1.The affection of urbanization to the happening of flood of Tangshan;城市化对唐山洪涝灾害发生的影响
2.Effects of urbanization on supply and demand of regional ecological footprint;城市化对区域生态足迹供需的影响
3.Analysis of Environmental Pollution Factors and Countermeasures in the Urbanization Progress of Xi'an City;西安市城市化进程中的环境污染因素分析及对策

1.The Research on City、Urbanization and How to accelerate the urbanization course in China;城市、城市化与中国城市化进程的研究
2.The Trend of Under-urbanization, Over-urbanization and Counter-urbanization in the Process of Urbanization in China;中国城市化进程中的滞后城市化、超前城市化与城市中空化趋势
3.Expound the Fact from the General Process of the Urbanization That the City of Qingdao Develops;从城市化一般进程论青岛市城市发展
4.To make urban in nature or character.使城市化在性质和特性上使城市化
5.Urban modernization is the high stage of the urbanization.城市现代化是城市化发展的高级阶段。
6.to push on industrialization and urbanization.大力推进城市工业化和城市化进程。
7.Agriculture and Urbanization: A Study on Urbanization under a New Perspective;农业与城市化:新视角下的城市化研究
8.Urban Culture Spatial Differentiation Setting on Fast Urbanization;快速城市化下城市文化空间分异研究
9.Urbanization Process Analysis and Reflective Exploration of Urbanization Strategy in China;城市化进程与中国城市化战略的反思
10.Urbanization in Korea and its Enlightenment to Yanbian;韩国城市化及其对延边城市化的启示
11.A New Way of Our Country s Urbanization--Natural Urbanization;我国城市化的新路径——自然城市化
12.Suburbanization of cities:a new tendeney of city development in US;美国城市化发展的新趋势:城市郊区化
13.Urbanization:Process and Quality;加速城市化进程 提高城市化质量
14.Healthful Urbanization,Humanism City and the Transition of Urban Planning;健康城市化、和谐城市与城市规划的转型
15.Evaluation on Urbanization Integrated Level of Center Cities in Shandong Peninsula City Group;山东半岛城市群中心城市城市化水平综合评价
16.Towns Urbanization: the Urbanization s Way on the Construction of the Socialism New Countryside;社会主义新农村建设的城市化路径——城镇城市化
17.City Urbanization: the Inevitable Choice for Jiangsu s Cities to Participate in the Competition of Worldwide City System;“城市城市化”:江苏城市参与世界城市体系竞争的必然选择
18.(7) Urban Forestation and Landscape Improvement(七)城市绿化美化

1.On The Role of Urbanism in Roman Empire;论罗马帝国城市化的历史作用
2.Reflection on the principle of urbanism strategy in our country;对我国城市化战略原则的反思
1.The study on the society variance in Suburbs in the processof citilization, example as Lanzhou;城市化过程中城市郊区的社会变迁调查——以兰州市为例
2.Speed up the citilization progress of Zhejiang Province,Promote the modernization of agriculture & countryside;加快我省城市化进程 促进农业和农村现代化
3.The Third Industry:Shanghai Suburb s Way Selection for Citilization;第三产业:上海郊区城市化的路径选择
1.The discussion of vitality which in complex s urbanize public space;建筑综合体中城市化公共空间活力的探讨
2.Research on Relations between Urbanize Level and Employment Rate Based on the City of Chengdu;成都市城市化水平与就业率关系的实证研究
3.Fir stly the target of training and education should be divided into two levels acco rding to the need of peasant in urbanized.“三农”问题是当前我国社会和经济发展中的热点问题,城市化发展过程中的“三农”依然是农村社会和经济发展的制约因素之一。
1.The Actions of Children Library When Facing the Construction of Citification;少儿图书馆面对城市化建设的作为
2.On relationship between citification and the income problems of Chinese peasants;论城市化与中国农民收入问题的相互关系——兼论农村剩余劳动力的转移
3.Investigations and ehoughts about the process of the citification of Huai an city;“三淮一体”与淮安城市化进程
