1.Advances in Microinsemination with Spermatid;精子细胞显微受精技术的研究进展
2.Isolation and Identification of Spermatids in Semen of Male Infertile Patients;不育病人精液中精子细胞的分离与鉴定
3.Isolation and Identification of Spermatids from Mouse Testis;小鼠睾丸精子细胞的分离与鉴定

1.Genetic markers showed the presence of partly-developed sperm cells called spermatagonial stem cells, which are an early phase of the male germ cell development.遗传标记显示存在部分分化的精子细胞即精原细胞,男性生殖细胞发育的早期阶段。
2.Sperm (spermatozoon:)Male reproductive cell.精子:雄性生殖细胞。
3.Somatic cell- cell of the body other than egg or sperm.体细胞-涉及生殖系(细胞或精子)任何器官的细胞。
4.SSCs of Newly-born Mice Inducing Differentiating Sperm-like Cells新生小鼠精原干细胞诱导分化精子样细胞
5.Relationship of seminal leucocyte,human sperm DNA integrity and sperm parameters精液白细胞与精子DNA完整性、精子参数的关系
6.A cell from which gametes develop by meiotic division, especially a spermatocyte or an oocyte.配子母细胞,配子细胞配偶子通过配子减数分裂而发展的细胞,尢指精母细胞或卵母细胞
7.Conclusion: Leukocyte concentration of Semen could affect sperm motion parameters.结论:精液白细胞可影响精子运动参数。
8.Study on Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) in Bovine;牛卵母细胞胞浆内单精子注射的研究
9.Study on Culture of Chicken Spermatogonial Stem Cells and Effection of Different Cytokines on Them;鸡精原干细胞体外培养及不同细胞因子的影响
10.Detection the level of seminal cytokine's IL-2,IL-8,TNF-α and nitric oxide in patients with interleukin azoospermia and its clinical significance白细胞精子症患者精浆细胞因子及一氧化氮的检测与临床意义
11.Sperm are intended to fertilize the female sex cell, or egg.精子是要令到雌性生殖细胞(者说是卵子)被受精。
12."At puberty, immature cells (spermatogonia) Begin a maturation process (spermatogenesis)."青春期时,未成熟的细胞(精原细胞)开始其成熟过程(精子发生)。
13.These cells eventually form spermatozoa.这些细胞最后都变成了精子。
14.ICSI is routine today.现在细胞质内精子注射已很普遍。
15.Study on the Promoter of RSSG8 Gene in Rice(Oryza Sative L.);水稻(Oryza sativa L)精细胞RSSG8基因启动子研究
16.Objective: To study the relationship of leukocyte concentration in semen and sperm motion parameters.目的:探讨精液白细胞与精子运动参数关系。
17.Detection of spermatogenic cells and etiological analysis in 70 patients with azoospermia;70例无精子症生精细胞检出与病因分析
18.Analysis of correlation between leukocyte concentrations and major parameter of semen.精液白细胞浓度与精子主要参数的相关性分析

1.The morphology of the spermatocyte and spermatoblast in the spermary of the catfish ( Leiocassis longirostris) and the changes in the structure of their nucleus, mitochondiumand Golgi body were examined with a transmission electron microscope.用透射电镜观察了长吻精母细胞和精子细胞的形态以及细胞核、线粒体和高尔基体等的结构变化规律。
3)sperm cell精细胞;精子细胞
4)Spermatogenous cell精子干细胞
5)Sperm nuclei精子细胞核

精子细胞精子细胞  生理名。系接近成熟的一种精细胞 ,即精子前身。大都靠近管腔,胞体小,仅9μm,呈圆形。胞核小,着色较深,胞浆少, 有许多线粒体和明显的高尔基体及中心体。有时在核旁的高尔基体区内可见PAS阳性反应小 颗粒——顶体粒。其不再进行分裂,而经一系列复杂的形态变化,成为高度分化的精子 。