1.Study on Models of Mobile Media Advertising within Fragmentation Environment;“碎片化”背景下的手机媒体广告运作模式探究
2.As one of the characteristics of media transformation in China,fragmentation reflects the process of social transitions China is undergoing.本文区分了关于女性新闻的不同定义,从不同角度对《中国妇女报》的报道进行内容分析,发现当下中国女性新闻呈现出一种碎片化的再现方式,本文进而总结了“碎片化”一词所包括的6个方面的特征。
3.The main characteristic of the unique narrative is fragmentation that presents the movie in three ways,i.这种独特的叙事主要呈现为碎片化的特征,即从组合段叙事、非情节叙事、开放式结局三个方面对影片进行阐释,并展示导演和观众间的一种智力博弈。

1.The Diversification,Fragmentation and Ordering of Modern International Law;现代国际法的多样化、碎片化与有序化
2.Origin and Hazard of the Fragmented Social Security System in China中国社会保险“碎片化制度”危害与“碎片化冲动”探源
3.Fragmentation: the Keyword of Marketing Changes in 21st Century;碎片化:21世纪营销变化的关键词
4.International division of Labor,"Marginalization" and "Fragmentation" of Africa's Economy国际分工与非洲经济的“边缘化”、“碎片化
5.From Fragmentation to Integration: Responsive Governance of the People s Livelihood Practice;从碎片化到一体化:回应性治理的民生实践
6.The New Change and Development Tendency of Consumer Behavior Due to Fragmentation;碎片化背景下消费行为的新变化与发展趋势
7.Study on Models of Mobile Media Advertising within Fragmentation Environment;“碎片化”背景下的手机媒体广告运作模式探究
8.Meta-fiction "debris" Writing: Subversion of the Integrity of Traditional Narrative Patterns;元小说“碎片化”写作:颠覆传统叙述的整体性
9.The Atomization of the Grand Narrative in Postcolonial Metafiction;后殖民超小说中宏大叙事的碎片化(英文)
10.The fragmentation of health insurance system for migrant workers and its solution农民工医疗保险制度碎片化困境及其破解
11.Chips of stone, broken tiles, pebbles and fragments of porcelain could make mosaics inexhaustible in pattern and color.石头片,碎瓦,鹅卵石,碎瓷片都可以使图案形式上色彩上千变万化。
12.The old manuscripts had been disintegrated into a pile of fragments and dust.陈旧的手稿已风化成一堆碎片和纸屑。
13.A lot of scrap metal can be melted down and used again.大量金属碎片可以熔化进行再利用。
14.Optimization Experiment of Structure Parameters of Rototilling and Stubble Breaking Universal Blade旋耕-碎茬通用刀片结构参数优化试验
15.blade, for choppers and grinders切碎机和粉碎机刀片
16.(cause sth to)break into splinters(使某物)裂成碎片
17.The bowl fell and fragmented into bits.碗掉下,摔成碎片。
18.Physically, the rocks break down into smaller and smaller pieces.物理变化方面,岩石被分解成越来越小的碎片。

1.From Fragmentation to Organization ——Strategic Idea of the New Rural Construction of China;由“碎片化”走向“组织化”——中国新农村建设的战略构想
2.Following are the characters of space narrative:First,there is a fragmentary and uncertain scene.具体特征有以下几方面:“碎片化”叙事;迷宫世界和狂欢化;语言与结构上的并置。
3.The aesthetic ch aracteristics of allegory is fragment, relic and melancholy,which can also be en found in Benjamin s literary criticism and cultural practice.“寓言”作为 2 0世纪初期的文化符号 ,在本雅明的思想中占有重要的地位 ;碎片化 ,废墟和忧郁则构成了本雅明寓言美学的主要特征。
3)Fragmentation energies碎片化能
4)Cultural fragments文化碎片
6)Fragmentation channels and energies碎片化通道和碎片化能

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理