  总增率是反映一定时期畜群规模扩大程度的指标,用于衡量大牲畜、绵羊和山羊头数的?龀に健R允涤械幕旌贤肥扑悖患浦怼⒓仪荨F浼扑愎轿?    采用这个指标考察不同地区、不同单位或不同年份的牲畜头数增长水平时,要在畜群结构基本相同的情况下才能对比。    纯增率是反映一定时期畜群积累状况的指标。一般按大牲畜、绵羊和山羊的混合头数计算,也可按大牲畜、绵羊、山羊分别计算。其计算公式为:    采用纯增率指标考察畜牧业积累的合理性时,需同考察生产条件状况和社会对畜产品需求状况结合起来。