统计法治,statistical rule by law
1)statistical rule by law统计法治
1.It attempts to clarify the relations of statistical data quality and national statistical safety,statistical natures and statistical rule by law,and to make suggestions on the possible ways of statistical rule by law.本文以《统计违法违纪行为处分规定》的施行为背景,以统计数据质量为切入点,讨论了统计法治问题。
2)law ruling of accounting会计法治
1.This paper expounds the relation and distinction between law ruling of accounting and legal system of accounting, centering on theoretical exploration into basic conditions, principles and methods of realistic law ruling of accounting, and proposes that accounting assessment should be transformed from " ruling by men " to " ruling by law " as soon as possible.阐述了会计法制与会计法治之间的联系与区别 ,重点探讨了现实会计法治的基本条件、原则和方法 ,倡导会计核算应尽快由“人治”向“法治”过渡。
3)auditing rules by law审计法治
1.In this paper,the content of audit culture,auditing rules by law and the relation between them are set forth,and the three cultural elements of auditing rules by law are discussed from the perspective of three levels of audit culture,such as material culture,system culture, conceptional culture.伴随着25年依法审计的步伐,我国一直致力于审计法治建设的推进,一系列法律规范业已制定。
4)traditional rule of law传统法治
1.The traditional rule of law provides far too limited scope for personal relief channel and it is also limited within the domestic perspective.全球化时代的到来给传统法律发展带来了新的契机,在全球化视角下,我们在注重法律趋同化、法律区域化和某些全球性法律的同时,更要注意到这种全新的视角可能提供的对传统法治精神进行反思的可能。

1.Reflections upon Traditional Theory of Rule by Law in China;中国传统法治思想反思——兼谈法治与人治、礼治、德治
2."Harmonious" and "Struggling":A Different Choice of Traditional Nomocracy Value Between China and the Western;“和”与“争”:中西传统法治价值选择之异
3.The Dialogue between Traditional Mediation and Modern Rule of Law;开新传统:传统调解与现代法治对话
4.On Explaining of Traditional Law and Contemporary Law;私法自治理念的传统法和现代法解读
5.The Modern Interpretation to the Tradition Rule of Virtue According to the Society of Rule by Law;法治社会下传统德治话语的现代解读
6.The Effects of Chinese Traditional Legal Cultures on the Modernization of Rule of Law;中国传统法文化对法治现代化的影响
7.Meaning of "Rule-by-Law" in Traditional Chinese Context;探寻中国法律传统语境下“法治”的意义
8.Discussions on Public Law and “Rule-of-Law" Tradition in Germany and Britain;论公法与德、英“法治国”思想传统
9.Traditional Chinese Legal Culture in the Course of Modern Rules of Law;现代法治进程中的中国传统法律文化
10.Stduty On Chinese Iaw Tradition Under Angle of View "Government by Law"“法治一元”视角下的中国法律传统
11.They also are taught traditional healing methods to treat common sicknesses.他们还学习治疗常见病的传统疗法。
12.Traditional Chinese physicians use numerous ways to treat illness.传统的中医使用多种方法治疗疾病。
13.The Political Comment on Protecting Privileges of Chinese Traditional Laws;中国传统法律之特权保护的政治批评
14.Confucianism and Absence of Law of China s Traditional Society;儒家思想与中国传统社会法治的缺失
15.The Analysis of Lacking the Thought of Rule by Law in Chinese Traditional Culture;中国传统文化对法治思想的缺失分析
16.The “Rule of Man” in Traditional Judicature --Perspective from the Poetic Dramas of Yuan Dynasty;传统司法中“人治”模式——从元杂剧中透视
17.Rationality and Admonition--The Thinking Source of the West Law Tradition;理性与训诫——西方法治传统的思想渊源
18.On Approachs of Study of Chinese Traditional Political Philosophy;从方法视角看中国传统政治哲学研究

law ruling of accounting会计法治
1.This paper expounds the relation and distinction between law ruling of accounting and legal system of accounting, centering on theoretical exploration into basic conditions, principles and methods of realistic law ruling of accounting, and proposes that accounting assessment should be transformed from " ruling by men " to " ruling by law " as soon as possible.阐述了会计法制与会计法治之间的联系与区别 ,重点探讨了现实会计法治的基本条件、原则和方法 ,倡导会计核算应尽快由“人治”向“法治”过渡。
3)auditing rules by law审计法治
1.In this paper,the content of audit culture,auditing rules by law and the relation between them are set forth,and the three cultural elements of auditing rules by law are discussed from the perspective of three levels of audit culture,such as material culture,system culture, conceptional culture.伴随着25年依法审计的步伐,我国一直致力于审计法治建设的推进,一系列法律规范业已制定。
4)traditional rule of law传统法治
1.The traditional rule of law provides far too limited scope for personal relief channel and it is also limited within the domestic perspective.全球化时代的到来给传统法律发展带来了新的契机,在全球化视角下,我们在注重法律趋同化、法律区域化和某些全球性法律的同时,更要注意到这种全新的视角可能提供的对传统法治精神进行反思的可能。
5)tradition of the rule of law法治传统
1.In the culture of law and politics in Europe and the United States,the tradition of the rule of law has evolved for a very long time and continues developing currently.探讨欧美法治传统的变迁,对中国践行法治,发展社会主义政治文明无疑有着良好的借鉴意义。
6)patriarchal clan rule宗法统治
1.This paper puts forward that the form of the nomadic patriarchal clan rule, which the clan, the blood relationship, and the prime administration and the military control merge into one organtic whole closely, prosecutes to the end of the Yuch-chih s society.游牧民族氏族血缘组织与初期国家行政、军事组织“三位一体”紧密结合的宗法统治,贯穿于月氏族社会的始终。
2.This paper puts forward that the form of the nomadic patriarchal clan rule, which the clan, the blood relationship, and the prime administration and the military control merge into one organtic whole closely, prosecutes to the end of the Wusun s society.游牧民族氏族血缘组织与初期国家行政、军事组织"三位一体"紧密结合的宗法统治,贯穿于乌孙族社会的始终。

会计人员保持会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表和其他会计资料的职权会计人员保持会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表和其他会计资料的职权:会计人员保持会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表和其他会计资料必须符合国家统一的会计制度的规定,不得伪造、变造会计凭证、会计帐簿,报送虚假的会计报表。  用电子计算机进行会计核算的,对使用的软件及其生成的会计凭证、会计帐簿、会计报表和其他会计资料的要求,应当符合国务院财政部门的规定《会计法》 第10条