社会性格,social character
1)social character社会性格
1.The social character represents the stable mental characteristic trend as well as the way of behaviors,which are commonly stared by people in a certain social structure to adapt and promote the development of society.社会性格是指在一定社会结构中的大多数人为了适应社会条件的需要而共同具有的稳定的心理特征倾向及其行为习惯方式。
2.Fromm s theory of social character was based on an understanding of human & material-world relationship and human & human relationship.弗洛姆社会性格理论建立在人与物质世界的关系和人与人之间的关系双重基础之上。
3.David Riesman believed that social character was the lever of social change from the view of social psychology,and revealed the logic of the sprit of capitalism.韦伯从宗教社会学角度探讨了新教伦理与资本主义精神的亲和关系;理斯曼从社会心理角度探究了社会性格是社会变迁的杠杆,从社会性格的变化揭示了资本主义精神兴衰的逻辑。

1.Guide for the Social Character of College Students;叛逆与矫情──大学生社会性格的引导
2.Fromm s Social Character Theory and Its Enlightenment to Cultivation of Talents;弗洛姆社会性格理论及其对人才开发的启示
3.Subjective Personality & the Building of a Harmonious Socialist Society;主体性人格与构建社会主义和谐社会
4.socialization of personality人格社会化 人格社会化
5.a chinless wonder;(Brit infml)(esp young upper-class)person with a weak character(口)(尤指上层社会的青年)性格懦弱者.
6.A Study on Marx-Engels View of Derivative Social Development;马克思恩格斯派生性社会发展观研究
7.A Heterogeneous Society and Price Discrimination in a Duopoly;差异性社会和双头垄断中的价格歧视
8.The Personalities of the Nu Women in the Evolution of Social Culture;社会文化变迁中怒族女性的人格主体
9.Rethinking on the Thought of Inevitability of Socialism in Engels' Later Years恩格斯晚年社会主义必然性思想解读
10.A Study on the Influence of Adolescent Competitiveness on Social Adaptation青少年竞争性人格对社会适应的影响
11.Investigation on Social Support and Personality Characteristic of Patients with Clinically Chronic Pains临床慢性疼痛患者的社会支持及性格特征调查
12.Exploration and Analysis of the Liquid Modern Consumption Society--Reading Comments of Society Under Siege by Zygmunt Bauman;流动的现代性消费社会探析——读齐格蒙特·鲍曼《被围困的社会》
13.An Empirical Research on the Relationship of Proactive Personality, Organizational Socialization Tactics and Newcomer Proactive Behaviors主动性人格、组织社会化策略与新员工主动社会化行为关系研究
14.The Tragedy of Character in the Society Tragedy --On the Life Nature of Xiangzi in the Camel Xiangzi;社会悲剧中的性格悲剧——试论《骆驼祥子》中祥子性格的生命本质
15.The Tragedy of Character in Social Tragedies-On the Life Nature of Xiang Zi, Hero in the Novel " A Rickshaw Boy;社会悲剧中的性格悲剧──试论《骆驼祥子》中祥子性格的生命本质
16.The old-age right has several characteristics, such as its universality, qualification, foundation, sociality and comprehensiveness.养老权具有普遍性、资格性、基础性、社会性、综合性的特点。
17.The one who has a excessively remarkable character often finds that, it is difficult to shelter oneself in the society.过于卓越的性格往往难以容身于社会生活之中。
18.Gender Differences in Communicative Styles-from Social Cultural Perspective;从社会文化视角看交际风格上的性别差异

social physique anxiety社会性体格焦虑
1.Overview of the effects of athletic forms and scenes on social physique anxiety;运动形式和情境对社会性体格焦虑的影响(综述)
2.Summary on study of social physique anxiety;社会性体格焦虑研究综述
3.A Cross-Cultural Research on Goal Orientation in Sport, Body Esteem, Social Physique Anxiety, Subjective Well-being among Han and Uygur College and Middle School Students;维汉大、中学生体育目标定向、身体自尊、社会性体格焦虑、主观幸福感的跨文化研究
3)socially creative personality社会创造性人格
4)sane social character健康社会性格
5)sick social character病态社会性格
6)social development of personality人格社会性发展

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决