1.Adjustment based on ship casualty data during U.S. naval warfare in WW Ⅱ;基于美军二战海战减员数据的校正
2.Statistical model of operational casualty rate in mountain offensive operation;山地进攻战役减员的统计学模型
3.To explore statistical distribution of operational daily casualty rate,set up a model,and then provide a basis for further simulation study,empirical data have been obtained from one corps in Southwest boundary operations,the daily incidence of casualties has been computed.为研究战役卫生减员的统计分布,建立模型,提供计算机模拟研究的基础。

1.there's no shrinkage in mother-in-laws;丈母娘的队伍没有减员
2.Employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the stuff以产定人,减员增效
3.It is one thing to slim down an overstaffed activity, another to burn the loyalty of your employees.削减冗员是一码事,削减员工的忠诚是另一码事。
4.Coding for kind of increase or decrease number of workers in an organizationGB/T12405-1990单位增员减员种类代码
5.cut a payroll;cut a budget;cut the cooking time in half.削减员工数;削减预算;把做饭时间缩短一半
6.The company is hoping to avoid redundancy and reduce its staff by natural wastage .公司不希望裁减职工而希望通过正常的减员来减少其职工。
7.The company be hoping to avoid redundancy and reduce Its staff by natural wastage .公司不希望裁减职工而希望通过正常的减员来e减少其职工。
8.natural wastage( loss of employees because they retire or move to other jobs and not through redundancy)自然减员(因雇员退休或离职造成的,并非人为裁减).
9.Voluntary redundancies and natural wastage will cut staff numbers to the required level.自愿离职和自然减员将使员工数量减至所需的水平。
10.deduction for delayed recruitment (or turnover factor)(员额)延迟聘减数
11.They decided to keep down non-productive personnel他们决定缩减(裁减)非生产人员。
12.They retrenched by eliminating half the workers.他们把人员减半以减少支出。
13.Ad Hoc Committee on Waste Reductio减少废物专责委员会
14.The number of members has gone down.会员的人数减少了。
15.departmental cost reduction committee部门成本减省委员会
16.Reducing military personnel by compressing the scale of the armed forces.压缩规模,裁减军队员额。
17.The company decreased the number of workers.公司裁减了工作人员。
18.II. Military Personnel Reduced by One Million二、裁减军队员额一百万

Reduce the sick soldiers疾病减员
3)loss due to noneffective卫生减员
1.Application of neural network to forecasting the loss due to noneffective;神经网络模型在卫生减员预计方面的初步探讨
4)casualty forecasting减员预测
1.A quantitative indices system of social behavior factors in casualty forecasting;影响减员预测的社会行为因素量化指标
5)depletion of staff numbers减员增产
6)depletion-members segmentation减员分割

减员减员depletion of numbers  」IQnyuan减员(depletion of numbers)军队由于作战和其他原因所造成的人员损失。减员按其原因可分为战斗减员与非战斗减员。因战斗而造成的离队者,女「l伤员、阵亡、失踪与被俘者属于战斗减员;有的将作战行动中发生的冻伤伤员也列人此类。与战斗无直接关系的离队者,如病员、非战斗外伤与意外死亡者属于非战斗减员。两类减员之和称为总减员。其中因战伤、疾病和非战斗外伤造成的减员,均需卫勤机构救治,称为卫生减员。各类减员的构成及其相互关系是: 下阵l’,被俘、失踪者 厂战斗减员{总减员{一’力贝{卫生减员 匕{卜战斗减员「病员、非战斗夕卜伤者」 匕念外死亡者 苏联军队将阵亡、被俘、失踪和意外死亡者称为不可恢复减员,将伤员、病员和非战斗外伤者,称为可恢复减员。减员是削弱军队战斗力的重要因素。正确的作战指挥,熟练的军事技术,良好的卫生防病和防护措施,可减少减员的发生。及时合理地组织实施医疗后送,可以减少阵亡和伤病员死亡,使伤病员迅速治愈归队。分析减员的组成与发生规律,对于正确制定卫勤保障计划,总结卫勤保障经验,改进卫勤保障,具有重要作用。 (白敬先)