1.Effects of black mud on content of collagen of skin and growth of hair in mice;黑泥对小鼠皮肤胶原蛋白和毛发生长的影响
2.Effect of latanoprost on the growth of scalp hair follicle and hair;拉坦前列素对人头皮毛囊毛发生长的影响
3.Correlation of light rare earth elements in rats hair,blood and organs;大鼠全血、毛发与其组织脏器中轻稀土元素含量相关性研究

1.The penicillate hairs of this caterpillar are venomous.这只毛毛虫那毛茸茸的毛发是有毒的。
2.Any disease of or affecting the hair.毛发毛发的疾病或影响毛发的疾病
3.To remove hair from(the body).脱毛从(身体)移走毛发
4.a bunch of hair or feathers or growing grass.一簇毛发、羽毛或草丛。
5.able to remove hair or render hairless.能够去除毛发导致无毛。
6.Having the form of a hair.毛样的,长毛状的有毛发的形状的
7.a mat of weeds, hair, threads一团杂草、 毛发、 线.
8.loss of hair (especially on the head) or wool or feathers; in humans it can result from heredity or hormonal imbalance or certain diseases or drugs and treatments (chemotherapy for cancer).(头上的)毛发脱落。
9.having or covered with hair.有毛发或者为毛发所覆盖。
10.make(one's hair,a cat's fur,etc)sleek使(毛发、猫的毛等)光滑而发亮.
11.A hair or hairlike structure, especially on the surface of a cell or microorganism.纤毛,菌毛毛发毛发状结构,尤指在细胞或微生物表面
12.hair bleached by the sun由于日晒而发白的毛发.
13.(of hair) auburn hair.(指毛发)“赤褐色的头发”。
14.The flabby Mao Qiu in wool bursa gradually to on extend, fall off till hair.毛囊中松弛的毛球逐渐向上伸,直到毛发脱落。
15.The coat of a mammal, consisting of hair, fur, wool, or other soft covering, as distinct from bare skin.生皮,毛皮,毛由毛发、毛皮、绒毛或其他软的覆盖物组成的区别于裸露皮肤的哺乳动物的皮毛
16.burn off the tips or ends of(hair,feathers,etc)烧掉(毛发、羽毛等)的梢或根.
17.A tuft, as of fiber or hair.毛束,棉束如纤维或毛发等的一束
18.Keratoprotein constitutes hair, nail, feather, silk and cobweb.角质蛋白构成毛发、甲、毛、丝及蛛网。

1.Determination of Ion Concentration in Viscus and Fur of Lagurus lagurus;草原兔尾鼠主要脏器及毛发中无机元素测定分析
2.This paper presents a method for representing realistic short fur in real-time.提出一种采用非均匀纹理层来实时绘制真实感短毛的方法,通过混合绘制多层次半透明纹理层来表示物体表面的毛发效果,根据视点位置以及物体表面各部位毛发形态的不同,自适应地采用不同的层数来表示物体各部位的毛发
3.By introducing mass-spring into shell-based fur rending method and presenting a method for computing the displacement of shell layers, the method has simulated the dynamical fur and the natural bending of the fur.把质点-弹簧系统应用到基于shell层的短毛绘制方法中,提出了一种新的计算shell层偏移量的方法,以实现毛发动画并真实地模拟了毛发的自然弯曲效果。
3)hair follicle (hair)毛囊(毛发)
4)terminal hair (hair)终毛(毛发)
5)vellus hair (hair)柔毛(毛发)
6)lanugo (hair)胎毛(毛发)

毛发    毛发    是皮肤的附属器官。在人体表面,除手掌,足底等处外,均有毛发分部。毛发由角质细胞构成,分为毛干和毛根两部分。露出皮肤之外的部分为毛干,埋在皮肤内部的部分为毛根。毛根外里毛囊,毛囊底部的上皮细胞不断增生,并向上移动,逐渐角化,形成毛发的角质细胞,每日约生长0.35mm。如果毛囊的毛乳头损坏,毛发即脱落不能再生,必须由新毛母基细胞增殖,才能长出新毛。皮质腺开口于毛囊,皮脂腺阻塞易形成皮脂囊肿,发生在面部形成皮肤痤疮,单个毛囊化脓性感染称为"疖",多发生在颈、面部。多个毛囊化脓性感染称为"痈"。毛发的多少、分布与颜色可随年龄发生变化。一般中年以后毛(尤其头发)逐渐减少或色素脱失,毛发干燥,形成秃顶或白发。某些疾病也可引起毛发脱落,如脂溢性皮炎引起的脱发,营养不良引起的斑秃,席汉综合征引起全身毛发脱落,此外使用抗癌药物,长期接触放射线也可引起毛发脱落;而某些情况可引起毛发的增多,如长期使用肾上腺皮质激素或在肾上腺皮质功能亢进症,除毛发过多外,女性病人也可生长胡须。