1.Study on immersion area of the Liaofang hydranlic engineering project;廖坊水利枢纽工程浸没范围研究
2.Xixiayuan reservoir,a plain reservoir, will bring some immersion to the areas of the lower reaches of the dam, the dam with or without antiseepage measures will create different effects on immersion of lower reaches of the river.西霞院水库作为平原型水库 ,水库蓄水后会造成坝下游部分地段浸没 ,并且大坝有无防渗措施对下游的浸没影响很大 。

1.To drench thoroughly or cover with or as if with a liquid.浸没彻底浸湿或用或类似用液体盖没
2.The rain permeated the ground swiftly.雨水很快浸没了地面。
3.a partially submerged log or trunk.部分浸没的木头或树干.
4.kill by submerging in water.被浸没水中以至于死亡。
5.immersion line(of liquid-in-glass thermometer)(玻璃温度计的)浸没线
6.germanium-immersed thermistor detector锗浸没热敏电阻探测器
7.die-casting machine with submerged gooseneck浸没式鹅颈管压铸机
8.The waters increased and the mountains were covered to a depth of fifteen cubits.水一直涨到浸没高山十五腕尺之深。
9.The immersion for reservoirs is a geological problem of reservoir environment.水库浸没是一个水库环境地质问题。
10.fully-flooded high temperature jet-dyeing machine全浸没式高温喷射染色机
11.a line marking the level reached by a body of water.一条标记被水浸没深度的线。
12.immersed type thermistor infrared detector浸没型热敏电阻红外探测器
13.single drum dryer with dip-feed浸没布料式单滚筒干燥器
14.submerged tube forced circulation evaporator浸没管式强制循环蒸发器
15.double drum dryer with dip-feed浸没加料式双滚筒干燥器
16.immersion rod method棒浸没法(测试助剂润湿性方法)
17.Research on Immersion System Environment Control and Surface Disposal;浸没系统环境控制和表面处理的研究
18.Submerged Combustion Method Application to Small GAS Fired-Boiler;浸没燃烧法在小型燃气锅炉上的应用

1.The second variation formula of vertical energy functional for a submersion between Riemannian manifolds is calculated with a simple and direct manner.对于黎曼流形的浸没建立了垂直能量泛函的二阶变分公式,研究强垂直调和映射的稳定性。
1.As the water level in the reservoir of Chaozhou water supply project is generally higher than ground surfaces on both banks when the reservoir is filled up,the city and the farmland along the riversides may be immersed in groundwater.潮州供水枢纽工程库水位普遍高于两岸,水库蓄水后,可能对两岸城区、农田造成浸没影响。
1.The important technical problem of submergence evaluation for the right bank of down stream of the subsidiary dam in Nierji irrigation works was solved.在三维渗流电网络计算的基础上,进一步进行了粘土层内含水带的埋深计算,并重新选定毛管水上升高度值和浸没临界深度。
2.Aiming at the irresolvable limitation of the infiltration recharge and evaporation from the upper boundaries of the submergence prediction, this paper has established a mathematical model for transient flow based on groundwater simulation software Visual Modflow, which takes account the conditions of recharge and evaporation for the analysis of effect of submergence on the nearby farmland.针对浸没预测忽略上边界入渗补给和蒸发等问题的缺陷,利用VisualModflow地下水模拟软件,建立了非稳定流数学模型,设定合理的边界条件,重点探讨了入渗系数和蒸发系数的确定方法和步骤。
6)submerged leaching浸没浸出

浸没浸没submersion 浸没【,】加祀‘佣;e西Mepe一,二] 从川维流形M到。维流形N(n蕊m)中的一个映射/:M一N,在该映射下,对任何点p6M,可能诱导出M上点p附近的一个局部坐标x,,…,丸:和N上点./(川附近的局部坐标y,,…,夕。,使得厂依照这些坐标用 (二.,二,义,。),(.‘.,…,义。)局部地表示.如果M和N其有分片线性、分片解析或(C人阶)分片可微流形的结构和局部坐标可选取分片线性、分片解析或(C,阶,l蕊k)分片可微,则浸没称为分片线性的(p肥~一linear)、分片解析的(p~一a耐卿)或(Cl阶)分片可微的(p毗~-dil企rentiable),对于带边流形(在拓扑的问题中,当趋于边界时,给映射的性质强加一个额外的条件是可取的,见【l」)和无穷维的情形(见【2]),浸没也可定义.浸没的概念在非正式的意义下是浸入(i~-sion)(也见流形的浸入(~rsion of a manifokl))概念的一个对偶,且它们的理论是类似的.【补注】当M是一个开流形时,浸没是通过切丛的诱导映射TM一TN而被分类的.见【AI].