厂顶过流,overflow of powerhouse roof
1)overflow of powerhouse roof厂顶过流
2)overflow on power station roof厂顶溢流
3)roof overflow powerhouse厂顶溢流式厂房
1.For a roof overflow powerhouse under construction in China,a dynamic finite element model of the powerhouse was established to study its vibration characteristics.本文以国内某厂顶溢流式厂房为研究对象,建立了动力分析有限元模型,结合厂房结构自振特性及可能的振源特性进行了共振校核。
4)zenith pass过顶
1.While adopting an elevation-over-azimuth architecture by an inter-satellite linkage antenna of a user satellite, a zenith pass prob- lem always occurs when the antenna is tracing the tracking and data relay satellite (TDRS).用户星星间链路天线采用方位-俯仰型支撑方式,它在跟踪中继卫星时存在过顶跟踪问题。

1.To flow or run over the top, brim, or banks.泛滥流过顶部,溢出边缘,漫过岸
2.The airplane zoomed over the top of the mountain.飞机陡直上升,越过山顶。
3.have a cloth in the wind帆篷因过于顶风而颤动
4.A plane fleeted over the top of the hill.一架飞机掠过山顶。
5.A plane flew overhead.一架飞机从头顶上飞过。
6.The rain had soaked through the roof.雨水已经透过了屋顶。
7.He wore an out of date hat.他戴了一顶过时的帽子。
8.a pitch thrown sidearm instead of overhead.没有高过头顶的侧投球。
9."and if the hair has gone from the front part of his head, so that he has no hair there, still he is clean."他顶前若掉了头发,他不过是顶门秃,还是洁净。
10.A closed path in a graph that does not pass through any vertex more than once and passes through at least three vertices.图中经过三个以上顶点且经过每个顶点仅一次的一条封闭路径。
11.I be wind when i get to the top of the hill我爬到山顶时喘不过气来了
12.jets screeching over the house-tops在房顶上呼啸而过的喷气式飞机
13.The low-flying plane seemed to skim the rooftops.低飞之飞机就好像从房顶掠过一样。
14.Have you ever stood on the peak of a mountain with cloud around you?你感受过站在云雾环绕的山顶上么?
15.We took cablecar to the top, but went down the mountain on foot!我们乘缆车上山顶,不过要徒步下山!
16."Only a thimble," said Alice sadly.“只有一个顶针了,”阿丽丝难过地说。
17.whacks'em over the head with her thimble --她不过是用顶针在头上敲敲罢了??
18.Rain has worked in through the roof.雨水透过房顶逐渐渗进屋子里.

overflow on power station roof厂顶溢流
3)roof overflow powerhouse厂顶溢流式厂房
1.For a roof overflow powerhouse under construction in China,a dynamic finite element model of the powerhouse was established to study its vibration characteristics.本文以国内某厂顶溢流式厂房为研究对象,建立了动力分析有限元模型,结合厂房结构自振特性及可能的振源特性进行了共振校核。
4)zenith pass过顶
1.While adopting an elevation-over-azimuth architecture by an inter-satellite linkage antenna of a user satellite, a zenith pass prob- lem always occurs when the antenna is tracing the tracking and data relay satellite (TDRS).用户星星间链路天线采用方位-俯仰型支撑方式,它在跟踪中继卫星时存在过顶跟踪问题。
5)top machinery building顶部厂房
1.Based on the purpose of suppressing the whipping effect of top machinery building of three gorges lift ship structure, roof MR intelligent isolation system is presented.为了抑制三峡大坝升船机顶部厂房的地震鞭梢效应 ,提出了用顶部厂房屋盖MR智能隔震层来减小升船机地震鞭梢效应的方法 。
6)vault of power house厂房顶拱

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