1.Research on extraction of SOD and alliinase from garlic by ammonium sulfate salting-out;硫酸铵盐析法分步分离大蒜SOD和蒜氨酸酶的研究
2.Separation and purification of Alliinase from onions;洋葱中蒜氨酸酶的分离纯化
3.The effect of different drying methods on alliinase activity of garlic;不同干燥方法对大蒜的蒜氨酸酶活力的影响

1.Relationship between γ-Glutamyl Transpeptidase, Alliinase and Garlic Greening;γ-谷氨酰转肽酶、蒜氨酸酶与大蒜绿变的关系
2.Research on Alliinase Immobilization and Its Properties蒜氨酸酶的固定化及其酶学性质研究
3.Purification and Properties of Alliinase from Fresh Garlic;新疆鲜蒜中蒜氨酸酶的分离纯化及性质
4.Purification of Alliinase and the Determination of Medium-Size Examination蒜氨酸酶的分离纯化与中试生产检测
5.Studies on the Separation, Purification and Properties of Alliinase;蒜氨酸酶的分离纯化及其酶学性质研究
6.Purification of Alliinase by One-step Affinity Chromatography and its Enzymological Characteristics一步亲和纯化蒜氨酸酶及其酶学性质研究
7.The Immunomodulation of Alliin or Alliinase or Alliin+ Alliinase from Garlic in the Immunosuppressed Mice;蒜氨酸,蒜酶及蒜氨酸+蒜酶对环磷酰胺处理小鼠免疫功能的影响
8.Quantitative Analysis Method of Garlic, Alliin and Alliinase and Quality Standard of Alliin Research;鲜蒜、蒜氨酸、蒜酶定量分析方法与蒜氨酸质量标准研究
9.Enzymatic Properties and Kinetic Charactristics of Homogeneous Alliinase from Garlic大蒜蒜酶/蒜氨酸催化动力学及临床应用研究
10.Study of Preparation, Identify and Pharmacokinetics for Alliin and Alliinase;蒜氨酸与蒜酶的制备、鉴定及药物动力学研究
11.The Immunomodulation of Alliin+Alliinase from Garlic in Immunosuppressive Mice蒜氨酸+蒜酶共同作用对环磷酰胺处理小鼠免疫功能的调节作用
12.The Studies on the Extraction and Separation of Alliin and Polysaccharides in Garlic;蒜氨酸和大蒜多糖提取分离实验研究
13.Determining of Alliin and Allicin in Garlic With HPLCHPLC法测定大蒜中蒜氨酸和大蒜素的含量
14.Optimize the Technology of Alliin Recrystallisation and the Preparation of Allicin蒜氨酸重结晶工艺的优化及大蒜辣素的制备
15.Quantitative determination of alliin and its homologues in garlic by non-derivatization HPLCHPLC非衍生化同时测定大蒜中蒜氨酸及其同系物
16.Determination of the content of alliin in Allium Sativum Linn by High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis(HPCE)高效毛细管电泳法测定大蒜中蒜氨酸含量
17.Determination of Alliin in Garlic Using Precolumn Derivatization with AQC Followed by Reversed-phase High-performance Liquid ChromatographyAQC柱前衍生化RP-HPLC法测定大蒜中蒜氨酸含量
18.Determination of Alliin Content in Garlic by RT-HPLC with DNFBDNFB柱前衍生RP-HPLC法测定大蒜中蒜氨酸含量

mixture of pre-allicin and allicinase蒜氨酸蒜酶混合物
3)the protective solution of alliinase蒜氨酸酶保护液
1.Based on the techniques of modern biochemistry, the protective solution of alliinase was prepared.本文以大蒜为主要研究对象,利用现代生化技术,配制蒜氨酸酶保护液,通过单因素实验和正交实验相结合的方法,优化大蒜粉制备工艺,最大化保留大蒜粉中硫代亚磺酸酯的含量。
1.Determination of alliin in garlic by HPLC/DAD;液相色谱-二极管阵列检测器测定大蒜中的蒜氨酸
2.Selection of optimum extraction technology of alliin from garlic;优化鲜蒜中蒜氨酸提取工艺
3.Determination of alliin in garlic by HPLC-MS;液相色谱-质谱联用测定大蒜中的蒜氨酸
5)garlic amino acid大蒜氨酸
1.The garlic allicin exists in the form of garlic amino acid, which is stable and has no stink in the garlic.大蒜中的大蒜素是以稳定、无臭的大蒜氨酸形式存在,当大蒜受到冲击(切片或捣碎)时大蒜氨酸在活化蒜酶的作用下转化成大蒜素的,具有强烈的刺激性臭味。
2.The main effective component in garlic is garlicin with strong pungent odor, but the garlicin in fresh garlic exists in stable and non-odor garlic amino acid.当大蒜受到冲击 (切片或捣碎 ) ,大蒜中的蒜酶接触空气后活化 ,催化大蒜氨酸转化成大蒜素产生臭味。

小天蒜【通用名称】小天蒜【其他名称】小天蒜 (《云南经济植物》) 【异名】小棕包、披麻草、细毒蒜(《红河中草药》)。 【来源】为百合科植物小藜芦的根。 【植物形态】小藜芦 多年生草本。茎极短,外包多层褐色叶鞘。宿根多数,黄白色,肉质。叶基生,线形,长60~80厘米,宽1~1.5厘米。花黄绿色,圆锥花序顶生,长约1米,花序轴被疏柔毛,苞片小。蒴果长圆状卵形.顶端平截,3果爿,长约2厘米。种子长圆形,具膜翅。花期夏季。 生山坡草地。分布云南、贵州等地。 【采集】秋、冬采挖,洗净,晒干或鲜用。 【性味】苦麻,寒,有大毒。 【功用主治】消肿止痛,活血止血,催吐。治跌打损伤,风湿疼痛,骨折,截瘫,癫痫,外伤出血。 【用法与用量】内服:研末,用酒或开水送,每次1.5~2厘,日服2~3次。外用:鲜根捣敷或研末敷。 【宜忌】孕妇及体虚者忌用。