1.Logging recognition method on sedimentary microfacies of delta system and its application;三角洲体系沉积微相的测井识别方法与应用
2.Three delta deposition systems and reservoir property correlation in Subei Basin;苏北盆地3种退积型三角洲沉积体系及砂体储集性能对比
3.Analysis of influencing factors on formation of remaining oil in delta sandstone reservoir of the second district in Shengtuo Oilfield;胜坨油田二区三角洲砂岩油藏剩余油形成的影响因素分析

1.undersea delta潜三角洲, 水下三角洲
2.Many deltas are triangular in shape.很多三角洲是三角形的。
3.There are three deltaic types developed in lacustrine strata, i. e., normal, braid and fan deltas, which consist of delta plain, delta front and front delta.在湖泊中存在三种三角洲类型,即正常三角洲,辫状三角洲和扇三角洲
4.contemporaneous delta-submarine fan couples同期三角洲-海底扇对
5.Yangtze River delta长二捆LM-2E长江三角洲
6.braided-fan-delta deposit网状冲积扇三角洲沉积
7.Agricultural Economy of the Yangtse Delta长江三角洲农村经济
8.The Comparison between Changjiang Delta and Pearl River Delta are Aeconomics Competition;长江三角洲与珠江三角洲经济竞争力的比较
9.An Economic Comparison between Changjiang Delta and Zhujiang Delta;长江三角洲和珠江三角洲经济比较研究
10.Comparative Research on the Development of C&E Industry between Zhujiang Delta and Changjiang Delta;珠江三角洲和长江三角洲会展业发展比较研究
11.Cultural Choice of the FDI between the Pearl River Delta and the Changjiang Delta;珠江三角洲与长江三角洲FDI的文化选择
12.A comparative study on urban tourism between Changjiang Delta and Zhujiang Delta;长江三角洲与珠江三角洲城市旅游比较研究
14.Three Directions of Community Construction in the Cities and Towns of the Delta of Yangtze River;长江三角洲城镇社区建设的三大取向
15.A Comparative Study of the Development of Changjiang and Zhujiang Deltas and the Choice of Developmental Strategies for Changjiang Delta;长江三角洲、珠江三角洲发展对比研究与长江三角洲发展的策略选择
16.A usually triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river.三角洲河口常见的三角形沉淀淤积地带
17.A similar deposit at the mouth of a tidal inlet, caused by tidal currents.三角洲海湾入口处三角形沉淀区域,由潮汐形成
18.Fan deltas distributed in gently slopes and braided river deltas develop alternately in all stages.在整个湖泊阶段,缓坡的扇三角洲和辫状河三角洲砂体交替出现。

fan delta扇三角洲
1.Sedimentary characteristics of transgressive fan delta of Shahejie Formation of Eogene in Luojia area;罗家地区古近系沙河街组水进型扇三角洲沉积特征
2.High-resolution sequence stratigraphy of fan deltas and its relations to oil and gas accumulation: A case study of the T76 block on the falling wall of the Shengbei fault in the Dongying depression,Shandong;扇三角洲高精度层序地层及其与油气聚集关系——以东营凹陷胜北断层下降盘坨76块为例
3.Depositional feature of the fan delta of Trias Upper kelamayi formation in the District No.7 of baizhong,Junggar basin;准噶尔盆地百重7井区三叠系克上组扇三角洲沉积特征
3)Delta Facies三角洲相
1.Grain size characteristics of delta facies of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation in Dongfenggang Oilfield东风港油田沙四段三角洲相沉积的粒度特征
2.The early to middle Jurassic coal-bearing deposition is mainly consisted of fluvial or lakeshore,estuarine delta facies,lacustrine facies and slough facies.蔚县煤田早中侏罗世含煤沉积,主要由河流或湖滨河口三角洲相、湖泊相、泥沼相组成。
3.A framework of 2D high resolution geologic correlation is built for the 2nd member of Hetaoyuan Fm of delta facies and the characteristics of combination and plane distrib.并在此基础上在核二段三角洲相地层建立了二维高分辨率地层对比格架,分析了不同的沉积时期各沉积微相的组合特征和平面分布特征。
1.Controls of the fan-delta sedimentary microfacies on the diageneses in the south of western Liaohe Depression,Bohai Bay Basin;扇三角洲体系沉积微相对成岩的控制作用——以辽河坳陷西部凹陷南段扇三角洲沉积体系为例
2.Control of the structure of the Paleogene Dongying Formation upon fan-delta deposition in the Nanpu Depression,Jidong oilfield;冀东南堡凹陷古近系东营组构造对扇三角洲的控制作用
3.The subsequence division method by frequency spectrum in fan-delta sedimentary system-taking Block Tuo76 area in Shengtuo Oilfield as an example;扇三角洲沉积体系准层序频谱划分方法探讨——以胜坨油田坨76块为例
1.The modern Yellow River delta consists of several subdeltas.现代黄河三角洲由几个亚三角洲组成。
6)lacustrine delta湖三角洲
