1.Extraction of collagen protein peptide form pigskin and its analyses of physical and chemical properties;猪皮胶原蛋白肽的提取及理化分析
2.Comparison of Different Thickness Activated Pigskin Graft in Deep Burn Wound;不同厚度新鲜猪皮片在深度烧伤创面应用比较
3.Extraction and characterization of collagen from pigskins;猪皮胶原蛋白的提取及其结构表征

1.Leather made from the skin of a pig.猪皮革用猪皮做的皮革
2.dyed vegetable tanned pig leather for lining染色植物鞣猪皮夹里革
3.and another is made of pigskin.另一件是猪皮制成的。
4.dyed pig leather for gloves and garment染色猪皮手套和服装革
5.dyed chrome tanned pig leather for garment染色铬鞣猪皮服装革
6.light yellow pig leather for working gloves淡黄猪皮劳动手套革
7.painted chrome tanned pig leather for lining涂色铬鞣猪皮衬里革
8.dyed vegetable tanned pig leather for suitcase染色植物鞣猪皮箱包革
9.dyed pig nappa leather for garment染色光面猪皮服装革
10.dyed pig split leather with vegetable tanned染色植物鞣猪皮二层革
11.dyed chrome semi-tanned pig split leather染色铬鞣猪皮二层革
12.One is make of pigskin, and the other make of cowhide.一件是猪皮的,另一件是牛皮的。
13.This pair of shoes is of cow leather/ pigskin/ sheepskin, very comfortable.这双鞋是牛皮/猪皮/羊皮的,穿起来很舒适。
14.Make sure you massage his cIoven hoof!希望你们多按摩按摩他的厚猪皮
15.leather from the skin of swine.由猪的皮制成的皮革。
16.chrome semi-tanned pig skin for working gloves铬鞣半硝猪工作手套皮
17." Fresh and frozen pork, halves, skinless"GB/T9959.2-1988无皮鲜、冻片猪肉
18." Fresh and frozen pork, halves"GB/T9959.1-1988带皮鲜、冻片猪肉

pig skin猪皮
1.The raw material of this experiment is pig skin,which is treated by alkalization.本实验以猪皮为原料 ,采用碱法对猪皮进行处理 ,同时实验确定了最佳的腌制方法、添加剂配比关系和蒸煮方法。
2.In this paper,a new technology for extraction of collagen from pig skin was studied.对以新鲜猪皮为原料 ,采用氯化钠 /三羟甲基氨基甲烷 -盐酸缓冲液 (pH =7。
3.In this paper, the present status of leather-making with pig skin were disscussed and its causes of formation are analysed.本文讨论了猪皮制革的现状,分析其成因,在此基础上阐明了猪皮制革必须适应市场经济的观点,并提出了猪皮制革走出低谷的若干具体对策。
3)Pork skin猪皮
1.Effect of several acid solutions in the extracting of pork skin collagen;酸溶液对猪皮中胶原蛋白溶出率的影响
2.Effects of technology conditions on texture properties and microstructure of pork skin extracts;工艺条件对猪皮提取物质构和微观结构影响的初步研究
4)The skin of a pig.猪皮猪的毛皮
5)flaying machine猪皮剥皮机
6)pigskin collagen猪皮胶原
1.The relationships between technique conditions and molecular weight and its distribution of pigskin collagen were investigated.采用SDS-PAGE方法,对不同工艺条件下醋酸提取的猪皮胶原蛋白进行分离分析,找出了酸法提取猪皮胶原的工艺条件与水解产物的分子质量及其分布之间的关系。
