蓄滞洪区,detention basin
1)detention basin蓄滞洪区
1.A scenario-based framework for detention basin development;情景基础的蓄滞洪区发展研究
2.The Impact of Detention Basin Operation to Region Social-Economic Development;蓄滞洪区运用对当地社会经济发展影响分析
3.A method of assessing flood hazards in detention basin was formulated,based on BP neural networks.洪灾风险评价属于多准则、多层次的模糊综合评价问题,在深入分析洪灾风险成因的基础上,以致灾因子、孕灾环境、承灾体属性为准则层,构建了蓄滞洪区洪灾风险评价指标体系,制定了洪灾风险等级和评价标准。

1.Method of Flood Risk Estimation and Its Application in Flood Detention Basin;蓄滞洪区洪灾风险评估方法及其应用
2.Study on Water Storage of Storing-and-Detention Areas in North Tianjin for Flood-Water Resources Utilization;天津市北系河网洪水资源化蓄滞洪区蓄水研究
3.The Storage and Detention Flood Area is Assumed Flood Protection Assignment and the Scale is Fuzzy Decision-Maked and Optimal Selection;蓄滞洪区承担防洪任务及规模模糊优选
4.Research and Application of Flood Loss Estimation in Flood Detention Area;蓄滞洪区洪灾损失评估方法的研究及应用
5.Analysis on Establishing Flood Insurance System at Pangtoupao Flood Storage Area;胖头泡蓄滞洪区建立洪水保险制度探析
6.Article 29 A flood control area means an area where floodwater is likely to inundate, which is classified as a flooded area, a flood storage and detention area or a flood control protected area.第二十九条 防洪区是指洪水泛滥可能淹及的地区,分为洪泛区、蓄滞洪区和防洪保护区。
7.Regions and units directly benefiting from flood storage and detention areas should bear obligations of compensation and aid to flood storage and detent ion areas as required by the state.因蓄滞洪区而直接受益的地区和单位,应当对蓄滞洪区承担国家规定的补偿、救助义务。
8.Article 34 Flood control work should focus on large and medium--sized cities, trunk lines of major railways and highways as well as large--sized key enterprises and their safety be guaranteed.在蓄滞洪区内建造房屋应当采用平顶式结构。
9.Intelligent decision on optimization of storage-detention flood area alternatives in Songhua River basin松花江流域蓄滞洪区方案优选智能决策研究
10.The Impact of Detention Basin Operation to Region Social-Economic Development;蓄滞洪区运用对当地社会经济发展影响分析
11.The Research of Fast Assessment and Compensation in Exertion Loss of Store Floodwater Area;蓄滞洪区运用损失快速评估与补偿研究
12.Application analytic hierarchy process method to decide the operation sequence for the flood detention zones;层次分析法在确定蓄滞洪区启用次序中的应用
13.Research on the Construction and Management of Flood Storage Areas in Dongting Lake洞庭湖蓄滞洪区建设管理问题与对策研究
14.Study on the Multi-object and Scenario Analysis Model for the Integrative Utilization of Flood Detention Basin蓄滞洪区综合利用多目标情景分析模型研究
15.People's governments at all levels should lend support to flood storage and detention areas and provide compensations and aids according to the state provisions after flood storing and detaining.各级人民政府应当对蓄滞洪区予以扶持; 蓄滞洪后,应当依照国家规定予以补偿或者救助。
16.A flood storage and detention area means a depression or a lake from outside embankments including flood--diversion mouths for temporarily storing floodwater蓄滞洪区是指包括分洪口在内的河堤背水面以外临时贮存洪水的低洼地区及湖泊等。
17.The first chapter: the basic situation of store floodwater area and historical research on compensation after disaster.第1章 蓄滞洪区的基本状况与灾后补偿的历史研究。
18.Pending the resolution of the water dispute, no party shall alter the existing water regime one-sidedly.第四十一条 在防洪河道和滞洪区、蓄洪区内,土地利用和各项建设必须符合防洪的要求。

flood detention basin蓄滞洪区
1.Consideration on establishment of land bank in flood detention basin;建立蓄滞洪区滩区土地银行的设想
2.A review of flood simulation in flood detention basin;蓄滞洪区洪水模拟研究综述
3.The present paper is aimed at studying the locating method of flood detention basin in Songhua River.松花江蓄滞洪区选址问题涉及诸多定性指标和定量指标 ,属于半结构决策问题。
3)flood retention areas蓄滞洪区
1.Discussions on fairly development of flood retention areas;蓄滞洪区公平发展问题探讨
2.Regulation and operation of flood retention areas in the Huai River Basin;淮河蓄滞洪区调度与运用初探
4)flood detention zone蓄滞洪区
1.Application analytic hierarchy process method to decide the operation sequence for the flood detention zones;层次分析法在确定蓄滞洪区启用次序中的应用
2.This method provides a theoretic basis for evaluating the operation sequence of flood detention zones.蓄滞洪区启用次序问题涉及很多定量指标与定性指标,属于半结构化问题。
5)detention area蓄滞洪区
1.Great efforts have been made on the construction of compensation institution for detention areas since 1980 s with the form of flood insurance and fund.目前我国的蓄滞洪区既是蓄滞洪水的场所,又是区内居民生存发展的家园。
2.In the past decades, sustainable development in detention areas has been ignored except some measures in safety constructions.以往,我国的蓄滞洪区注重防洪保安,忽视了蓄滞洪区内社会经济与生态环境的良性发展。
6)Honghu storage and detention zones洪湖蓄滞洪区

滞洪滞洪 【滞洪】减弱洪峰流量、减轻下游河床负担的措施。通常利用河道附近的湖泊、洼地或预先开辟的滞洪区短期阻滞洪水,或利用河流本身较宽的河床自然滞洪,待洪峰过后,再将滞洪区的积水放归本河下游。