存储局域网,storage area network
1)storage area network存储局域网
1.To solve the secure problems of mobile agents in the wireless channels of storage area networks,this paper illustrates a secure migration solution that combines PKI mechanism,life cycle management,time stamp mechanism,code obfuscation and function hiding,etc.针对移动代理在无线信道的存储局域网中面临的安全威胁,提出一个基于PKI公钥管理机制、生命周期管理与时间戳机制以及代码混淆与功能隐藏机制相结合的安全迁移方案,并分析了其安全性能。
2.So to set up SAN(Storage Area Network)will be the development direction of Data-storage system for college library.目前电子期刊、电子图书等电子信息资源在高校图书馆已经得到了广泛的应用 ,随着电子信息资源容量的急剧增长 ,作为电子信息资源载体的数据存储系统也需要不断的进行扩容 ,在这种情况下 ,SAN (StorageAreaNetwork ,存储局域网 )将成为高校图书馆数据存储系统发展的趋势。
3.This paper introduces the structure and character of storage area network(SAN),in addition,some key technologies are discussed.介绍了存储局域网结构和特点 ,探讨了存储局域网在基础地理信息系统中的应用。

1.With the development of networked storage, SAN and NAS Convergence is a trend.随着网络存储技术的发展,存储局域网和附网存储的融合是大势所趋。
2.Talking about the Application of the Storage Area Network Technology in the Digital Library浅谈存储局域网技术在数字图书馆中的应用
3.In addition to reliability and performance, SANs promise easier and less costly network administration.存储局域网除了允诺高可靠性和高性能外,还允诺网络管理较容易、较便宜。
4.A Storage Area Network (1)存储区域网(SAN)(1)
5.storage area network存储区域网,[港]储存区域网络
6.Turtle: A Lan-Based Distributed Storage System;Turtle:一种基于局域网络的分布式存储系统
7.NAS and SAN;网络附属存储NAS与存储区域网络SAN
8.NAS devices provide alternative storage for authorized clients on a LAN.NAS设备为局域网上的授权客户机提供了替代存储。
9.Studies on Storage Virtualization Technologies for Heterogeneous Storage Area Networks;异构存储区域网络中存储虚拟化技术研究
10.Application of Storage Area Network(SAN) on Business Operation Support System存储区域网络在电信数据存储中的应用
11.Research of SAN Manager System--Design and Implement of Backup System Based on SAN;存储区域网管理系统的研究——利用存储区域网实现增强的备份系统
12.Large corporations are beginning to use SANs -- storage area networks -- to connect large disk storage arrays to the clustered servers on the local network.大公司已开始采用SAN,将大型的磁盘存储阵列连到局域网上的群集服务器。
14.Storage Area Network Becomes a Hot Technology存储区域网成为热门技术
15.Now get ready for SANs.现在准备了解存储区域网(SAN)。
16.Research on Global Persistent Object Storage System based on Peer-to-Peer Network;基于对等网的广域对象存储系统研究
17.The Research and Implementation of Storage Area Network Management System;存储区域网络管理系统的研究与实现
18.Ameliorate Strategy on ISCSI-based Storage Area Network;基于ISCSI协议的存储区域网的改进策略

1.After analyzing the demand of storage/ backup system in fundamental geographic information database system and characteristics and component of storage system, this paper applies SAN to the fundamental geographic information database system, then introduces the application situation of SAN in Shaanxi provincial fundamental geographic information database system.分析了基础地理信息数据库建设中对存储备份系统的需求和当前存储系统的组成及特点 ,提出了存储局域网在基础地理信息数据库系统建设中的应用方案 ,并介绍了其在陕西省基础地理信息数据库系统建设中的实现情
2.With the development of networked storage,SAN and NAS Convergence is a trend.随着网络存储技术的发展,存储局域网和附网存储的融合是大势所趋。
3.Based on the default of traditional storage model, this paper discusses the storage area network and dwells on two switch architectures in SAN based on FC: wormhole switch and virtual cut-through switch.对传统的依赖于服务器的存储方式进行了讨论,分析了其缺陷,在此基础上论述了存储局域网技术, 并详细讨论了在采用光纤通道的存储局域网中主要使用的两种交换结构:虫洞交换和虚拟通路交换。
3)storage local network存储局域网
1.The Network Attached Storage and Storage Local Network Technology;附网存储与存储局域网技术
4)SAN(storage area storage)局域存储网
1.Clustered Multimedia Server Based on SAN;基于存储局域网络的集群多媒体服务器
6)Storage Area Network (SAN)储存局域网络

随机存取存储器(见半导体存储器)随机存取存储器(见半导体存储器)random access memory,RAM s日1}}Cunq日Ct旧choql随机存取存储器random aeeess memoryRAM)见半导体存储器。